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Most intense moment of forever. (For me anyways)

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Just had one of the best moments of banditry,loot,trust, etc. (Been playing the game for about 2-3 weeks without a ton of action of player killing/loot)

First off, I had just died, spawned in Kamenka, made my way up through Balota airfield and headed to Cherno with an AKM, pistol, the usual stuff, looking for an Alice pack. Look in the supermarket with no luck then head to the church in case one spawned there. No luck. Due to some RL stuff, had to logout in the church. About an hour later, spawn in in a different server on the debug plains with no gear with every player in that server right under me, prone. So I quit that server tried a few others, and decided to just respawn and join a different server.

New server,fresh life. Spawned at Elektro so I did the usual route of Supermarket, Church unavaliable due to hackers litterally blowing it up and making it completely filled with rubble. So I head to the school. On the way there, there is a body on the corner of an intersection. Me, having nothing to lose, runs over and it turns out he has an AK-74 with 2 mag. (if only he had 3 mags!) So I run over to the school, its fairly cleaned out so I head out to the top story roof. The top story meaning the one reachable by stairs, not the top top roof thing by ladder. (If that makes sense..) Anyways, on the left side I see a person in the supermarket with a gun. Didn't know what gun so I lined him in my sights when another players comes into view in a Ghille Suit (haven't seen that in forever). I immediatley go prone and look at them via 3rd person. A little cheap I know, but whatever. The two guys exit the supermarket out of the front door, when a third! player follows them out. By now my heart rate is going up a little bit. I watch them sort of go back an forth between the pub right in the open. I go to the right end of the school top floor and then the two non-ghilled players come out of the pub. I decide its now or never.

I quickly pop up and start firing at the two un-ghilled players crossing the street. (Remember, there is a third GHILLED player in the pub doing something) Luckly and a bit unfortunatly I kill one, but he was also the least armed of them (Only a shotgun with 4 rounds as I learn later). The first player that I saw runs into the supermarket. So now 1 of them are dead, a heavily armed player in the pub, and a decently armed player in the supermarket. I go prone again, heart almost threatening to burst from my chest. The ghille guy runs to the supermarket and they patrol inside it looking for me, who they haven't spotted (obviously). I go down the ladder on the school's right side and from the wall look from third person at the supermarket where they are moving around. I detected a pretty easy pattern of the ghille guy which was going from the back to the front every 10 seconds. After a few minutes, I run across the street and go behind a fence look at the supermarket door, again, in third person.(Third person saved my life here) After a few seconds the ghille guy runs from the back of the market to the exact fence im at on the other side. We are 2ft away from each other essentially. I see him run by from an opening and crouch by a corner. Luckily, he passed me so I simply can run right behind him and light him up. He is dead. I do a mega-quick search of him and all I saw was an m14. (I really need that!) By now I have either 0-3 bullets in my AKM left although I didn't know it.

Last guy.

This was crazy intense. Im in the fence section looking in third person or whatever and am kinda looking behind me and all that. all of a sudden I look to my left through a little apartment opening and there he is. So I click a few times trying to shoot( I may have, not really sure) and realize im out of ammo. Terrified I simply run zig-zag TOWARDS him and take a right to the supermarket. Once in the supermarket I bandage myself up. Super quickly I run to my first kill in the middle of the street to pick up his Remington 870 with FOUR(4) slugs. So now its me against a guy with full health and plenty of ammo with a good gun and me with around 6000 and with a damn REMINGTON 870 with FOUR slugs. Due to the whiteness and weird graphical spaz's. I mistake simple things for a person and waste two precious shells on nothing. Looking for a pistol I run to the pub and look upstairs. Nothing. So I look out the windows for him when I hear Makarov shots from what I guessed what was the school building. Then I hear in Direct chat, something like 'alright you got me' then it says "Grant Died". So I now know there is a 4th unknown man in the school with a Makarov. I run over there with my damn Remington and he is inside on the third floor looking down the stairs. Luckily I was in third person so he shot at my vanishing body. I run outside and go up the ladder and he is at the end of the hallway on the third floor with a crossbow. I run to the side. He starts talking in direct chat. Really hard to tell what he is saying so i'm saying Friendly!(I planned to kill him if he turned his back,[yeah, I'm a douche. Whatever]) He doesn't fall for that and goes on the other side of the top floor. Now we are just leaning using E and Q looking at each other. After like 5 minutes of this I'm like, screw it, run over on the right side towards him. He must've heard me and pops out with that DAMN crossbow and shoots me. Luckily not in the leg. I run away like a pussy, go down the stairs and run to where I killed the Ghille Guy. Thats when I actually look at his loot. Coyote Backpack,NVGS(first pair!!!), Rangefinders, medicine, M9SD with plenty of mags(yay) and all that stuff. I'm really exicted now but being at a mere 1,4k health I know I need blood so I go to the supermarket(sadly). I go through the back and then bam. That damn mumblin ,crossbow shooting, makarov son of a bitch pops from the the doorway and shoots me with the Makarov.

Now the most dissapointing end ever. Now in my small defense before I put it, this is the best gear I have ever gotten. (Only been the NW Airfield like twice and died both times)

I Alt+f4'd :(

I regret this to the fullest extent. The guy that shot me deserved that loot and and I cheated him of it. I apologize my crossbow man.

Sorry for the crappy ending. And I probably died anyways seeing how he shot me a few times and I went unconscious.

I may be a douchebag,bandit,trickster, whatever, I do regret cheating the guy of his fabulous loot.

This is my story.

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So you shoot at people without even trying to see if they're friendly, and then you Alt f4'd to get out? You'e not a bandit, just a noob who is in the game for the gun fights and exploits glitches.

Edited by Tripp
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Shame on you for DCing mate, but everything up until that point was a pleasure to read. I'm sure if crossbow guy was here he would forgive your momentary weakness.

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Good story until the DC, Its the most annoying thing in the world when that happens. Theres never a valid reason to DC unless you're facing a hacker, in which case you probably wont have time to DC anyways. I'm glad most servers are blocking the ability to Alt-F4

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I was going to give you my beans. Then I read that you Alt+F4ed. Now I will take your beans.

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So you shoot at people without even trying to see if they're friendly, and then you Alt f4'd to get out? You'e not a bandit, just a noob who is in the game for the gun fights and exploits glitches.

First,it was a group of 3. How often are groups of people friendly? Exactly, almost never. Second, I never Alt+f4, I just did this time and obviously, as I posted, felt really bad about it. Third, none of things I did are "glitches" per sae. The server I played on allowed third-person. I would be stupid not to use it to my advantage.

DC'd and not even sorry for long post....

Why the fuck would I apologize if I was writing a story?

Edited by Smacked

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So you shoot at people without even trying to see if they're friendly,

You're on the BANDIT section, that's what this whole section is made for.

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This story was fun until the ending.

You are cancer.

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