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Maps are weird...

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So I got a map really for my first time. (I found one before, but died before I really got looking through it. And I see a blue dot that says "survivor", I can't tell if that blue dot is me, or if it is another player? I thought you couldn't see yourself on the map, but maybe you can? Some help would be appreciated.

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You can see yourself on the map and sometimes even others.

So it happend to me that a friend I was playing with was marked on my map as well.

I think it marks others as well for a short time when you see them or see them for some time.

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Can you post a screenshot of what it looks like? Other players can make map markers and change their colors, so that might be it.

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A bit unrealistic in that aspect, I'd much rather having to figue out my location, as with a real map. Only thing that should tell you your location is the gps.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 10:00 PM, Ratfever said:

A bit unrealistic in that aspect, I'd much rather having to figue out my location, as with a real map. Only thing that should tell you your location is the gps.

But I kinda think it has something to do with the difficulty of the server. So you can see yourself on recruit and regular servers, but not on veteran and expert ones. Not quite sure how the map works at this point.

Edited by Labargoth

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That blue dot is you. It is enabled on some servers i think - it depends on the difficulty. You will even see orange dots that say 'Man', they are nearby Zeds. You will also see other people's notes so someone may have marked heli crashes or just drawn a huge cock!

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If you have one dot, it's you. If there are multiple blue dots, they're other identified survivors. If it's orange and labeled "Man", it can either be a zombie or an unidentified survivor.

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Seeing your own location on the map is a server-side setting. Some servers have it off, some have it on. In general it's the regular/veteran setting that makes the difference, but not on all servers.

I personally prefer veteran server just so the GPS has a value, feels useless to find such a rare item otherwise.

Have no idea about seeing other players location though.

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Wait so is this like against the rules? I thought admins couldn't play with that kind of stuff, only banning hackers or other scoundrels.

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You can mark the map, so perhaps the person you got the map from threw down a few marks on there before he died? I don't know man

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If the server has nametags on, then the map will more than likely reveal your location and others around you. Those two features generally go hand in hand, unless the admin has it turned off. I believe it is the default setting for Recruit and Regular servers.

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  On 7/19/2012 at 10:28 PM, Ratfever said:

Wait so is this like against the rules? I thought admins couldn't play with that kind of stuff, only banning hackers or other scoundrels.

Admins have quite a few options as far as dificulty settings go. My understanding is that the Regular / Veteran / Expert settings are simply a preset combination of all the available difficulty options, however, an admin can choose his difficulty setting and then adjust each setting individually to suit his taste. This is why you can find veteran servers which have all the same settings as a regular server...

Server difficulty settings ( on / off) which I am aware of:


3rd Person

Name Tags / Distance (of all the settings I believe this should be turned off on all servers).

Map Icons

GPS location shown on map

Nearby life forms shown as teardrops around periphial / highlighted (not sure what this setting is called)

Player made map notes

Can't think of any others, there may be more.

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