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Green Mountain Survivors [GMS] Clan and twitch radio station.

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Server is offline for a bit, had a run in with a nasty hacker who was using session spoofing and ghost-logged in behind us. We'll be back later once things have cool down :).

BattlEye Server: Player #19 Mazin's Mother. ( connected

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Server is offline for a bit, had a run in with a nasty hacker who was using session spoofing and ghost-logged in behind us. We'll be back later once things have cool down :).

BattlEye Server: Player #19 Mazin's Mother. ( connected

That sucks. Hackers are such a pain in the backside! :( I was in the middle of a field, prone with zombies all around me when the server went down too. XD

Edited by Ecuas

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Name: Luka

Age: 16

Steam: Ageati

In game name: (Varies due to spying,) If not spying or scouting then usually Luka

Desired combat role (Medic,sniper, exc) I prefer to play offensive support (sniping, spotting and machine gun overwatch), Designated driver and engineer, or a spy role (bandit camp infiltration and assassination) Tis why I have a driving record as a getaway driver :)

Why you would like to join: Well Day Z has become a pretty typical cycle, even a flow chart if you will. Spawn, scavenge items, find a group. From that point its either things go smoothly, we all get somewhere then everyone logs, the group disbands and we all continue to our sealed fates from their, or there is a bandit in the group who after a while kills everyone.

I don't want that anymore, I want to be part of a solid community, where my role matters and betters everyone survival chances, I'm looking for friends in Day Z not just allies, and most of all, I wanna kick some bandit arse as part of a team (counter sniping 3-4 bandit snipers can be hard :)

I might not be as experienced only having the game a few weeks but I am a quick learner and willing to bend my role in the community to support the community. I know what to do and when to do it. I have experience playing many team games of which most are FPS based and some are in real life (Paintball and Airsoft :) )

I hope you will consider me for the Green Mountains :)

What can you offer to the clan: A Risk taker who's willing to try the hardest and do the impossible for everyones benefit, a vehicle fixer, a decent driver, a decent hunter and most importantly a good sense of humour :P

I have both Skype and Teamspeak :)

edit- Font didn't work :P

Edited by Ageati

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Name: Hades

Age: 19

In game name: Hades

Steam Id: HadesWarpig

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Whatever is needed, I really don't have a preference.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : After my last encounter with survivors on DayZ and the assortment of feelings that came with it I realize that I am not a ruthless murderer. I want what most people in this thread desire. I am not a bandit and I'm looking for something more to do in DayZ than wander around and look for gear. I've set up my own small camps but I'm looking for something more permanent. I think GMS would provide me with just that. A solid group of players with a common goal.

What can you offer to the clan: Plenty of DayZ knowledge and a tactical mentality. I have been a long time Project Reality players (another military/combat simulator) which follows most of the same principles as Arma2/DayZ.

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Just got capped on your server Yay...

Servers been off for 2 hours lol.

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howdy im a bandit looking to join and report your troop movements in the bandit campfire

i usually play a support role whether its scout, medic, overwatch, or just rescue operations for my group members


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So many applications! This is nuts, guys. I never expected to organize something like this, crazy stuff. Stay sexy my friends, and see you on green mountain!

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Name: Degtaryev

Age: 24

Steam ID: 2200

In game: Degtaryev

Desired Combat Role: Whatever role is most needed however my strengths are more oriented towards scouting and direct assault/rifleman.

Why would you like to join?: Primarily to enjoy playing as a part of a trustworthy group, im quite tired of running/crawling through towns occaisionally bumping into someone. I receive transfusions mostly after saving an unarmed player and throwing a pack on the ground. Im definitely searching for an organization with considerable in game ambitions, you know heli assaults and everything in between.

What can you offer to the clan?: The ability to get shit accomplished when its time and have fun doing so. I like fixing vehicles, sneaking through city areas and ridiculous encounters that require acuity. In addition Ive played a variety of fps games over the years and have survived a few bandit incidents.

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Name: Some person

Age: 15

In game name: kidmeister

Steam Id: kidmeister

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Whatever you need me for

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Rarely in a group and would like to join one instead of getting myself destroyed.

What can you offer to the clan: I will do the tasks that nobody else wants to do.

I have a mic, skype, teamspeak

Edited by kidmeister

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Name: Tom

Age: 34

In game name: ToxicXistence

Steam Id: Bostonmedic

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Scouting/Reconnaissance, Medic, or operations

]Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :I really enjoy the survival aspects of this game, its nothing short of amazing and nothing short of insanely realistic. In environments like this you survival is Greatly increased when you group up with others, your weakness is someones strength...a true testimate to safety in numbers.

]What can you offer to the clan: While I knew to gaming and mainly DayZ, I'd like to think being retired army I might have some :) survival skills to offer and the ability to plan fortifications, supplies and standard base operations needed to ensure the safety of other members...and I bring beer, I should of put that one first.

Edited by ToxicXistence

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in game name:recon1589

steam id:recon5198

desired combat role (anything)

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Name: Thomas

Age: 20

In game name: Kozak

Steam Id: an_archangel

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Scout, medic or designated marksman.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Ok... it has to be more complex... give me two seconds here guys, I got this...

- Well, the reason for why I would like to join you, is that your ideals very appealing. So far I have been enjoying the radio station on my lone lang walks in this god forsaken wasteland. Your mentalety is somthing that I can back up, and its not just because iam looking for a group, but the whole "scenario" supports the grouping up ideal. And it would be nice to be with people from time to time, where I dont have to be as alarmed as I am when iam on my own.

What can you offer to the clan: Have been playing for about a month, so have gotten into the game pretty well. I can offer an extra hand when needed, another gun pointed in the righ direction when needed, a guy who will come running when someone yells medic, and somone who wont leave you behind. I would like to be exploring the team-player part of the game some more, and see what that gives me, but iam also a lone wolf by heart, so i might wanna wander off somtimes, though if iam ever needed, I will come rushing back.

This is about the time when i have to say somthing catchy, so it all dosent sound like somthing you have heard before... but i suppose that will have to wait until we hopefully meet up...

Edited by Kozak

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Name : Ben

Age : 13 1/2

IGN : Ben

Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:47163642

Desired Combat Role : Sniper (I already named my Barret .50 Cal Bessie)

Why do i want to join? : I want to join because finding someone on the forums, And playing with them for a day and never contacting them again is alright. But ive always wanted more, I want to be part of something

What i can offer to the clan? : Smeared Bandit Brains all over the concrete, And the will to Survive and Thrive, And for some reason im good at finding heli crashed, I found 5 today, In 6-8 hours

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Name: Kyle

Age: 24

In game name: Kyle

Steam Id:Azreal

Desired combat role: For combat I would prefer to play a medic.

Why you would like to join: I want to join GMS because it sounds like a very friendly community that offers new players what I've been doing on my own since I started playing.

What can you offer to the clan: I don't engage in combat much, like I said I enjoy helping others get a start. I spend most of my time hunting - gathering meat and water. I offer all of my goods except what I need to survive.

Edited by Azreal

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We turn the server off during dead hours of the day to avoid hackers and mass griefings.

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Name: Kristian Bell

Age: 17

In game name: Kristian

Steam Id: Kristianbell10

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Any just started so will have to familiarize myself with the roles of each

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I would like to meet up with other people and use others' experience to benefit my own game

What can you offer to the clan: Another member (obviously) reliability, availability and some fun :)

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Name: Chris

Age: 25

In game name: Cmall1113

Steam Id: Cmall1113

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Anything that's needed to help survivors, but if you need a general idea of the classes i've played in other games it'd be a sniper or recon based role.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I want to finally contribute my time and effort towards helping other survivors instead of worrying solely about myself. Being a lone wolf gets old after a while.

What can you offer to the clan: Humor and countless hours of game time to accompany any of the clan members that need my help to back them up while getting supplies or helping other downed members. Im extremely malleable when it comes to any role that's needed to help the clan.

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We turn the server off during dead hours of the day to avoid hackers and mass griefings.

What are these 'dead hours?' Just when the people of GMS are offline? Just curious.

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Name: Alex

Age: 17

In game name: CRUSADER

Steam Id: crusader_111

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I would like to join because I hate travelling by myself, especially without a spotter because of bandits. So many times I've died because of bandits normally after I get some good gear. I would definately like to be in a Team that supports each other and especially with a anti-bandit persona because the last thing I want is to turn into a bandit myself because I have to kill every person that I see just to survive from something other than zombies. If I was accepted atleast I would have some definitive friendlies that I could support instead of getting the instant thought of shooting them down. I don't like shooting other players but if I get cornered or I can't get out of their vicinity and can't get around them theres no other choice because I can't give away my position to possible bandits.

What can you offer to the clan: Sniper support, back-up on hostile territory, scouting, supply runs to other members that need, bandit hunting and supply hunting.

Thankyou for reading,


Edited by CRUSADER_111

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