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Green Mountain Survivors [GMS] Clan and twitch radio station.

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If you are interested in joining please fill this application forum and post it in this thread as a reply and I’ll get back to you in a PM A.s.a.p.:

Name: Alex

Age: 19

In game name: MoHAlixPr

Steam Id: MoHAlixPr

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Anything man! (I suck at sniping though, so probably not that)

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :

Because I'm sick of solo survival, and I'm looking for some true community.

What can you offer to the clan: My time most nights from 9 pm eastern to 3 am eastern. Willing to do any menial job.

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Name: Tony

Age: 23

In game name: Tony

Steam Id: Jingtheking

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Scout, look out, and mobile support (go where i am needed).

Why you would like to join : While being a lone wolf is fun and has taught me how to be a true survivor. I have come to the point where to advance I need to find a group and my searches have brought me here. I wanted to find a community that sought to bring the survivors of dayz together not put them in a death mach agents each other. I am also looking for a group that wants to help Dayz become the great game we all know it will be.

What can you offer to the clan: A skilled player who loves to work with a group. I find myself to be the kind of player who hordes loot sadly I have had no one to share my spoils with and that takes away half the fun. I would be a great asset for our sniper supplies seeing as I hate to use them and I always seem to find them. I have and know how to use all forms of voice chat (ventilo, TS, mumble).

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Name: Justin

Age: 18

In game name: Justin

Steam Id: deathxsaint

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): groundsman

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : tired of being alone, ready to play with people as a team

What can you offer to the clan: risking myself for what the team needs

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Name: Edward

Age: 16

In Game name: Andrew

SteamID: 1995Andrew

Desired Role:Field Medic, Pilot. I can fly helicopters.

Why I want to join: I want to help the community here in some way.

What you can offer to the clan: I'd be the one saving your life in a firefight. Or perhaps getting you out of a bad situation..

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Name: Danny

Age: 17

In game name: Zelockz

Steam Id: Zelockz

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I've been looking for a while for a good group and i've finally think i've found one, I've chosen to be a survivor and i'll stick by my team no matter what.

What can you offer to the clan: Loyalty, Skill & Fun

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Name: Anthony

Age: 24

In game name: Zammboomafoo

Steam Id: synical69

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): I can do pretty much w/e, sniper, meat shield, medic, runner/supplier. W/e needs filling.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Want to play the game a different way instead of the good old shoot on sight way. Teaming up with your clan seems to be the best way to change how this game is being played (No more deathmatch....)

What can you offer to the clan: Anything from supplies, to helping out new people.

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Name: Ashton

Age: 13

In game name: Dead on Arrival

Steam Id: michaeljgrogan

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Any role is acceptable to me, but I think field medic would be an interesting role to play, seeing as I could actively contribute to the group.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I'd like to join as I find playing alone a not so much boring, but tedious way to play. Lone wolf has never really suited me, and I find myself enjoying a game much more if I have friends or a group to play with.

What can you offer to the clan: A mature (I understand that age is of concern) player that can actively contribute to the group.

Edited by Dead on Arrival

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In game name:Jelly

Steam Id:Jelly

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Which ever is needed the most-I am new to the game but I can quickly learn.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :I have played the game for a few days now and from my experience so far it seems that in this game it is had to find people I can trust not to kill me on sight and people to talk with and have fun so joining a clan/group/community seems to be a good thing to do but most of all i enjoy working as a team.

What can you offer to the clan: I keep dieing -mostly from bandits so i don`t have equipment or vehicles I can give but I am good in a team, enjoy helping others, will listen to people and have experience working in a group from other games that require team work.

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Name: DeadManWalking

Age: 30

In game name: DMW

Steam Id:I dont know

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Assault pack

I'd like the idea of seurvivors getting toghether, the protection of a group to the loot i maid, and off course against bandits forever :) In my alone experience i have seeing many survivors but stay hideen and only shoot back in danger situations, so i'm trying to get toghether with a group with the same willing of team work that i want to play. You gys seems that way.

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Yeah, I was on last night before it went down. Sounds like they were having some trouble with new recruits over in Green Mountain. Last thing I saw before logging for the night was "Green Mountain is now in lockdown". Next thing I know the server goes off line. Looks like its back up now.

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Name: Andrew

Age: 16

In game name: Uzzy999

Steam Id: Uzzy997

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper

Why you would like to join: Because this game is amazing and has huge potential for group work and I love really enjoy team games.

What can you offer to the clan: I am a very good spotting player and gives support to alies. I play for fun and dont rage on games.

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Name: Garrett

Age: 16

In game name: Vanglory

Steam Id: Vanglory

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Riflemen

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I'm tired of the monotnous and unorganized lone wolf lifestyle. The idea of strategy, defense, and group cooperation simply puts me to wonder.

What can you offer to the clan: My hand in friendship and my services as a guard, scavenger, and keen eye.

Edited by Vanglory

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Name: Danny Peters

Age: 15 (turning 16 next month)

in game name: Danny

Steam id: nonwillknow

Xfire: nonwillknow

Desired combat role: Anything really

Im fairly new to the game been playing for a couple weeks, i can tough out the zombies on my own, but it gets loonly in chernaus, and the bandits have seriously got me by the balls. After a week of playing with one group of 4 everyday almost all day, they ended up backstabbing me after i was fully geared for no apparent reason, so i've personally got a spot for bandits in my to-fucking-kill list. I only shoot when fired upon or people firing upon others.

Have TS and a mic thx for your time :beans:

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Name: Preston Scroggs

Age: 17

In game name:Xephin

Steam Id:Xephin (Im the one with a Starship Trooper pic)

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Rifleman, scavenger, sniper. W/e is really needed i will do my best to perform

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Hoping to find a group base that reminds me of the old days in ArmA. Arma has always been about teamwork and cooperation and i feel that DayZ is no different. Maybe make a few friends on the way and have a memorable experience saving lives, scavenging and ending the bandit/zombie apocalyptic wasteland called Chenaraus

What can you offer to the clan: I know common ambush sites that Bandits have used before, can navigate rather well. Excellent at sneaking around and not too bad of a shot. Friendly advice and a welcoming attitude that isn't about "Oh you tard not killing them noobs" or similar slander

Edited by Xephin

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Name: Rowan

Age: 20

In game name: Rowan

Steam Id: BlindGazer

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Assault/Gatherer/Scout

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Well I have been playing this game for a while now, having played on a number of groups and, solo for quite awhile as well. That said I enjoy this game much more when I play in a group. Being able to joke around and have each others backs really makes for a good time, IMO. Uponseeing this thread I feel that this group would really fit me well!

What can you offer to the clan: I am trustworthy, and active. I would bring a another helping hand to either cover your back or sprint in there to lend you a hand when your pinned down. I feel that I am a good team player that can listen and understand orders when in tense situations, but above all I like to bring a fun and light hearted attitude to any group i'm in, after all this is just a game for us all to have fun.

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Name: Jørund

Age: 21

In game name: J rund (will be changing this shortly)

Steam Id: Troenderfury

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Sniper, assault

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :

Been playing DayZ all by myself for quite a while,

and I would imagine it would be more fun to play with others, as a team.

I also like the idea of a proper survivor community!

What can you offer to the clan:

I'm an experienced gamer, both in the perspective of RPG games (World of Warcraft) and FPS games (Halo). I know how to maneuver around the map, and I am well geared for the roles I am applying for (assault and sniper).

I'm also a friendly guy who's not afraid to speak up on whatever voice char we're using :-)

Edited by Troenderfury

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Name: Garret

Age: 27

In game name: Proctous

Steam Id: Proctous

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): I would not mind being a medic, I can fill any role the Team needs.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : wellI am infact looking for a group. solo play is hard enough will all the bandits around. even if you find someone, if you are unarmed you still get shot, Humanity has no hope. I would like to change that, In-game atleast.

What can you offer to the clan: I am a huge team player. very helpfull. Willing to jump in front of bullet if it meant I would save a life. Prior military exp.

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Green Mountain is fully secure, almost all our defenses are fully setup :D.

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Name: Mike

Age: 29

In game name: The Darkthrone

Steam Id:elshaggy82

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Scouting/Reconnaissance

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Love the concept, looking for like minded survivalists.

What can you offer to the clan: Loyality, Long-term goal oriented.

Edited by The Darkthrone

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Name: Patrick

Age: 22

In game name: Nolaroc

Steam Id: Nolaroc

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): I've always preferred long range combat, but I'm game for anything

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I'm fairly new to the game and I think I've got the basics down and would like to find a group of people whom I can trust so that I can thrive.

What can you offer to the clan: Flexible playing hours, mic/teamspeak, willing to do what it takes to help the clan survive and thrive.



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Name: Nick

Age: 19

In game name: Prometheus

Steam Id: Prohhmetheus

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Any shooting role

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I am relatively new to the game, I've been playing for under a week (but i know what I'm doing for the most part). The only times I have died so far consist of another player killing me (one killed me when i didn't after he logged in on me) and me being teleported to a killroom (happend for my first two deaths. Oh and one time i fell off of a building and broke my leg so i commited suicide. So I'm just looking for a non hostile group of people to play with. I also have teamspeak but i'm used to vent.

What can you offer to the clan: Supplies mainly, I like to scavenge. Plus I will be active.

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