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LU159 Admin keeping server private

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Admin of LU159, named Sloppzz, keeps kicking people off the server to keep the server to him and 4 of his friends.

Full server name:

LU159 ( (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - Private playground - FO! | Vilayer.com

They put in the server name after the restart (was before restart) even though the server version is still, I'm guessing to make sure people don't join.

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Im not sure if im right or wrong about this, But im sure it's the admins choice to keep it private or not.

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may i quote

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!








- Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)

- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.

- Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.

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He's at it again, just saw 2 people at a heli crash at NW airfield, I hit one of them and the admin went offline. He got back online a minute later and we got kicked again, after a couple of tries we got back in, I shot and killed his mate, and we got kicked off again. After a couple more tries we get back in again and I manage to hit and kill the admin, Sloppzz. We've been trying to log in since but he keeps kicking us.

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He finally let me back in, I get shot the second I get in by another of his mate, lost ALL of my gear (which was a lot of good equipment) now because of admin abuse, are we gonna get any intervention here?!

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Good news!

Basically I respawned with a new name, went up to our camp as fast as possible, grabbed a M249 SAW and a vehicle, and drove up to the airfield. We saw earlier that they had a vehicle there as well so my goal was to park our vehicle at a safe distance and steal theirs. Along the way I got kicked off a dozen more times but I managed to get there. As I approached the vehicle I heard gunshots however, and I managed to locate 4 of them near a wall at the side of the airfield. I proned down in the grass, unable to see them but aware of their position and fired about 150 rounds at their position, scoring 2 kills.

I was positive there were at least 4 however so I approached with caution, got kicked another 3 or so times, and while looting the 2 dead bodies a third one appeared, dead as well (guess he died as he DC'd). I wasn't sure where the 4th one was so I waited for him to appear, after a minute or 3 I noticed he was back in the lobby and saw him enter the game on the player list. Couple of seconds later I spotted someone sitting in a tree around my original position, from where I first opened fire at them. I took him down, pretty sure before he was fully logged in, and it showed the name of the 4th player in chat, saying he had died. Basically he tried to ghost me.

I then got kicked again so decided to change my name to one of theirs, who had left the game after I killed them. Somehow they must have fell for it because I wasn't kicked since, being able to loot the bodies and steal their car and park it in our camp. A couple of items got lost because I was getting spamkicked while looting but at least they got what they deserved. It does suck that our camp is on a server owned by an admin abusing, DCing, ghosting group of people (AKA scum, worst people in DayZ) though..


They abused admin rights, spamkicking us, and DC'd when shot at, yet 2 of us still managed to kill 2 of them.

Then they killed me while logging in while my mate was getting spamkicked.

I got back to the airfield and opened fire, killing 2 and causing 2 of them to DC, 1 of which tried to ghost me. I still killed all 4 of them, all the while getting kicked every couple of seconds.

I stole their vehicle and most of their loot, a couple of items (M107, GPS, Coyote Backpack among others) disappeared because I looted them while getting spamkicked.

Their names:

Sloppzz (admin)





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Good news!

Basically I respawned with a new name, went up to our camp as fast as possible, grabbed a M249 SAW and a vehicle, and drove up to the airfield. We saw earlier that they had a vehicle there as well so my goal was to park our vehicle at a safe distance and steal theirs. Along the way I got kicked off a dozen more times but I managed to get there. As I approached the vehicle I heard gunshots however, and I managed to locate 4 of them near a wall at the side of the airfield. I proned down in the grass, unable to see them but aware of their position and fired about 150 rounds at their position, scoring 2 kills.

I was positive there were at least 4 however so I approached with caution, got kicked another 3 or so times, and while looting the 2 dead bodies a third one appeared, dead as well (guess he died as he DC'd). I wasn't sure where the 4th one was so I waited for him to appear, after a minute or 3 I noticed he was back in the lobby and saw him enter the game on the player list. Couple of seconds later I spotted someone sitting in a tree around my original position, from where I first opened fire at them. I took him down, pretty sure before he was fully logged in, and it showed the name of the 4th player in chat, saying he had died. Basically he tried to ghost me.

I then got kicked again so decided to change my name to one of theirs, who had left the game after I killed them. Somehow they must have fell for it because I wasn't kicked since, being able to loot the bodies and steal their car and park it in our camp. A couple of items got lost because I was getting spamkicked while looting but at least they got what they deserved. It does suck that our camp is on a server owned by an admin abusing, DCing, ghosting group of people (AKA scum, worst people in DayZ) though..


They abused admin rights, spamkicking us, and DC'd when shot at, yet 2 of us still managed to kill 2 of them.

Then they killed me while logging in while my mate was getting spamkicked.

I got back to the airfield and opened fire, killing 2 and causing 2 of them to DC, 1 of which tried to ghost me. I still killed all 4 of them, all the while getting kicked every couple of seconds.

I stole their vehicle and most of their loot, a couple of items (M107, GPS, Coyote Backpack among others) disappeared because I looted them while getting spamkicked.

Their names:

Sloppzz (admin)





Dude i give you my complete respect for killing those abusers. 2 thumbs up :D

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I know who you are.

We are new to the game and we are exploring the area. We wanted a peaceful server so we coul learn the game from idiots like you who sit there camping waiting for us to appear.

I asks repeatedly of you were friendly or foe and you just blanked me, then decided to open fire on us while we were looking around.

How are we supposed to learn the game when twats like you won't allow us to do so? I don't pay good money for my own server to try and have a fun experience for knobheads like you to kill it.

You can brag all you want. From now on you can come on the server, but you certainly won't get a warm welcome.

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And what is this need for threads like this?

It's like you're back at school and haven't grown up yet. Like teacher teacher.

Seriously grow up!

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Are you fucking out of your mind?! You guys being new to the game is NOT an excuse for abusing admin rights to have the server for yourself. Especially not since all progress is saved on a single main server. You guys abusing admin rights to be able to get the best gear ingame is considered cheating since you're getting an unfair advantage over other players who try to play the game legitimately. PvP is part of the game, if we see 2 players looting a helicopter at NW airfield (the most hostile location in the game) we WILL shoot on sight rather than take any risks.

Add to that the fact that you guys both combat DC and ghost, both of which are NOT considered legit play and are hated by pretty much the entire DayZ community. We'll be sure to hunt you guys down and grief you as much as possible.

Moreover, we weren't camping, we looted the helicopter 5 minutes before you guys came along. We were just about to leave the airfield when my mate spotted you.

And they didn't make the Cheat Reporting section for no reason, I'm reporting you guys cheating.

Edited by Bass50
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And if you want a peaceful environment to learn the game, download the singleplayer version. Don't play on the same hive as all the other players when you're gonna cheat.

Edited by Bass50

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Look at you little keyboard warrior.

Love how you are so big an brash behind a keyboard. Looky looky im going to report your cheating blah blah.

You're talking shit anyway. As you were clearly camping the helicopter as we had a feeling someone was around due to the number of zombies I the area. But you Waited until we had cleared them then decided to pop us while we were having a nose.

As for loot I couldn't give a shit as to who has what. I didn't kick you to stop you looting I kicked you because you were a cock and despite repeatedly saying we were friendly you opened up.

Its people like you who kill the game for others and stop us wanting to learn the game.

Now have a look out the window. See that brightness its called daylight. Try going outside for once an get away from being a little keyboard warrior.

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Not gonna respond to any of the insults.

But you really think we're gonna camp a helicopter when there's a total of 6/7 people (us 2 and your group) on the server? Especially since you guys gain a huge advantage by spamkicking us as well.

Moreover I haven't seen any of your attempts at friendly contact either, and even if I had I would have ignored them anyway seeing as you guys spamkicked us the night before as well.

And no, people fighting at NW airfield are NOT the people ruining the game. People that cheat and combat DC are the ones that are ruining the game.

Edited by Bass50
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I put multiple chat messages and direct communication messages on the server at the time stating we were friendly.

I apologise if you feel my comments are insults. They are in my opinion facts that I'm voicing. Like I say you are welcome to come back on the server (when I have it back up and running as last nights path messed it up) however you have made your stance clear, so we won't treat you as friendly.

We are a bunch of guys looking for a laugh that is all.

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Hey Bass50,

Just to start lets not get into a slagging off match here. I am sorry you have been kicked a lot lately and if the boot was on the other foot i would be just as cheesed off as you are right now. My little group of friends started playing this game recently and really enjoy it. Its a fantastic game as i am sure you will agree. We are quite new and no where near as slick as you are. I take my hat off to you very good player. Anyway getting back to it we decided to buy our own server which costs us £32 a month so as we can learn to play the game and have a small amount of control. This was because our group spent one evening after another getting together and then just getting killed like last night over and over again you guys were just the final sraw that broke the camels back. We just all got together only to be torn to shreds by you guys and we did say friendly numerouse times although i do agree it is easly missed in the bottom left corner if you are focused on zombies and such.

Why dont you buy your own server then you will not have this problem? Or play on one of the dedicated DEV servers. Remember the only reason you are on here is because we payed for it. This enables you to play for free essentually.

Regards K1NGP1N

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Sure you payed for the server, but you are clearly abusing the rules.

If the server was private and had an private hive, there was no need for cheat reporting.

Consider your server blacklisted soon.

Edited by Reap3r
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Again i am sorry if we broke the rules if they are the rules as anyone could have writen that and posted it although it does look and sound legit. We are just fed up of being rapped at every turn which is why we brought our own server. Why not buy your own server then you will never have this problem and everyone is happy? Or play on a DEV server?

Edited by K1NGP1N

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The server has nearly run its 1 month and will be offline soon at anyrate. including all your efforts upon that server. We will not be renewing the subscription.

Owning your own server in this game proves to serve no purpose except taking your money. We are payed for this server so that we could have some degree of control over the enviroment while we bring new players into the game so that they can learn how to play it.

We where teaching two new players how to play the game last night, they had litterally just started and you slaughtered them.

We do no spam kick, we kicked you and only you (despite your boasts above, we are not stupid and we knew what you where doing with the name changing) because the function exists within the server control and you guys kept insisting on trolling us, using your cars to reach us before we knew what was going on.

We never found any vehicles on the server and we now know why, with you and your troll band murdering us every 5 minutes and forcing us to spawn down on the coast alot we run into your stash of cars, bikes and tents in the southern west corner. (they have all been liberated BTW). we wondered why we could never find any vehicles and the reason was because you and your murder squad had horded the lot.

None of use can see a point of paying money for a server when you and your crew just exist to farm weps and cars and sandbox troll us ad nauseum.

We sent numerous messages to you regarding your friend/foe status and they where ignored.

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What the fuck man, you're saying that because you're NEW at ArmA 2, it means that you can abuse your admin power and so on?

You do realise that ArmA 2 is MORE than DayZ? For fucks sake these new players....


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Yeah everyone can understand your frustrations with getting killed over and over again as I'm sure everyone has experienced it themselves (including me and the people I play with, trust me). But then again that's the beauty of the game isn't it, and if I understand correctly also the goal of the developers (frustration, rage, trust issues among other emotions).

But even more frustrating is getting kicked over and over again while trying to play the game.

I have no interest in having my own server as I do not see the purpose of being an admin myself, let alone the costs of having one.

Also, I'm sorry to inform you that we have no such camp so you must've ran into someone elses. We've been playing on your server for 2 days and all we had was 1 vehicle before we took the one at the airfield (assumed it was yours as it was right next to the helicopter). Moreover about our 'squad', we're with 4, been playing together for 3 days and yesterday there were 2 of us at first, and after that it was just me.

All the messages I've seen were 'fuck off' right after I killed one of you at the helicopter and 'hello' once after you guys killed me. Like I said however it would have made little difference as we were out for revenge for kicking us over and over again the night before.

Shame you guys are taking down the server though.

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Sure you payed for the server, but you are clearly abusing the rules.

If the server was private and had an private hive, there was no need for cheat reporting.

Consider your server blacklisted soon.

You are the reason this game sucks sometime.

Brain dead and moronic... Go back in your box

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What the fuck man, you're saying that because you're NEW at ArmA 2, it means that you can abuse your admin power and so on?

You do realise that ArmA 2 is MORE than DayZ? For fucks sake these new players....


Not interested in Arma.

Can you please outline the power and rights that an Admin is supposed to have. because it seems that any and every function in admin is apparently an abuse.

If we are the ones paying the money for others to play free can you please define what rights we are supposed to have.

We do not cheat, we do not spam kick, these guys have basically turned the server into their own murder play ground while we are paying for the privilage to be hunted and denied play time.

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Yeah everyone can understand your frustrations with getting killed over and over again as I'm sure everyone has experienced it themselves (including me and the people I play with, trust me). But then again that's the beauty of the game isn't it, and if I understand correctly also the goal of the developers (frustration, rage, trust issues among other emotions).

But even more frustrating is getting kicked over and over again while trying to play the game.

I have no interest in having my own server as I do not see the purpose of being an admin myself, let alone the costs of having one.

Also, I'm sorry to inform you that we have no such camp so you must've ran into someone elses. We've been playing on your server for 2 days and all we had was 1 vehicle before we took the one at the airfield (assumed it was yours as it was right next to the helicopter). Moreover about our 'squad', we're with 4, been playing together for 3 days and yesterday there were 2 of us at first, and after that it was just me.

All the messages I've seen were 'fuck off' right after I killed one of you at the helicopter and 'hello' once after you guys killed me. Like I said however it would have made little difference as we were out for revenge for kicking us over and over again the night before.

Shame you guys are taking down the server though.

Hi Bass,

It could be a simple case of mistaken identity, as everything happened at the same time.

Perhaps as a bit of an olive branch I could invite you back on peaceful terms to play again?

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Yeah everyone can understand your frustrations with getting killed over and over again as I'm sure everyone has experienced it themselves (including me and the people I play with, trust me). But then again that's the beauty of the game isn't it, and if I understand correctly also the goal of the developers (frustration, rage, trust issues among other emotions).

But even more frustrating is getting kicked over and over again while trying to play the game.

I have no interest in having my own server as I do not see the purpose of being an admin myself, let alone the costs of having one.

Also, I'm sorry to inform you that we have no such camp so you must've ran into someone elses. We've been playing on your server for 2 days and all we had was 1 vehicle before we took the one at the airfield (assumed it was yours as it was right next to the helicopter). Moreover about our 'squad', we're with 4, been playing together for 3 days and yesterday there were 2 of us at first, and after that it was just me.

All the messages I've seen were 'fuck off' right after I killed one of you at the helicopter and 'hello' once after you guys killed me. Like I said however it would have made little difference as we were out for revenge for kicking us over and over again the night before.

Shame you guys are taking down the server though.

You know what, this has become a... he said, we said, they did, we did... blah blah blah.

No evidence, no substantiation. The video above on youtube shows a single kick, ive been kicked my self on this server as accidents happen.

Just wanted to play the game and have fun.

i can't be bothered with this horseshit anymore, Owning a server is an obvious waste of time and money.

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