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LU159 Admin keeping server private

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Does that admin not have the right to remove players from the server (that he/she has paid for) who are willfully disruptive to the gaming experiance of everyone else on that server.

The player plays by the mods rules. Who gives you the right to kick him? He is doing everything right. You are abusing admin rights. Move on.

You are able to kick only hackers / cheaters.

Edited by Roboserg

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I have no idea where you guys get the idea that we're an enormous army with a huge camp with infinite vehicles however. It was all me and our 'camp' consisted of 1 vehicle. We happened to see you and I decided to engage, alone (NW airfield, most hostile zone in the game no need to explain). After I killed both of you, however, I kept getting spamkicked, unable to move, and then when you finally let me back in one of your mates had made his way to my position and shot me in the back while logging in. THAT was the reason why I, alone, all by myself, came back to kill all of you, just ONCE, and if that isn't a legit reason I don't know what is.

Anyway, just leave this thread for what it is. I've had some words with the admin and there's no need for further discussion.

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I have no idea where you guys get the idea that we're an enormous army with a huge camp with infinite vehicles however. It was all me and our 'camp' consisted of 1 vehicle. We happened to see you and I decided to engage, alone (NW airfield, most hostile zone in the game no need to explain). After I killed both of you, however, I kept getting spamkicked, unable to move, and then when you finally let me back in one of your mates had made his way to my position and shot me in the back while logging in. THAT was the reason why I, alone, all by myself, came back to kill all of you, just ONCE, and if that isn't a legit reason I don't know what is.

Anyway, just leave this thread for what it is. I've had some words with the admin and there's no need for further discussion.

Yes you are a little victim bunny with a soul of steel and a right index finger that can bench 50 pounds.

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FIRST OFF: PvP is part of this game, if you don't like it then you should go find the latest Barbie/Dora release. Killing you is not "trolling." It's a part of the game. If you think paying for a server should give you an advantage over players without admin rights then you are sadly mistaken.

SECOND OFF: There are RULES that you need to adhere to when renting a server. If you decide to rent a server without reading the rules first that is nobody's fault but your own. "But officer I didn't read the sign!" will NOT get you out of a speeding ticket. Enjoy your bans.

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FIRST OFF: PvP is part of this game, if you don't like it then you should go find the latest Barbie/Dora release. Killing you is not "trolling." It's a part of the game. If you think paying for a server should give you an advantage over players without admin rights then you are sadly mistaken.

SECOND OFF: There are RULES that you need to adhere to when renting a server. If you decide to rent a server without reading the rules first that is nobody's fault but your own. "But officer I didn't read the sign!" will NOT get you out of a speeding ticket. Enjoy your bans.

Once again reading the complete thread and evaluating all pespectives is a chore too far.

If the game is to evolve our issue needs to be addressed, if anything this thread is a development avenue for the Devs.


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Once again reading the complete thread and evaluating all pespectives is a chore too far.

If the game is to evolve our issue needs to be addressed, if anything this thread is a development avenue for the Devs.


I read the whole thread, all I saw was you and your buddies going "omg stop killing us we dont like getting killed we payed for this server we should be able to do whatever we want!!!"

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Once again reading the complete thread and evaluating all pespectives is a chore too far.

If the game is to evolve our issue needs to be addressed, if anything this thread is a development avenue for the Devs.


There will be no PVE mode. Ever. So your issues will not be addressed .

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What the fuck man, you're saying that because you're NEW at ArmA 2, it means that you can abuse your admin power and so on?

You do realise that ArmA 2 is MORE than DayZ? For fucks sake these new players....


If he pays for a server he should be able to set it up how he wants and run it how he wants. We do not use the kick command on my server but you know what, if we wanted to run it with an ironfist we should be able to. Afterall, we pay the bills; you do not.

Are you fucking out of your mind?! You guys being new to the game is NOT an excuse for abusing admin rights to have the server for yourself. Especially not since all progress is saved on a single main server.

See above.

Sure you payed for the server, but you are clearly abusing the rules.

It would be funny to see what all the freeloaders would do if all the people paying for servers just up and stopped paying for them.

The server has nearly run its 1 month and will be offline soon at anyrate. including all your efforts upon that server. We will not be renewing the subscription.

Owning your own server in this game proves to serve no purpose except taking your money. We are payed for this server so that we could have some degree of control over the enviroment while we bring new players into the game so that they can learn how to play it.

Yeah, we have discussed the future of our server and plan to discontinue it as well. When they won't let you change ANY config options, kick people you don't want on your server etc... but expect you to pay $40 and $50 a month for a buggy game, it behooves you to become one of the whiney freeloaders.

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So whats the deal with financial refund on a blocked server?

No official terms and conditions where forwarded from the Hosting company, essentially we have a financial outlay, without a definitive definition of conduct or terms and a potential termination of service from a 3rd party.

Honestly, I would initiate a chargeback with your credit card company or paypal. When you are promised a product and do not receive it, go through the proper channels that you used to pay for the item. Chargebacks like that are extremely easy to win.

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If he pays for a server he should be able to set it up how he wants and run it how he wants. We do not use the kick command on my server but you know what, if we wanted to run it with an ironfist we should be able to. Afterall, we pay the bills; you do not.

See above.

It would be funny to see what all the freeloaders would do if all the people paying for servers just up and stopped paying for them.

Yeah, we have discussed the future of our server and plan to discontinue it as well. When they won't let you change ANY config options, kick people you don't want on your server etc... but expect you to pay $40 and $50 a month for a buggy game, it behooves you to become one of the whiney freeloaders.

Honestly, I would initiate a chargeback with your credit card company or paypal. When you are promised a product and do not receive it, go through the proper channels that you used to pay for the item. Chargebacks like that are extremely easy to win.

Thank you. finally someone with some informed perspective.

My Beans are yours.

Edited by ZombieLoveChild

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Had a good laugh reading this thread.

Server Hosting quick FAQ

What you cannot do, however, is to restrict the server to your clan only. The gameplay of DayZ involves conflict between survivors as well as zombies, and restricting a server to a single clan would take away this aspect of the gameplay. It would also allow the clan to farm gear without risking interference from other players, which would give them an unfair advantage.

hosting a DayZ server only means that you host a DayZ server.

Buy a server, break the rules, ask for a refund. Smart. Enjoy your wasted money, ban, and being laughed at by the rest of the community,

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Point is the admin is likely to lose his 'right' to host a server.

Friggin' carebears... play the game like everyone else and stop moping around because you got rocked.

You completely deserve the fate you got, so shut up about it.

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A lot of you guys, including the server admin, his trusty dwarven companions and the complainers, you are ridiculing yourself to the absolute extreme.

I am so dissapointed in humanity right now. You should seriously read over the thread yourselves and reconsider the situation.

First off, you paid for the server. There were threads about the limitations of admins that you SHOULD (and probably had, you're just acting dumb) have read prior to making a payment of 40-50$.

Second, you're not being logical. Freefarming is not learning the game. That's kinda like cheating, except you don't have to write in commands for it.

Third, to the OP and most complainers, why are you pushing this on? It's obvious that a DayZ staff that will review this case won't feel that the issue is justified by their excuses.

Fourth, they've said they aren't going to renew the payment. You should be happy! It means they'll stop providing a low-quality server that actually subtracts to the comfort of gameplay, and you can choose the other options.

TL;DR: Your intelligence is inconceivable.

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This is very simple from a business legal perspective. I will explain from my current background running a business consulting firm and being a past owner of a GSP company. You payed for a a ArmA2 hosting service which is setup for DayZ. The developers of DayZ which control a database that you are not paying for allow access to servers which comply with their policy. In operating your server you violated that policy which resulted in the server being blacklisted. The issue comes down to fine print with your server host not with the DayZ devs. If your serverhost is smart they have a disclaimer, however the service still can exist, just with no database connection. So also the server company can use the argument that you should have (and you make note that you did know the rules but felt that you had the right since its a arma2 admin feature to kick) known the DayZ server hosting rules. Also they might be able to show that the service they promise does not guarantee a connection to the HIVE server that the server host does not provide or control.

Also ArmA2 yes has admin features. If you host a server you can do whatever, just like the DayZ devs who host the database/hive server can do whatever. With DayZ you follow their policy or you get the boot. Same thing with people who come into your servers and don't follow your policy, they get the boot. However in this case your action of booting players resulting in a violation of the DayZ Devs policy which resulted in your boot from the central database. Simple as that.

Also why would server admins host/pay for a server? This


However IMHO I believe that this mod could be better suited with an option for those who have control over actual dedicated servers the ability to setup everything locally to their server. If people don't like what admins do then, they just don't play there. It makes servers compete like a free market for players and gives admins the ability to do things (including stupid ones) that they want to do. These kind of immature issues and idea of absolute entitlement would not be so redundant.

Edited by Alderman
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Clear cut case?

Where is your proof?

A YouTube video and a forum post.

About as clear cut as muddy water.

I've just said lets out the matter to bed. An isolated incident and it's been cleared up. It wasn't admin abuse but we did what we felt was right at the time based on what was going on.

Don't be an idiot and keep bringing it up

Are you a total fucking retard? The proof is in the fact that both you and the Admin ADMITTED it.

Next time, learn the fucking rules.

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If he pays for a server he should be able to set it up how he wants and run it how he wants. We do not use the kick command on my server but you know what, if we wanted to run it with an ironfist we should be able to. Afterall, we pay the bills; you do not

Would agree, if the server wouldn't be connected to the private hive. With the hive connections, it can cause, well, unnecessary profit, which, however, does not negate the fact that the OP is whiney little douchebag, that tried to play the law abiding idiot for giggles. Make a private hive,though, and you can be dictator.

It would be funny to see what all the freeloaders would do if all the people paying for servers just up and stopped paying for them

.Would be funnier, if the admins would be alone of their servers.

Yeah, we have discussed the future of our server and plan to discontinue it as well. When they won't let you change ANY config options, kick people you don't want on your server etc... but expect you to pay $40 and $50 a month for a buggy game, it behooves you to become one of the whiney freeloaders

Nobody has tortured you into getting the server, lol. Once again: Non-hive server: your rules. Hive-connected server: mod rules.

However IMHO I believe that this mod could be better suited with an option for those who have control over actual dedicated servers the ability to setup everything locally to their server. If people don't like what admins do then, they just don't play there. It makes servers compete like a free market for players and gives admins the ability to do things (including stupid ones) that they want to do. These kind of immature issues and idea of absolute entitlement would not be so redundant.


Edited by Desertstriker

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- sh!t load of gd text

This, if they still dont agree with it, they are just plain and simple stupid or to ignorant to admit they were wrong. Paying for service doesnt give you absolute power about it when you want to be connected to the Hive server.

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Once again reading the complete thread and evaluating all pespectives is a chore too far.

If the game is to evolve our issue needs to be addressed, if anything this thread is a development avenue for the Devs.


Yes your issue definitely needs addressed. Piece of shit admins like you need permanently removed from power. Fuck you and your stupid gestapo mentality. On this playground, pushing and shoving is welcome. If you don't like being pushed or shoved, GET OFF THE PLAYGROUND. As for your money. Don't make me laugh. When I buy a tank in World of Tanks and they change it after I bought it I don't get a refund. If I get banned from World of Warcraft for saying that cancer is funny I don't get a refund. Theres things called EULA that you obviously failed to read otherwise this thread wouldn't exist in the first place. You are entitled to nothing. You broke the rules. You were called out. You admited to the infraction and then tried to justify it only making yourself look a hell of a lot more dumb. Kudos.

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Btw, if the admin is such an ass, why OP did not change server? You know, for another one? Instead, OP is like those mice with cactus. Author is weird, lol.

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Btw, if the admin is such an ass, why OP did not change server? You know, for another one? Instead, OP is like those mice with cactus. Author is weird, lol.

So If I see a crime on the street I just pass on? You failed at common sense 101.

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So If I see a crime on the street I just pass on? You failed at common sense 101.

Wow, comparing street crime to the kicking from 1/2000 of all dayz servers. Ultimate logic, yes. Guy, maybe you should, I don't know, get a LIFE?

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Would be funnier, if the admins would be alone of their servers.

Pretty sure that is what some admins want. A server for them and their friends to play. I find it ridiculous that people that contribute nothing to the server population have the unmitigated gall to complain about people that actually DO pay to keep the lights on so to speak.

It is ok though. I've seen this all before -- many other games have came and went when freeloaders cannibalize the admins over some sense of 'entitlement' and eventually you end up with 10 servers to play on that are constantly packed to the gills. Enjoy!

Nobody has tortured you into getting the server, lol.

Which is exactly why we are dropping it at the end of this month. Since I have a good, high paying job the money isn't the issue. The issue is I can't even set my server time to what I want. It took them a month to allow me to even change my time and then they offer three choices. I guess it is some 'cheat' to change my server time too, eh? As an admin you pay for everything and can't even alter anything about your server. Then if you restart it because it won't load or kick someone to allow a friend in, you have these whiney little d-bags that have _NEVER_ paid a dime to support this mod or community whining because you _PAID_ for a server so you and your friends could play together.

Really, the sense of entitlement is strong in this community. "I don't want to pay for anything but I want the same exact powers and priviliges as the guy paying the freight."

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Pretty sure that is what some admins want. A server for them and their friends to play. I find it ridiculous that people that contribute nothing to the server population have the unmitigated gall to complain about people that actually DO pay to keep the lights on so to speak.

It is ok though. I've seen this all before -- many other games have came and went when freeloaders cannibalize the admins over some sense of 'entitlement' and eventually you end up with 10 servers to play on that are constantly packed to the gills. Enjoy!

Which is exactly why we are dropping it at the end of this month. Since I have a good, high paying job the money isn't the issue. The issue is I can't even set my server time to what I want. It took them a month to allow me to even change my time and then they offer three choices. I guess it is some 'cheat' to change my server time too, eh? As an admin you pay for everything and can't even alter anything about your server. Then if you restart it because it won't load or kick someone to allow a friend in, you have these whiney little d-bags that have _NEVER_ paid a dime to support this mod or community whining because you _PAID_ for a server so you and your friends could play together.

Really, the sense of entitlement is strong in this community. "I don't want to pay for anything but I want the same exact powers and priviliges as the guy paying the freight."

You spent money to support yourself, not the community. Now get back to your high paying job and buy yourself a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up.

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