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Third person vs First person view

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in a realism world u don't have zombies...

Can people PLEASE stop using this worthless non-argument?

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Can people PLEASE stop using this worthless non-argument?

Can people PLEASE stop using "dayz is realistic" argument for all shitty "features" dayz has? (like breaking legs and healing it with morphine etc)

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Hmm, first time I've heard playing in 1st person as a form of elitism. I honestly don't think that playing in 1st person makes you any better, or more hardcore, because like i said its supposed to feel more immersive. I'm not trying to take away peoples fun. But the reason i feel playing in 3rd person being more enjoyable is because it's much easier. I admit i play 3rd person most of the time when available because its just so much easier. Why do you think the first thing most guides out there tell you is to zoom out to 3rd person.

I'd like to know if Rocket has made any official statements about this. If he lets it go down to popularity then yeah, i'd imagine 3rd person will stay. However the game feels different when played in first person, and it is up to the devs' vision on how the game is to be, not just popularity and some people insisting it makes the game fun for them.

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The way it is now is fine, it allows people a choice. For those who want only 1st person, they can go to a 1st person server. Those who don't, can go to one with it enabled. So there's no reason for your "either-or" scenario.

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The way it is now is fine, it allows people a choice. For those who want only 1st person, they can go to a 1st person server. Those who don't, can go to one with it enabled. So there's no reason for your "either-or" scenario.

Fine then add PvP servers.

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This is a realistic simulation. Graphics are great, world and environment is great and ever improving... please please remove 3rd person cam entirely so that we can be truly immersed into the world in first person perspective. I'm tired of peeking around corners like a GTA game, or rotating my head 320 degrees when im running in a straight line to scan my surroundings. I never get jumped by zombies..... ever.

It's fair enough that you don't like something, simply don't use it.

But fucking hell if other people like using it don't force them to go 1st person.

(I still stand by PVE servers - Even though I've never been murdered lol)

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Those that are saying use both-

You don't think that would give an obvious advantage to those that "choose" to play on 3rd Person Servers? Why would I purposefully nerf my own character?

This is a good suggestion. End of discussion. Call me close-minded, elitist, whatever you wish, but this game isn't meant to be a way to relax in the afternoon- Rocket has explicitly stated that it's meant to be an immersive experiment. Introducing variables where they aren't needed is an idiotic practice if you're trying to get a good experiment. Make it 3rd or 1st person, not both. One or the other.

I'd prefer 1st. People have been saying "Oh 3rd person is more realistic." If that's because of peripheral vision, then that's idiotic. My peripheral vision doesn't permit me to see every direction simultaneously. You know what I use for that? My ingame sound.

For those of you saying that BI said 3rd person is more realistic... you're wrong, or you're misquoting them.

"1st Person View

This is the default view mode, which lets you view the game from your character’s perspective. It is the most realistic and immersive mode, and is ideal for controlling characters on foot."

From the Arma manual, written by BI. GG.


Edited by Zetal
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Thats what i meant, but im too baked to express all that at the mo. have some beanz.

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3dp is more realistic because we can see almost 180 degree. and regular shooters included Arma 2 is less than 80. (think Arma 2 was 76 or something, i am not sure) but 3dp cinda gives you higher FoV since you are looking behind him. to bad people use it to look down from high buildings to be invisible.

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Argument aside about what is better and realistic here is my main question. Why would someone like the OP start a thread and complain about something like 3rd person when there are plenty of 1st person only servers?... I don't get that. Is there something wrong wth people like the OP that do not understand that? Does this person buy a Toyota and then go hang out at the Chevy dealership compaining that everone is not buying a Toyota? Seriously...

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This is a realistic simulation. Graphics are great, world and environment is great and ever improving... please please remove 3rd person cam entirely so that we can be truly immersed into the world in first person perspective. I'm tired of peeking around corners like a GTA game, or rotating my head 320 degrees when im running in a straight line to scan my surroundings. I never get jumped by zombies..... ever.

Until the game can include a sense of smell (decaying matter), feel (vibrations, the expansion of air to the right of my head as a bullet whizzes by), etc - I'd rather keep 3rd person to make up for it. Or, just join another server that does not allow it - so simple! I strictly play on Vet servers that only allow 3rd person, everything else is off. It's that easy man, everyone has their own preference. (Personally, even with head bob set to min, I have an issue with motion sickness in 1st person.)

Edited by Flawed

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you can adjust the fov in 1rst person and turn off the head bobbing. I'm old school so I like 1rst person because it doesn't allow you to see over walls, corners, off roofs ect and that for me is more realistic.

(edit -> to see over walls roofs ect without exposing yourself)

The only grip I really have about 1rst person servers is that they are very rare. Expert servers are rare now (1 or 2 in the US) and they are typically not full.

I'd personally just like to see more servers with Expert on....

you casual players and your 3rd person wall hacks :)

Edited by kwhy
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I cant play 1. person at all in arma, because of its clunky animations and collision detection. Compare it, say, to L4D, where everything is smooth and you dont get stuck on corners.

Whoever things 1.person in arma2 is more realistic is a complete idiot.

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As long as its this mod keep 3rd person around because people cry at the thought of not having the crutch. Then on retail/standalone refine the first person mechanics so that people can't cry about 'ouch head bob hurts' and the truth comes out, "I have terrible situational awareness. I also failed analytical geometry and spatial reasoning."

Seriously, and I WILL be an 'elitist' about it, playing in 3rd person is a crutch. It gives you a better sense of situational awareness that simply wouldn't be present otherwise. You have your right to play like that, and by all means do.

I have my right to call you a girly man and say you suck.

Go back to watching Piranha 3dd

Edited by ytman
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As long as its this mod keep 3rd person around because people cry at the thought of not having the crutch. Then on retail/standalone refine the first person mechanics so that people can't cry about 'ouch head bob hurts' and the truth comes out, "I have terrible situational awareness. I also failed analytical geometry and spatial reasoning."

Seriously, and I WILL be an 'elitist' about it, playing in 3rd person is a crutch. It gives you a better sense of situational awareness that simply wouldn't be present otherwise. You have your right to play like that, and by all means do.

I have my right to call you a girly man and say you suck.

Go back to watching Piranha 3dd

I play FPS for more then 10 years. First person in arma2 is broken (clunky animations / bad collision detection)

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Play on first person servers or just use first person yourself. It's not like the game forces you to use third person.

It's hard to find one with 3dp:off with good ping, at least from where I'm in Russia. And if you have it off while playing on a noob 3dp cheat mode server, you just put yourself at a disadvantage against 3dp cheaters.

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My preference. 3D on, Crosshair off.

Maybe it has to do with the 22 fps i was getting on my current computer but the arma 2 engine made me motion sick while playing in 1st person for 15 minutes, and that has never happened to me in any other game before.

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I'm shocked that so many people either prefer 3rd person or have gotten used to it. It's not how a milsim should be played and is one of the reasons i either avoid games like Resident Evil or dont take them seriously at all.

Really? you are shocked that people have different tastes and opinions?

I prefer 3rd person because i feel it simulates peripheral vision. First person feel like i'm running around with blinkers on.

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Hmm, first time I've heard playing in 1st person as a form of elitism. I honestly don't think that playing in 1st person makes you any better, or more hardcore, because like i said its supposed to feel more immersive. I'm not trying to take away peoples fun. But the reason i feel playing in 3rd person being more enjoyable is because it's much easier. I admit i play 3rd person most of the time when available because its just so much easier. Why do you think the first thing most guides out there tell you is to zoom out to 3rd person.

I'd like to know if Rocket has made any official statements about this. If he lets it go down to popularity then yeah, i'd imagine 3rd person will stay. However the game feels different when played in first person, and it is up to the devs' vision on how the game is to be, not just popularity and some people insisting it makes the game fun for them.

1. The thing is that a lot of players interested in DayZ are not interested in it because of the military simulation aspect. I, myself, only bought Arma 2 because I wanted to play DayZ.

2. There are servers that cater for hardcore gamers that prefer first person at all times, and yea, I agree, that would most definitely contribute to an intense sense of immersion. But forcing this would decrease DayZ popularity in the community, and restrict the target demographic.

3. There are other Arma 2 mods that are far more realistic and immersive, like ACE. The whole "fight in a zombie apocolypse" may be a luring aspect of DayZ, but perhaps other mods are more suited for someone like you, who wants the full blown, get-your-face-dirty-and-heart-pumping, first person perspective military experience?

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3rd person needs to go.

You can disable head bob and widen your FOV if you feel the need to have peripheral vision or the current camera makes you feel ill.

Being able to leave your body and hide behind walls and watch people while they have no idea you are there is crap. Every video you watch on you tube shows people exploiting this. Peripheral vision my ass.

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