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Do you remember your first murder or murderer?

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My first death at the hands of another human being was just like all the others, sniped in the back from a distance, by someone who probably didn't even loot the body. A griefer, in other words. That's unfortunately the kind of people this sort of open gameplay produces - but the game WOULD be less interesting without them :).

The one I remember is the guy who tagged along with me, found a shotgun when I did, and snuck with me through two small towns packed with zeds, until we found the motherlode an hour or two later, at the southern airfield - lots of AK's, ammo, and an M16 for me. I guess he really wanted that M16, because a few minutes later, he shot me in the back. I managed to empty my Makarov into his chest when he killed me, so hopefully he bled out and died too.

Murders... I never killed anyone, so I don't have any murders on my conscience.

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funny how i can't remember my first death, but can recall my first murder-chain. started out small - saw a guy getting horded by zombies near the electro construction site. i approached him slowly as he fought off the remaining zombies. by the time i got to him, he was proned and immobile - probably broken bones and low blood. i didn't take any chances, unloaded my makarov into his head.

didn't bother taking his beans or ammo, the experience of the first kill was more than enough. walking deeper into electro i picked up a revolver and continued down to the hotel. out of nowhere, i see a bandit running full speed at me with a winchester. i stopped moving, aimed down the sights, and was just about to pull one off when i saw the giant mass of zeds trailing him. for some reason i followed him into the hotel and helped him fight off the zombies pouring into the doors. the whole time i was eyeing that shotgun(i thought winchesters were a big deal back then) in his hands. i timed my bullet to the back of his head perfectly. his body collapsed to the floor just as the last zombie stumbled through the door. no agro. no zombies for me to deal with. quick and clean.

so moving up the food chain, i gather his supplies and move on further into electro. next thing i see is a bright flare around the fire station. moving up cautiously along the wall, i spotted 2 guys exchanging gear around that same flare. even then i could tell they were complete noobs - and then i spotted something even more amazing than my winchester - an ak74. i acted quickly and attacked during their most vulnerable. 1 slug for each one. both fell without even knowing what hit them. i guess they learned their lesson

so now i had an ak74 with plenty of ammo, and some -10000 humanity. "what the heck" - i'll see how low it can go. i camped on top of the fire station occasionally lighting flares around the bodies below. one by one players were drawn to the sight like mosquitoes - and went down with a clean bullet to the head as they were gathering gear. each time the pile of corpses grew by one, i wondered "how long until a player finally smarts up and avoids this death-pit." never figured out that one. killed about 6 guys in the same fashion. logged out. came back in to see some guy crawling up the fire station tower. he shot me point blank through the window and down i went - less than 60secs into my session. i guess karma's a b****. took me weeks to neutralize my humanity afterwards.

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I love how this game makes you think about this kind of stuff.

I had to put someone down last night when he stumbled across me solo looting the NW airfield (heard and saw him coming, using a Benelli flashlight like it was a discotek). He wasn't a bandit but I had to kill him for my own survival, cornered in a building inside the most hostile zone in Chernerous.

I still carry his death on my concience even though chances are he would have done the same to me if he had the upper hand...

EDIT: If you find a barracks building that has a lit chemlight inside it and barbed wire in the doorway, it's probably wise to walk away, the guy inside (if he has any tactical awareness) WILL hear you comming and be ready... ;)

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My first murder was self-defense, I guess that falls more into manslaughter then? :)

Second time playing, I spawned near a harbor, not sure which one it was anymore, was a small one though.

I made my way over there (It was night time) and started scouting for supplies. I tossed a flare to the middle of the area to light up my search a bit. 10 seconds later as I'm crouching around I suddenly get fired at. 2 bullets wizz along my face as a third one hits me, I hit the ground for cover and the shooting stops.

I crawl away and move towards a corner right between a house and a fence, bandaged up, took a painkiller and just waited.. Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me, my assassin had returned to finish the job!

I kept my ironsights pointed at the opening in the fence, and just waited. I could hear his footsteps nearing the fence. As soon as I popped his head through the opening I unloaded 3 shots to his face killing him instantly.

As I moved towards his corpse to see if he had anything on him, I suddenly noticed a second player closeby, clearly there were two of them! The other player shot at me and missed, I returned fire and he went prone, I kept unloading my clip into him killing him eventually.

Both were still survivors, I now was a bandit, 2 murders on my hand.

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Hmm, first time getting killed by a player was after playing about 12 hours on 4/24. Had just made it inland to Pusta and was feeling great about how far I had gotten in and even found a town with some loot. I was merrily looting the place when I got blind-sided while crouch walking past a group of zombies. Not really exciting, no warning, just some shots, a screen and sitting back thinking "Well, crap. Hmm, I'm hungry"

First player I killed was up at NE airfield. Guy named *GRU*Bambiz or bizbam or something. He'd been sneaking along up at the control tower while I was prone in the shrubs off to his side. I started talking to him in direct chat and he freaked out and started sprinting all over. He ended up finally running inside the atc while I was busting a gut in TS. After he was inside for a few seconds he starts asking "Friendly?" in side chat. After responding that I was I stood up in the grass outside at which point he started blasting away with his winchester. A quick prone and roll kept me alive, then I put a slug in his chest since he was sitting out on the balcony of the atc in full view. He keeled over then did a quick disconnect. I'm pretty sure he died wherever he came back in, but its close enough for me to count that as my first kill.

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Yup, my first day, I was deep north, spent about half an hour travelling blindly through forests (no map back then). Found some barn by the road and as I turned the corner I saw a guy with CZ just 10 metres from me. He seemed equally surprised. After so long time without seeing anyone (even Z's) this sight got me startled, and after a fraction of a second I unloaded half a makarov mag at his chest.

shameful but felt suprisingly good at the same time.

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First person to kill me was called "Ryan" Im still looking for you Ryan' date=' Im going to find you.


I don't suppose you were under a wooden dock near spawn with a crossbow?

If so I'd like to let you know that I felt bad about it, mostly because I turned into a bandit then got killed in Pusta.

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My first death at another players hands was my first death of the game. On the coast, no idea where i was, wandered along into a small town, only a few buildings, found an enfield in a shed, thought it was the bees knees for the 30 seconds i held it, before someone came round the corner of the fence by the shed, looked at me, and shot me before i had a chance to ask if he was friendly.

He had a bandit skin, but this was before I even knew there was a seperate skin for bandits, as he was the first player i actually came across.

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My first murder? A guy called Vanguard. I had just started and was happily running around the back of a house when his head popped out. We stared each other down, then when neither of us seemed unfriendly, he came out. That's when I shot him full in the face.

I still cry about it in my sleep sometimes.

Second on was Zala, and that's a bit more elaborate. I was coming up just outside Elektro, I think, and saw him fighting off a bunch of zeds. He had run out of ammo, so I moved in to help. As soon as all were dead, he thanked me and started looting the corpses. So as not to stand around like a buffoon (I didn't really know how the game worked up until then), I decided to pop a few shots in his head. Poor guy.

Oddly, I've never been murdered before. I just play too carefully around other players. Only times I die is from zeds. Guess my time is coming sometime, as I was almost murdered by a bandit with a sniper yesterday, but I ran towards him in a zigzag pattern, and he disconnected. Damn coward.

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I can remember my first victim. It was a sunny day in Chernarus. The birds were chirping, and the undead were stumbling.

I had made my way North from Kamenka with plans to visit the troops at one of the local bases. Upon reaching the town of Pavlovo, I spotted a lone wanderer making his way through that pleasent little town. He would scurry to one spot and check something for anything useful.

I snuck up behind him as close as I could before he would move to the next spot. I hit the dirt every time he would move. Eventually I closed the gap on him and was well in range to use my Makarov. I wanted the timing to be perfect and give him as little chance to retalliate. He stopped to check his map or gear and I was able to land several shots into his back. He fell unconscious and I strolled up to him thinking that he was dead. To my surprise, he was alive, but barely. I contemplated on what to do, but settled on just a shot to the head. What surprised me was that blood started squirting out of his head after I shot him

All the poor guy had on him was a couple of cans of food and Makarov magazines.

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