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frustraitingly addictive

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only started playing this mod over the last week

but i gotta admit, i was addicted to it with-in minutes of playing

first venture into a major city, BAM shot from behind after i had just found an axe

and that was how it was for the first couple of days, lol, but i keep coming back for it

i can have awesome gear, get killed, and yes its frustraiting, but its addictive

there is punishment in this game for the smallest laspe in concertration

didnt quickly scan that city with binocs b4 going in? u pay for it

have someone say "hey dont worry! ill help u!!" then as soon as u start picking up some loot BAM!

i honestly love it tho, not only is there the sheer panic of running around a city with no weps while a pack of blood thirsty freaks are hot on ur heels, the chance that someone else is lurking around that next corner as a saviour, or a menace, its sheer joy, not knowing whats over the hill, or in that next building

i dare say, this could be one of the greatest games ive ever played

right now im still just learning the lay of the land, but even if i get murdered/eatin i aint to worryed, as i am getting to know the map more and more

and also where the less traveled areas are

i know its an alpha, i know it has bugs/glitches

once its beta/release it will be even better!!

but even with all the bugs, awesome game Dev's

keep it going

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after a month of playing the magic dies off as you come to find there isnt much to do after a while that isn't a pain or a chore or boring.

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after a month of playing the magic dies off as you come to find there isnt much to do after a while that isn't a pain or a chore or boring.


After you find the best gear and make a nice clan camp with your buddies, the only challanging aspect of the game is "clan wars" aka raiding other clan's camp, stealing their shit and killing them. This will usually result in a clan moving servers, so it is advisable to do such thing on a clan server in order to make sure the opposing clan won't leave, but then again you run into problem admins and all that other shit that comes with it

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BAM shot from behind after i had just found an axe

and that was how it was for the first couple of days, lol, but i keep coming back for it

as soon as u start picking up some loot BAM!

i honestly love it tho

Sounds like you`re a masochist, eh? LOL.

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Im with Mr Null at the moment......only been playing a week, and even for all the frustration of installing, constant (dodgy) patch's and flakey servers, when I actually get into a game.....the time just whizzes past and I cant get enough. My wife and kids seem to have forgotten they have a husband/father!!

Got a bit pissed off last night mind you. Got knocked unconcious by a Zed who then fed on me until I recovered and was able to kill him. So now I need blood, managed to find a cow, but I think its one of those plastic ones you see outside the butcher, cos the twatting thing wont die and give me its meat!!!

......and yet I still cant wait to get home tonight, get the kids off to bed, service the wife and then get on my PC!!

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Doing coordinated attacks as a group against another group is pure awesomeness. Or even at random people. If it's successful you feel great, if not chaos usually ensues and you have adrenaline pumping like mad.

Playing "Cherno Cowboy" as I call it can be fun too, but it's easily turned into simple deathmatching. Though, running around like a mad axemurderer and screaming in voice chat really scares the shit out of people :P

Edited by Nahaz

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nothing like a good dose of death n destruction ;) lol

not into the whole clan thing with games

just been going it alone since so far just about evry "friendly" has killed me, lol, except for one, dunno what happened to them, we were going from town to town at nigth, and i got lose in the forest that night, lol

i just want a crossbow and hunting gear and to find a place to hide out for a while, lol, if i get caught out and lose my gear, ill play differently

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Im with Mr Null at the moment......only been playing a week, and even for all the frustration of installing, constant (dodgy) patch's and flakey servers, when I actually get into a game.....the time just whizzes past and I cant get enough. My wife and kids seem to have forgotten they have a husband/father!!

Got a bit pissed off last night mind you. Got knocked unconcious by a Zed who then fed on me until I recovered and was able to kill him. So now I need blood, managed to find a cow, but I think its one of those plastic ones you see outside the butcher, cos the twatting thing wont die and give me its meat!!!

......and yet I still cant wait to get home tonight, get the kids off to bed, service the wife and then get on my PC!!

Playing with friends will remove a lot of the random bullshit in the game - well it won't "remove" it 100% but it will make it easier to deal with - for example everyone carrying x2 morphine, everyone watching eachother's back etc.

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on the server i was playing on the other day someone was saying how there was a guy running around saying over the mic "friendly! friendly! friendlY" non-stop and as soon as he got close to someone he would hack them to bits with his axe, lol

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Playing with friends will remove a lot of the random bullshit in the game - well it won't "remove" it 100% but it will make it easier to deal with - for example everyone carrying x2 morphine, everyone watching eachother's back etc.

and bloodbags :D

I think i have also found some of the best gear already, or what i would consider good gear because it works :) i still dont find the game boring, and dont think i will, there is always something to do tbh, every game has a an objective end, so calling this boring is calling every game boring, this game is never ending in the though that you can keep on playing and keep on going and find your old gear back, and have to start over, and go into towns and get loot and cars and so and so, you might have to still do all that crap and you might have done it before, but i cant remember any game except EvE where you have to get all your shit back after loosing it.

i love this game, what can i say :D

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