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Happy Face!

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Was playing with a friend at work last night, work ended so we got off...

I get back to work tonight and log back on... Heli crash to my right...

Heli crash to my left...

Starry in front of me...

Lets just say when I get back on tomorrow with my happy ass is decked out now...

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Yeah I were happy when I once found two choppers a bit above stary, then then snipers be sniping me, I bet I even saw ghillie suit on the pile <.<

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Happiest day of my dayz life was Finding an M107 and a DMR in the same firehouse tower at NWAirfield.

I just didn't know it yet because I was new.

The worst day of my life was 1 month later when I realized how rare they are and how dumb I was not to keep one of them.

Never seen either since.


I found 3 Ghilli suits in one day once!

then I found out later I wasted 5 hrs on a private server.


found 2 cyotes in the same place the other day!

*mumbles about the frustration of not being able to keep a spare.


Found 3 Tents last week!

could only carry 2 :/


Found my first vehicle 3 weeks ago, A UMZ right in the middle of Churno!

Same day I found the Ghilli suits.

Private server FML!

Edited by moofactory

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Happiest day of my dayz life was Finding an M107 and a DMR in the same firehouse tower at NWAirfield.

I just didn't know it yet because I was new.

The worst day of my life was 1 month later when I realized how rare they are and how dumb I was not to keep one of them.

Never seen either since.


BTW.. found 2 cyotes in the same place the other day.

*mumbles something about the frustration of not being able to keep a spare.

I have 3 AS50's and 4 Coyote backpacks in my tents :D

It does suck why you can't carry an extra backpack to put in a tent :\

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Yea, it was pretty awesome... To bad it takes a server reset to get new crashed helicopter loot... Also there locations change... :(

Edited by LeOverlord

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So you have 2 heli crashes on each side of the biggest snipe town in the game. You'd be lucky to get out alive

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