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What was your most epic death?

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Hey guys, I just wanted to see some epic deaths around. I'll start it off:

It was actually my first time playin, but I know how to play good. 5 min in I find an akm with two mags and a silenced m9 pistol with four clips. And I also have tons of medical supplies. Zeds eventually chase me up a ladder. It was on a really tall building. I was looking over the edge when a sniper bullet slugs me in the back. I go unconscious and fly over the edge of the building. Hitting the ground really hard. I'm still unconscious and break my legs. So, I'm losing ALOT of blood right now. And the hourglass was still full. The hourglass took about 2 min to empty. But all this time I'm being eaten alive. So I'm continuously taking damage. Right before my hourglass empties a bandit walks up to me and puts a bullet in my head. And I had to watch...

Haha that was actually a fun death. Came out of nowhere, what kind of epic/heroic deaths have you had?

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My friend threw a grenade at a group of people, and they both died. I had an orgasm at how amazing it was. After looting their bodies we went behind a wall. On the way there I got shot by an AK twice. My friend gave me blood while I bandaged. Then, all the sudden, BOOM. Dead. We were both laughing so hard in the vent.

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Jumped off a building by mistake and sniped in mid air. Industrial area tower part (In Cherno) .. GF M16.

Edit: This is the reason I don't go to Cherno anymore..

Edited by ChinWooMan

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Can't say I've had any, honestly. Always something dumb...falling off a building, friendly fire...

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While on my way to the hospital in Cherno, i got jumped by a zed, i manage to kill him with an axe but ended up with a broken leg. Crawled my way to the hospital and found nothing. Crawled my way back to the Church and a few zeds noticed me. I was shooting at the zeds while crawling slowly towards the church and finally reach the doorsteps screaming "God, help me!" only to be overpowered by them in the end. It's actually more tragic and epic. :P

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Was looting the south barracks of the Northwest airfield, dumping everything that spawned into a pile inside the bathroom. It was fairly boring with the occasional pants-shittingly rare loot spawning.

SVD Camo, M240, many M4 variants, and a fracking M136 Rocket launcher were in the pile, among other things. So I was repeating the same boring pattern when suddenly BULLETS. I turn and cap a server hopper that had walked out of the end room, I run to the bathroom to bandage and hear more footsteps. I was pretty sure I killed the guy, so it could only mean another server hopper.

I peek into the hall with 3rd person. There were three people crammed into the fucking hallway, a server hopping squad. I peek out and fire a couple rounds to discourage them from trying to rush me, it works but now they're raping the hallway with bullets and another guy runs through the front door and tries to cap me. I fill him with lead, and see another rifle barrel sticking through the front door slowly inching forward. There was at least 6 guys including the ones I killed!


I was absolutely sure I was going to die, so I go into the loot pile and casually pick up the M136. I then run into the hall and I am immediately greeted with a river of bullets, but not before I manage to fire off a rocket inside the barracks. I die, and I see 5 deaths immediately follow mine. I was a bit upset that I lost everything, but I look back on that day and laugh.

Probably the most epic way I've ever died.

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Leg broken ran out of food, all blurry and only chance to get some food was shooting zeds and hoping for can of beans. A high risk strategy that didn't pay off but at least i took 25 of the fuckers with me and i had plenty of empty cans and one full pepsi.

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First time I found a Lee Enfield... In elektro...

Tried it in the shop.... 68 zeds later and no more ammo the ZED ARMY i had pulled over powered me after a short but intence chase...

Shit happens.. Then Zed's eat you....

Leasson learned.. Lee Enfield + big towns = Suicide gun.

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Happened back when I was new to the game and had no idea where I was or what to do for the most part. I was low on blood, about 4k left. In desperate search for food to heal up, I see a town ahead. I accidentally aggro a zed and just run for it, aggroing about 10 more on the way. I keep running until I get to a ladder and climb up it. I get up there and try to get a sense of my location and realize I'm right next to a fire station. So I move to the other side of the building to climb down a different ladder, but I accidentally just walk off the building instead of climbing down, breaking my legs and knocking me unconscious for a few seconds. I was at about 2k blood when I woke up and had a zombie eating me. I shot it with my AKM and pissed off a ton more zombies. At this point I figure I have to make it to the fire station or I'm screwed. So I'm desperately crawling across the street to the fire station while shooting tons of zeds that are coming from all sides.

Finally I make it into the fire station and luckily I find some morphine in there. As soon as I get my leg patched up, some people start shooting at me. I sprinted out of sight and closed the door to the fire station. Now at this time I'm thinking of my options. I could just run out of the back door and make a break for it, possibly aggroing way more zombies than I could handle and dying in a field. Screw that, I thought, I'm going to make my stand right here.. I'm sick of running. I slowly crept up the stairs into the second floor. I get sight of 3 bandits on top of the building I had just fallen off earlier. I decide to wait for just the right moment to strike. As soon as they started making for the ladder, I attack. POP POP, 1 dead bandit falls off the ladder, POP POP POP, another bandit dies on the roof. The third starts to return fire at me. I retreat back behind the wall. There was no way I could shoot from that window again with the last bandit watching it, so I head back to the bottom floor. I go back to the bottom floor. This is it, I thought to myself, I get one shot at this. I take a deep breath, open up one of the fire station doors, aim down my sight, get my crosshair on the last bandit's head, AND... pass out from low blood and get shot. lol.

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> have DMR, camo, nvg, GPS and other stuff

> sniping on one of the factory buildings in Cherno

> accidentally press v near the edge of the roof

> ohfuck ohfuck ohfuck

> falling down

> oh God, please let this work

> alt F4

> get back into the server

> safe and sound on the ground

> everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg

You can call that a near death experience.

Edited by Rolle

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I was driving my 4WD down a hill near the edge of a forrest with 2 friends in the car with me when I decided to change my graphics options to see what the 4WD looked like with higher settings, but instead of hitting options I hit respawn and instantly died, and the 4WD then veered into a nearby tree and exploded because it had a red engine, killing my 2 friends as well.

They have never let me drive again.

Hell annoying but funny as when you look back on it.

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I guess I ran down the stairs of the wood scaffolding at devils castle to fast, I flew right over the stair case and died.

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Full eP Squad, just raided Stary ... we went into the bushes to set our next "mission" ...

The epic part was not really my death ...

We were in the bushes, suddenly I hear 1 single gun shot, a CZ 550, from my 4' ... I drop dead on spot, it was a headshot.

Suddenly on TS I hear all the stress "P5ykoO down !!! shit we are getting engaged !!!" "where is he !!!" ... so much stress going on in TS ... and I did not even have time to get stressed, I was calm as shit with everyone stressing around me ...

It was like one of those epic battle moments where you see chaos around the actor, explosions and all, yet he is calm (deaf because of the nearby blast) contemplating the chaos around him.

A heart beat.

" You are dead " screen ...


My voice on TS: " Now I am a bandit " ...

Total silence.

Now that was my most epic moment / death.

Edited by P5ykoOHD

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Most of my deaths are pretty plain, most of those falling from ladders... My old WoW clan would have called me Ladder bane by now..

I was on a hill overlooking sniper hill in elektro doing some anti sniping, when i got fired upon. I checked and there were currently no snipers on the hill but looking into town there was someone on the hospital roof. Zooming in he had the CZ550 sniper and i put a round near his head to discourage his current way of life.

Except his buddy gets startled by the sound and the impacting shot, prolly does a major OH SH... and swan dives off the roof. Oh man took a while to stop laughing.

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I was at Bolotoa airfield and I came out of the control tower, and I heard a hatchet swing behind me, I turned around and there was so some guy with a hatchet. I ran around the town till be sliced my legs off, when he went to finish me off, I used my hatchet to slice his legs off and kill him! I was pretty happy to kill him before he killed me but I had no bandages and I bleed out :(

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