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Kefentse (DayZ)

Character reset after updates!

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Hi there,

My Six Launcher recently updated itself today. Once it had finished I logged into a server to find my character had been reset (back to asking me to selected my gender). The reason I believe this is attached to the update is for a few reasons:

1/ It's happened before and the last time was also after Six Launcher updated.

2/ I am absolutely certain I did not die during the logout period. I was completely secluded inside a bush, prone, on a quiet server, at night with no zeds nearby.

3/ The servers I am on are definitely hive server as I have played on them before.

So is this normal? Once a server updates its beta patch or the Six Launcher updates does everyone's character get reset? I'm pretty new to DayZ so I might be missing something. Let me know if I need to post any additional information.

Thanks for any help/info!

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Well the game is in alpha and still bugged out to the shit and back so who knows ! ^__^

You may have received the " worst case scenario " after a server update perhaps.. only a guess but i know its happened to others

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Yeah I'm hoping it's just a bug or something. But I'm worried; is this going to happen every time Six Launcher updates? If so I really want to find a fix for this.

I'm wondering what I can do on my end to fix it. But if my character is saved on the hive then it shouldn't really have anything to do with me.

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Rebooted my server a bit ago (didnt make any changes to files or make any updates, just a simple reboot) and now my group's camp and vehicles are all gone.

Rebooted again thinking it was just a bad reboot and still everything gone but the server time went from 10PM (night) EST to 12:30PM (day) without any changes being made to the server files.

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Actually, a weird fix that I've found is to die on the "new" character. When you respawn you go back to the character that was "deleted".

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Make sure you run the latest Beta and that the server you want to play on also have the latest Beta.

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