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Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

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You do know that bandits also have to be extra careful and stealthy.

You choose not to shoot on site, but that in no way puts you in a disadvangate, actualy in some situations not shooting on site might put you in a better position than if you choose to shoot on site. Imagne if you met me face to face and choose shot me on sight, I play with 7 other friends, now shooting me would put you in a reeaaal bad position since i have 7 friends who will prob kill you and will guard my corpse until i return to them, in this situation you will be kileld loose all your gear and I will only have to run/be picked up by my friends. Now if you met me face to face and choose not to shoot me, that would be it i would prob point a gun at you to make sure you diten shoot me but that would be about it. Hey if you needed something like food we could trade or i could give you some. I know that not everyone is like this but some are.

now this is a small example of why, going the bandit way, as you said '' In an environment with no rules...the bandit always the advantage.'' is not always true.

You wrote something that i found very intersting ''Because i choose not shoot on site. Which puts me at a disadvantage. Which I compensate for with skill.'' You can compensate the ehm what to say, reaction ''shoot on sight'' , which in your opinion is a advantage, with skill how are you then still in disadvantage? And why would you still need bandits to be "Identified", when all you need to do is compensate with skill?

And I apologize if my gramma and spelling is weird to read. English is not my main language.

No worries....You make some good points..Actually the people I want identified (and the system I came up with would only identify these people) are murderer...people who camp and kill everyone just for fun. I put bandits in the thread title which has caused me much grief but it's the PK'rs i think need to be dealy with. As the game stands now (cause i cant switch between rifle and axe easily) I only carry an axe and a glock. When I first started playing I thought this would give an advantage because I wouldn't be perceived as a threat if carried an axe. Foolish of me. I still only carry a glock and an axe. I equipt the axe when navigating zombies and the glock while im out in the wilderness. So guess whether i am at an advantage or disadvantage is a dynamic isuue...meaning it depends on who i am dealing with. Hopefully Ill be dealing with somelike you... I am glad to hear your thoughtful response. and nice know there are good people out there.

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My only objection is what is to stop a bandit who was killed by someone defending himself from reporting the innocent as a murderer?

This hasn't been an issue for most of us though. We just accept this is the way DayZ is played. Why do people have such a desperate attachment to their gear? I am able to rearm in a matter of less than 20 minutes if I'm near Elektro, I make my way to Stary and if I'm feeling lucky I hit the NW Airfield barracks.

After all this the game gets boring and we (a small group of friends and I) End up being killed, but the fun is in starting over and finding gear again, it becomes quite boring and dull once you have the best everything because there isn't anywhere else to go.

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Good idea and I bet someone's said this but a group of dicks can just go report randoms for fun and how would you know who's telling the truth

Also it doesn't matter ingame you can't see the players names on all servers, tags are turned off on some of them making this info useless

It should also reset when character dies but they would have like a sort of rep known about them for what they did

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Your so full of shit. You(or the people you defend) have no qualms about saying to someone. "Hey if you play passively then you get what you deserve". That is YOU deciding to punish someone for their play style....so fuck off with your fail logic hypocrite bullshit. And my suggestion was not for a place to come and whine about being killed. But maybe you're in like sixth grade and don't have alot of experience with reading comprehension. (Or maybe you're a complete fucking retard :)) Either way. Im not asking for a tool to fix "getting killed" shithead. I'm asking for a tool that will possibly discourage folks from working in teams to camp an area indiscriminately killing every soul they see just for shits and giggles. That's my request OK ALL YOU FUCKING MURDOCH DOUCHBAGS. Not for someone to save me from getting killed. Get it through your thick fucking malformed skulls. You see the problem is...When your arguments are not based in logic, and you just keep talking, eventually you have nothing to stand upon and you fall. So all you imbeciles who accuse me of being a pussy who wants rocket to hold my hand KEEP TALKING. I will take each one of you apart piece by piece and expose you for the fucking idiots you are, Have a nice life

Another person who fails to understand the concept of the game. Just because you don't see something as punishing another player doesn't mean it isn't. Just because you swear a lot in a post doesn't make it any better. Fail idea is still fail, and if you were expecting a different set of responses you should spend more time actually reading the threads in the suggestion forums. There are literally hundreds of complaints about this topic. I never said you had to play passive by the way. I said either run or shoot back. I would hardly classify shooting someone as being passive, but hey whatever. You say there are no arguments that can be made about your idea, but your idea fails at the start. There is no advantage for bandits. They simply kill people who fail to take the time to be cautious, or place reward above the risk. You called someone a liar for telling you that you didn't state an advantage for bandits. Sometimes the truth hurts, because you didn't. They can be killed by the exact same amount of bullets as a survivor. There is no "advantage" at all. In fact there are many disadvantages to shooting on sight. If you can name one legitimate advantage a bandit has over a survivor I'd be glad to support your idea. But the truth is you won't be able to. The only way a bandit can even get an "advantage" is if the survivor isn't prepared, alert, and attentive to his surroundings. Survivors who play like that do not have problems with bandits. Try it. Name one advantage a well prepared bandit has over a well prepared survivor. I'll wait.

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My only objection is what is to stop a bandit who was killed by someone defending himself from reporting the innocent as a murderer?

This hasn't been an issue for most of us though. We just accept this is the way DayZ is played. Why do people have such a desperate attachment to their gear? I am able to rearm in a matter of less than 20 minutes if I'm near Elektro, I make my way to Stary and if I'm feeling lucky I hit the NW Airfield barracks.

After all this the game gets boring and we (a small group of friends and I) End up being killed, but the fun is in starting over and finding gear again, it becomes quite boring and dull once you have the best everything because there isn't anywhere else to go.

Nothing is stopping false reports in this system....but a characters reported murder count would reset every 48 hours UNLESS they receive a certain number of reports within that time span. So a player would have to have...idk say 50 reported murders in that 48 hour time period to get flagged.

Good idea and I bet someone's said this but a group of dicks can just go report randoms for fun and how would you know who's telling the truth

Also it doesn't matter ingame you can't see the players names on all servers, tags are turned off on some of them making this info useless

It should also reset when character dies but they would have like a sort of rep known about them for what they did

Now what's to stop a group of friends from filing 50 false murder reports...nothing i guess. I suppose if the devs were interested in this idea they'ld have to figure something out. Only allowing a single member to report once every 48 hours would stop one person from submitting dupe reports. But I can't think of anything to stop 50 friends from doing it at the moment. As for the name tag issue it's not needed because (like other games do) when you killed by another player you and only you would see the name of the player who killed you..i.e. "you were killed by xyz". And IMO if a player is murdering other players on that scale...30 to 50 per day...IMO this is not a legitimate style of play....its griefing. and the desifnation should stick with them even after death. OR there could be a certain number of warnings (not for being a bandit...for griefing) and if get a flagged for griefing a certain number of times THEN you get a perma tag or temporary ban for griefing

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Another person who fails to understand the concept of the game. Just because you don't see something as punishing another player doesn't mean it isn't. Just because you swear a lot in a post doesn't make it any better. Fail idea is still fail, and if you were expecting a different set of responses you should spend more time actually reading the threads in the suggestion forums. There are literally hundreds of complaints about this topic. I never said you had to play passive by the way. I said either run or shoot back. I would hardly classify shooting someone as being passive, but hey whatever. You say there are no arguments that can be made about your idea, but your idea fails at the start. There is no advantage for bandits. They simply kill people who fail to take the time to be cautious, or place reward above the risk. You called someone a liar for telling you that you didn't state an advantage for bandits. Sometimes the truth hurts, because you didn't. They can be killed by the exact same amount of bullets as a survivor. There is no "advantage" at all. In fact there are many disadvantages to shooting on sight. If you can name one legitimate advantage a bandit has over a survivor I'd be glad to support your idea. But the truth is you won't be able to. The only way a bandit can even get an "advantage" is if the survivor isn't prepared, alert, and attentive to his surroundings. Survivors who play like that do not have problems with bandits. Try it. Name one advantage a well prepared bandit has over a well prepared survivor. I'll wait.

Being as you failed to notice....The OP was not a complaint...it was a suggestion to a percieved problem...there is huge difference between complaining and offering a suggestion...you should learn that difference. Any complaining i did do within the thread was because of thickheaded whiners (like yourself) that have reading comprehension issues. piss off EDIT: and already said what i thought the disadvantage was in earlier posts. It's not my problem if you can't or don't read. Edited by playZ

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When you make a post stating that bandits have an advantage when they do not that is complaining. It is not the communities fault if you fail to understand that. Obviously you cannot post a reasonable advantage. If you can you have yet to do so. If you honestly believe disregard for other people has anything to do with an advantage then you have no idea what an actual advantage is.

Edit: I'd like to add, you feel the balance of the game is completely broken. Please explain how the balance is broken when everybody has access to the same gear from spawn until death. I would love to read an explanation about the game being "unbalanced" when nobody is given an advantage.

Edited by Zipper -82ndAB-

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When you make a post stating that bandits have an advantage when they do not that is complaining. It is not the communities fault if you fail to understand that. Obviously you cannot post a reasonable advantage. If you can you have yet to do so. If you honestly believe disregard for other people has anything to do with an advantage then you have no idea what an actual advantage is.

Edit: I'd like to add, you feel the balance of the game is completely broken. Please explain how the balance is broken when everybody has access to the same gear from spawn until death. I would love to read an explanation about the game being "unbalanced" when nobody is given an advantage.

Would you stop complaining....."Another person who fails to understand the concept of the game" see that is a complaint my friend. Whether or not I understand the concept of the game is of no concern to you. If you have nothing but complaints and demands then I have no interest in talking with you. EDIT: All the questions you ask me other people already asked and i replied. Edited by playZ

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Zipper I can name three distinct advantages a bandit has over a survivor.

Number 1, he knows what he is and his choice is easy, just kill. (That's just the game, nothing you can do about that.)

Number 2, if a survivor has aggravated a zombie or zombies and he is engaged and focused on that. This leaves a bandit almost free of detection to strike, after which of course it is too late. (That's just the game, nothing you can do about that.)

Which brings us to number 3, bandits learn real quick when they are watching an area that if a survivor enters, zombies appear. This is just part of the game and server management, but it's like getting a big red flashing light that a survivor is in the area, plus if the zombie is aggravated, they know just where to look.

Since zombies appear where survivors are, tipping off bandits, wanted posters should go up in the nearby area on buildings or storefronts, tipping off survivors. This warning should encompass a large radius so if snipers are hiding around an area (say hundreds of meters out) the posters would appear. This would alert the survivors in a subtle way (because they have to enter the town to even see the posters anyway). Also make it so that a bandit or murderer is simply the person who shoots first either during a face to face or sniper situation. Thus after their first kill, they are so labeled and posters will appear in the towns and cities they are near.

Zombies present alert bandits to survivors, posters present alert survivors to bandits. I believe this is a fair way to bring balance to the game as it exists, due to server resource management.

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Zipper I can name three distinct advantages a bandit has over a survivor.

Number 1, he knows what he is and his choice is easy, just kill. (That's just the game, nothing you can do about that.)

Number 2, if a survivor has aggravated a zombie or zombies and he is engaged and focused on that. This leaves a bandit almost free of detection to strike, after which of course it is too late. (That's just the game, nothing you can do about that.)

Which brings us to number 3, bandits learn real quick when they are watching an area that if a survivor enters, zombies appear. This is just part of the game and server management, but it's like getting a big red flashing light that a survivor is in the area, plus if the zombie is aggravated, they know just where to look.

Since zombies appear where survivors are, tipping off bandits, wanted posters should go up in the nearby area on buildings or storefronts, tipping off survivors. This warning should encompass a large radius so if snipers are hiding around an area (say hundreds of meters out) the posters would appear. This would alert the survivors in a subtle way (because they have to enter the town to even see the posters anyway). Also make it so that a bandit or murderer is simply the person who shoots first either during a face to face or sniper situation. Thus after their first kill, they are so labeled and posters will appear in the towns and cities they are near.

Zombies present alert bandits to survivors, posters present alert survivors to bandits. I believe this is a fair way to bring balance to the game as it exists, due to server resource management.

Those are not advantages.

Number one is not an advantage. This is a first person shooter with zombies. Survivors have an obligation to defend themselves just as much as bandits have an obligation to kill. Failure to do so by either party doesn't provide an advantage to being one or the other.

Number two is not an advantage. The survivor failed at surviving and pissed off some zombies. Additionally, when a bandit shoots his gun, for whatever reason, he will also aggro zombies. Survivors in the area will also be looking for this, leaving them free of detection to strike at the bandit.

Number three is not an advantage. Survivors need to scout an area before entering. If survivors attempted to do this before running straight into Cherno, they will see their life expectancy go up. There are going to be people that you do not see, bandit snipers being one of them. But, in turn, bandits are not always going to be able to see survivors that are counter-sniping.

In regards to your wanted poster idea, how would anybody know that said bandit had killed anyone? Dead men, or women, do not talk.

This game cannot get any more balanced then it already is. There is no advantage to being one or the other. We all use the same weapons, can all drive the same vehicles, and can all eat and drink the same food, and use the same bandages. In terms of game design, this game is balanced to perfection. Show me the giant shark with laser beams on its head that swims in the ocean and only bandits can use. Then I will believe you that bandits have an advantage. Until then, the only people that have an advantage are the ones who take the time to ensure they are going to survive. You will find a large majority of the PvP related deaths in this game happen because people forget that the entire core of the game is built around survival.

Edited by Zipper -82ndAB-

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Those are not advantages.

Number one is not an advantage. This is a first person shooter with zombies. Survivors have an obligation to defend themselves just as much as bandits have an obligation to kill. Failure to do so by either party doesn't provide an advantage to being one or the other.

Number two is not an advantage. The survivor failed at surviving and pissed off some zombies. Additionally, when a bandit shoots his gun, for whatever reason, he will also aggro zombies. Survivors in the area will also be looking for this, leaving them free of detection to strike at the bandit.

Number three is not an advantage. Survivors need to scout an area before entering. If survivors attempted to do this before running straight into Cherno, they will see their life expectancy go up. There are going to be people that you do not see, bandit snipers being one of them. But, in turn, bandits are not always going to be able to see survivors that are counter-sniping.

In regards to your wanted poster idea, how would anybody know that said bandit had killed anyone? Dead men, or women, do not talk.

This game cannot get any more balanced then it already is. There is no advantage to being one or the other. We all use the same weapons, can all drive the same vehicles, and can all eat and drink the same food, and use the same bandages. In terms of game design, this game is balanced to perfection. Show me the giant shark with laser beams on its head that swims in the ocean and only bandits can use. Then I will believe you that bandits have an advantage. Until then, the only people that have an advantage are the ones who take the time to ensure they are going to survive. You will find a large majority of the PvP related deaths in this game happen because people forget that the entire core of the game is built around survival.

Well that's your opinion, if you choose to not call them advantages, that's up to you. The first 2 I explained are not game level advantages, but player style advantages. I should have been more clear, I never claimed they were unfair, but simply part of the game like I state. You need to realize the game is not real life, just a close adaptation to what it might be like. Zombies spawning ahead of survivors in no way would represent a real life situation, yet it's a fact of the game and gives survivors away. Thus it does give bandits an advantage if their objective is to hunt survivors. I am afraid it's as simple as that. If the zombies spawned at the beginning of the game and there was a finite amount, then I would have no argument. Oh and that giant shark with laser beams... could be likened to a submarine or fishing vessel, so you can't say something like that doesn't exist.

Bandits that snipe are not going to aggro any zombies because they are likely too far away.

What this whole thing really comes down to is player value and I guess the developers will decide where that balance is when this goes to beta. I was merely making a suggestion that I feel would help bring a bit of balance back to the game, especially for noobs, because attracting players is one thing, keeping them is something else. If you don't like my suggestion, fine, but it's really what the community wants as a whole that's most important and maybe that is what rocket is trying to flush out.

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There's 500,000 people playing, and you want the devs to look over every case of someone dying? Sorry. I don't agree with this. It's way too much work. Even community volunteers would be in way over their head.

Edited by Black Widow

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There's 500,000 people playing, and you want the devs to look over every case of someone dying? Sorry. I don't agree with this. It's way too much work. Even community volunteers would be in way over their head.

What makes you think i want the devs to look over every death?

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Seriously, the amount of butthurt threads about people wanting to penalize PK is amazing. Stop whining, be more stealthy. Since I started playing more seriously (not running through Cherno asking if a bandit is my mommy) I've died twice, once because of an ingame glitch and the second because of a sniper at NE. It's not hard, just be smart.

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Seriously, the amount of butthurt threads about people wanting to penalize PK is amazing. Stop whining, be more stealthy. Since I started playing more seriously (not running through Cherno asking if a bandit is my mommy) I've died twice, once because of an ingame glitch and the second because of a sniper at NE. It's not hard, just be smart.

Actually dude....you are the one who is whining.

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Actually dude....you are the one who is whining.

He actually just made a comment and offered some advice. Still waiting for you to post the advantage that the bandits have.

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He actually just made a comment and offered some advice. Still waiting for you to post the advantage that the bandits have.

No he complained at too many threads about penalizing PK'rs...(offered no solution therefore its just complaining) and then told me to stop looking for a mommy and not be stupid. Again..the question you are waiting for me to answer i have already answered you just need to scroll up. You're entitled to disagree.

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