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Where can I get my first gun?

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When I start out without a gun I never know where to go. Most villages don't even have guns. Where should I go to get one?

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North West airfield is a great place to find your first weapon

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THe last barn I went in had 6 lee enfields and a double barrelled.

You might try a barn....

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Get away from the shore, theres nothing there but broken dreams. go into the towns and farms, you'll find guns. be careful they attract zeds. and dont shoot (t00 many) newbs ;P

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Get away from the shore, theres nothing there but broken dreams. go into the towns and farms, you'll find guns. be careful they attract zeds. and dont shoot (t00 many) newbs ;P

This is a valid point if you don't want to die.

However the other viewpoint is, you have nothing to lose, so why not run into Elektro and try to find some decent supplies. A lot of us will just blindly run thought the nearest city at the start, you either get good gear and make it away into the forests, or you die, It doesn't matter because you have nothing to lose.

I suggest the latter to be honest.

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If you're new and have not much to lose, head to main town and search the residential apartment complexes for some civilian styled self defense handguns. Low noise, lots of ammunition lying around, decent damage. Good luck sir. If you ever need extra assistance feel absolutely welcome to PM me.

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This is from my personal stash:

A low/medium risk run that will yield a few weapons and food. Good if you have a canteen because you can hit the lakes up on the way: kehs9d.jpg

This is a nice quick run that will get you a nice load out to prepare yourself for slightly higher risk runs into a city or the like. Use this map to help you find these locations: http://dayzmap.info/

Edited by The_Man
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If you spawn on that side TheMans run in good IMO. I myself just hit as many houses/barns/tree stands I can find but I like the chalange of going all ninja in small towns of zombies.

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Well, I snuck into a town and got some guns. After that, I went into Chernarus, got a LOT of food, water, and even a Winchester 1866. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon a few zombies that snuck up on me and I had to shott them. After I shot them I high-tailed it out of the City. Once I was almost out I just randomly got shot by someone like a mile away while I was by the train tracks.

Sucks, meh.

Now I want to try and find a helicopter.

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I always find winchester on barns. If you are near Balota you should check the hangars, I found an "uzi" (PDW) there, and a dead player with an ak74. Also there are 4 deer stands there.

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When I start out without a gun I never know where to go. Most villages don't even have guns. Where should I go to get one?

You will have a hard time finding your first weapon in small towns or villages. Very close to these towns, a little out of the cost, you will find a lot of farms with barns and stuff where you can actually find weapons and supplies.

You can also find guns scattered all over Cherno, Elektro and Berezino, although you will find lots of players trying to do the same thing, and even players looking for people just to kill them.

If you want a more random gameplay death match style, stay in the coast, you'll find lots of supplies and weapons but you will die very often.

If you want something different, just go north and look for supplies there.

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Barns are the best places early on i find, fairly common and usualy have guns ranging from Shotguns, rifles and even a sniper rifle occasionaly.

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I found my first rifle in a barn, but recently I found this supermarket loaded with rifles, shotguns, handguns, and even a crossbow. (I lost the crossbow due to inventory glitches this afternoon :P)

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In Chernagorsk on the left side there's a Church with a LOT of supplies and a Supermarket with even more across the street. I should have just left the City after getting that stuff though, I even found a map! I could have gone anywhere I wanted easily!

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I've spawned near Balota by the shore a few times. If you head up to the small airfield beside it there's usually a weapon or two in one of the hangars, and the control tower. This is also a popular destination for plenty of other fresh-spawners, so be careful.

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Been hanging out north of Elektro, not bad just get occasional respawns.

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Start out on a low player server, something like 19/50 is good; something below 20. I always find that there is no loot if you're on a server that is damn near full. Go to someplace like Elektrozavodsk or even Chernogorsk (I know it sounds stupid) that has a good percentage of weapons spawning, and not to mention you'll have a higher chance of survival due to the lack of players!

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North West airfield is a great place to find your first weapon

I'm so pissed about that! I was there for so long, and had gone up n' down the run way 4 times. I didn't find the barracks anywhere... Later I had died, and that was after surviving for 5 days my first time ever playing. Good times though!

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I mostly go to barns and deerstands. Then i go for the military camps.

This is the way to go. Just find a little bit food and a drink. Optionally medical stuff from a hospital and than go immediately north, away from the coast. You will find lot of weapons later at barns and deerstands.

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I have a new route.

First you go to the left of Chernagorsk. You go to the Church near the water and then the Supermarket down the street. After that, go to the Balota Airfield and check the buildings. After that, you should have some decent weapons and a LOT of supplies.

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Look inside any building you can, you're bound to find gear in them. Finding a weapon is going to be an issue of luck. Try the big cities for the highest chance, but remember they are also the most dangerous place in existence. Players will shoot you if you let them, and zombies are heavy in every area. Just be careful if you go into the city and stay off the roofs.

I can set you up with some basic weapons and supplies if you want.

Edited by Cheeseburger

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