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Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

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Dayz Name : Business Gecko

How long have you been playing Dayz : A little more than a month and a half

Time Zone : Canadian Mountain Time

Will you provide as much support as we support you? : (Read to the End) Yes and No, I am a team player, Even if you dont support me all that much i will still be the best i can

Primary of Choice : My usual kit is an M4A1 CCO SD Paired with a Barret M107 .50BMG and a M9 SD (SD for the Zeds and Close players, Barret for the Headshots. But i have died recently :l)

Skype : poisonoustaco67

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whats not funny about not allowing youngins in a clan?

im laughing because you had to deal with immature people

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DayZ Name: HellsAn631

How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 Weeks

What is your time of area : US Central

Will you provide as much support as we will support you?: Yes

What is your primary weapon of choice: SVD, M24, or CZ 550

Skype name: HellsAn631

I was a semi-pro starcraft 2 player during late 2010/early 2011. I have background experience in lots of FPS, playing Americas Army for 4 years competitivly. I'm a veteran tactician and stratigest from my experience in both RTS games and FPS games. I'm a very accurate shot. My first 3 shots with a sniper-rifle on the arma 2 engine were at 860m-900m, resulting in 3 kills, 2 headshots.

I can provide a recent proof of purchase on a steam account of the same name with lots of activity on the account almost every day, as well as very detailed records of anything you would need to prove I'm legit and interested in joining, seeing as this is my first post.

I'm very interested in joining a serious DayZ group. I am a web designer and developer professionaly as a freelancer, so I can help with that (and make it look good).

Edited by hellsan631
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whats not funny about not allowing youngins in a clan?

im laughing because you had to deal with immature people

it's funny when they die, lol,

hellsan, pm me on skype if you can

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DayZ Name : Anderson

How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 months

What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] Central US

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] yes

What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] Well, I prefer sniping since i have a ghillie suit, but whatever really.

Skype name : Anderson.russell

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DayZ Name : Longpork

How long have you been playing DayZ : 3-4 Weeks

What is your time of area : Alaska (UTC - 9)

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Absolutely...you gotta have friends in the Zombie Apocalypse

What is your primary weapon of choice : I've had some poor luck at trying to upgrade my weapons, getting shot by other survivors at the high value spawn points. The MP5SD6 and CZ550 were a lot of fun while I had them though.

Skype name : d.indendi

I know this is my first post and all, but I'm not one to post on game forums...I'd much rather be playing. I've been going lone wolf since starting the game and it's become very apparent that you need friends to watch your back. I tried to play nice with some surviviors when starting out and that earned me some bullets to the face. Since then I'm a shoot first, loot the bastard later kind of guy.

I'm 32 and have a steady job, so my schedule is pretty reliable and DayZ has infected (hah!) my brain like no other game has in a very long time...would like to find a dedicated group to run with.

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DayZ Name : Longpork

How long have you been playing DayZ : 3-4 Weeks

What is your time of area : Alaska (UTC - 9)

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Absolutely...you gotta have friends in the Zombie Apocalypse

What is your primary weapon of choice : I've had some poor luck at trying to upgrade my weapons, getting shot by other survivors at the high value spawn points. The MP5SD6 and CZ550 were a lot of fun while I had them though.

Skype name : d.indendi

I know this is my first post and all, but I'm not one to post on game forums...I'd much rather be playing. I've been going lone wolf since starting the game and it's become very apparent that you need friends to watch your back. I tried to play nice with some surviviors when starting out and that earned me some bullets to the face. Since then I'm a shoot first, loot the bastard later kind of guy.

I'm 32 and have a steady job, so my schedule is pretty reliable and DayZ has infected (hah!) my brain like no other game has in a very long time...would like to find a dedicated group to run with.

Pm me if your really intrested in joining, we will be having a very big day tomorrow, if you want to be apart of it let me know!

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How long have you been playing DayZ : 1 month

What is your time of area : [GMT+2]

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Of course.

What is your primary weapon of choice : m14 aim/m4a1 cco sd/AS50

Skype name : tetsu0jin

Edited by GetYouBarbara

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You realize, someone with 100 posts can screw you over right? 0 or 25 it's not going to matter.. I'd say be a very good judge of character and leave the twenty five post thing out.. That's just garbage..

"Goes to post. : Nice Video: on twenty-five different threads: "


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DayZ Name : SwiftEden

How long have you been playing DayZ : Two 1/2 months

What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] Eastern

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes, you will become my clan brothers, brothers in arms.

What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] - My main weapon of choice is a Sniper rifle(Anything from a CZ to a AS50), being a small-time Arma 2 & DayZ veteran, I have always preferred a long range rifle, anything to take out a target without knowing my location, moving to another spot, taking another man out, and covering teammates as they loot.

Skype name : Swiftrooki3

Added notes: Do you receive any sort of possible firearm for our role when we join this group due to these players encountering deaths recently by anything, including mine, being a bug with spawning in and dropping about 20ft from the middle of the air.

Edited by SwiftEden

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How long have you been playing DayZ : 1 month

What is your time of area : [GMT+2]

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Of course.

What is your primary weapon of choice : m14 aim/m4a1 cco sd/AS50

Skype name : tetsu0jin

Your name is tetsuo, anyone who knows akira is always welcome :) hit me up on skype

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DayZ Name : Ithz

How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 months

What is your time of area : UTC + 01:00 Amsterdam, berlin, Stockholm, Vienna

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes

What is your primary weapon of choice : support/assault rifle not so much sniping id rather be a spotter

Skype name : Amund_94

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DayZ Name : Ithz

How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 months

What is your time of area : UTC + 01:00 Amsterdam, berlin, Stockholm, Vienna

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes

What is your primary weapon of choice : support/assault rifle not so much sniping id rather be a spotter

Skype name : Amund_94

a spotter would be nice, but you need to be able to do anything

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DayZ Name : Glimmermang

How long have you been playing DayZ : 1 month or so

What is your time of area : West Coast

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Peas and Carrots

What is your primary weapon of choice : Axe. When I don't use that I pull out my M4 silenced. For the record, I Have NV goggles, M4 silenced, guillie suit, and other cool shit because I axed 2 guys for it.

Skype name : Glimmermang

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DayZ Name : Lukky13

How long have you been playing DayZ : Couple weeks

What is your time of area : [EU West (GMT +1)]

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes]

What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper (M24,DMR,M107,AS50]

Skype name : [TheLukky13]

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DayZ Name: dev

How long have you been playing DayZ: 1 month

Time of Area: GMT (UK)

Will you provide as much support as we will support you: Of course

Primary weapon of choice: DMR, but familiar with all guns

Skype name: Devmagic18

Edited by Devmagic

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say FUCK YEAH!

Had a hell of a fight with you guys in Cherno. You kept respawning and zerggin' the shit outta the hill.

xD We only had three people though, so I suppose you guys + the entire server would have eventually killed us.

Just wanted to let you guys know we had a hell of a time playin' with you guys ;D Happened about an hour and a half before I made this post on US 1300. Can't remember the guys that were there, but they can get geared and rush that hill pretty quick lmao.

Enjoy the gear fellas, hope we can do it again sometime.

Team Casualties:

  • Sequisha
  • [LGC] Abdul Abahajad (me :D)
  • [LGC] Johnny

Enemy Casualties

  • Everyone xD I went from 1 murder to 21 murders and 4 bandit kills.

Oh, why was Cherno's Finest chillin' in Elektro?

Edited by Tsyn
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this post is reffering to 3 players - Myself and my wife, and a close friend I work with who introduced me to the mod.

DayZ Name :

My name is Duuder, wife's name is Eizza, and buddy's name is Nick.

How long have you been playing DayZ :

5 weeks

What is your time of area :

EST - We all work stable jobs and are available after 6pm normally. Nick and myself are much more active in game than my wife, and while she is a solid player, she just doesnt play as much.

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? :


What is your primary weapon of choice :

vs Zeds I like the axe. PvP, I will take a kobra or dmr. Our playstyles adapt to fit the needs of the group, honestly.

Skype name : [Name goes here]


Basically, me, my wife, and my pal have been surviving since we began playing this mod. They few firefights we have had with other players were just awesome, and we want more of it. We want to get into PvP, banditry and more group play. We decided a clan would probably be the best way to go for that. We are all 25 years old or more, all have skype and working mics, and are eager to delve deeper into DayZ. As for this being my 1st post, sorry. New to the forums and not able to think of 25 worthy topics for new posts before making this one. Hit me up on Skype and we can chat.

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How long have you been playing DayZ : For 2-3 weeks now

What is your time of area : UTC/GMT +2 hours

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes

What is your primary weapon of choice : Sniper

Skype name : [antero.enbuske]

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DayZ name : Aleksi

How long you have you been playing DayZ : about 4 weeks

What is your time of area : UTC/GMT +2 hours

Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes

What is your primary weapon of choice: Sniper or M4A1 CCO

Skype name: Alekzi551

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