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Rising (DayZ)

Can someone explain the point of ALT-F4

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I'm sure that despite the serious loopholes and abuse, there must be a legitimate reason to keep letting players DC instantly off a server? Most mmos and online games out there force you to stay in the game for a few seconds to a few minutes when you force disconnect.

Or is this an ArmA engine limitation thing?

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ive only d/ced once.. because i was on a bike in a field and was getting sniped..

atleast they got my bike!

Edited by Justin619

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ive only d/ced once.. because i was on a bike in a field and was getting sniped..

atleast they got my bike!

That's not an excuse. You should never Alt+F4.

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That's not an excuse. You should never Alt+F4.

not true .... if my dog has a turtle head im Alt + F4ing like a mofo :huh:

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not true .... if my dog has a turtle head im Alt + F4ing like a mofo :huh:

Then it should be ok for me to force quit because my imaginary dog is "turtle heading".

I'm sure rocket has his reasons for not implementing a logout timer but I sure wish he would get around to it.

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That's not an excuse. You should never Alt+F4.

Some days ago I was in a server with 2 other people, and way up north in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly a truck comes driving and parks in the treeline, next to me in the forest. I guess I shouldn't have disconnected and let the hacker kill me...

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Think Rocket said something like that it's fairly easy to locate the dudes disconnecting often or disconnecting often, while someone is shooting near them, but that it was hard to prevent false negatives and might be something that would be easier to incorporate into a standalone code.

I think he touched the subject in the Gamebreaker interview, so you could check that out.

Edited by Dallas

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Interesting. I initially thought Rocket left it in there so we could use it in emergency situations when we get trapped by a glitch. But that doesnt sound very Rocket.

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Some days ago I was in a server with 2 other people, and way up north in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly a truck comes driving and parks in the treeline, next to me in the forest. I guess I shouldn't have disconnected and let the hacker kill me...

Because someone had a truck they were hackers?

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Then it should be ok for me to force quit because my imaginary dog is "turtle heading".

I'm sure rocket has his reasons for not implementing a logout timer but I sure wish he would get around to it.

Probably because there are too many implications that can result.

In one update, if you ALT-F4'd and logged back in within 10 mins, you would be bleeding or unconscious. This was met with uproar.

In the (most current I think) update, if you server hop too many times the same thing could happen. Or following abort, disconnect, the log out timer was set to 5 minutes and the same would happen. I might be wrong on this, can anyone confirm? I think at one point, ALT F4 was going to be disabled, completely, am I wrong or did I just imagine this amoungst the cascade of updates lol.

Anyway, point is that ANY kind of penalty for logging out/back in again, or the scripting involved if someone is in combat when they do so, etc etc is either too harsh on innocent players or too damn difficult to script on Arma's engine.

I really don't know the reasons, but I think it's a redundant to whinge about it here. We know, Rocket knows, EVERYONE knows about the ALT F4 queens.

Sigh. I feel drained.

Edited by Addicted

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just have the character stay in the game for 10 seconds if you lose connection/crash to desktop/ALT F4

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I think there are legitimate reasons someones game would quit like an alt f4 such as a power outage or internet dropped or computer froze but the amount of times that happens is far far less than the "I'm in trouble, better alt+f4" mentality force quits.

All the other mmo's I've played have a logout timer. I know rocket is aware of the problem and is looking or at least thinking of a solution. I just hope the final release of Dayz has some protection against it. If for nothing else than to reduce the amount of posts on the forums.

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Arma II wasn't built with this kind of stored character data in mind but more along the lines of traditional FPS's where you have your battle performance logged in the instance when you're playing in a server. Thus alt+f4 was never an issue, just like in games like battlefield, quake, or CoD.

Whether or not the engine is capable of leaving a character in the game world and continue recording the status of that character after after the player disconnects, or if the DayZ team has yet to figure out how to do it is unknown to me.

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I have never ALT+F4 but I have CTRL+ALT+DEL to close the game when it froze due to ALT+F4 not working.

My friend screamed at me to DC when some guys shot and wounded him and another friend in a deer-stand a bit from me. I refused and spent a good 30 minute pot shot M14 fight with 2 enemies until they killed me. They earned it and I shot first why should I DC? Consequences are supposed to be part of a game, especially a simulation type game even if it has bugs that doesn't change the point.

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So there as as many or more hackers than ALT+F4 guys? If you say so sir.

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I'd rather deal with people ALT+F4ing on me than deal with having no quick escape against a hacker.

that sounds like a pretty lame excuse


Edited by daze23

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that sounds like a pretty lame excuse

Wow, profundity must run through your veins like blood does mine, huh?

You're a lame excuse, daisy23. And so are all the other morons complaining about this "problem". This is a game & people can log on & off whenever they want to.

Alt+F4 is a Windows shortcut, not the game developers fault/problem. If anyone wants to quit while being attacked etc, they can still click Esc & Abort in about 1 second. Adding a time penalty where your character stands there for X number of seconds after logging off is just stupid, especially since the game crashes & glitches alot. Just live with the quitters until Rocket comes up with a solution - AFTER all the other more important glitches & problems have been fixed. You people...

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ive only d/ced once.. because i was on a bike in a field and was getting sniped..

atleast they got my bike!

Not a justifiable excuse to the use of ALT F4. The only time I've ever ALT F4'd in this game is when I was stuck in an object and couldn't move, or to escape from a hacker dropping bombs from a harrier jet, or if they teleport to me and chase me with a hatchet and have the god-mode script on or something else that's equally stupid. Had to do it just the other day because one of them teleported to me while I was at my camp, and I watched him teleport further and further away. Just looked like a glitchy, laggy zombie. Then he turned around and started firing that automatic grenade launcher from Arma. I heard it firing and thankfully he was a terrible shot. One of the rounds went off right behind me and it broke my leg and brought me to 5.5k blood, so I dc'd. I can't stand the thought of losing all my shit to something like that. Thankfully this hasn't happened all that often, and I'm proud to say I have never logged from a firefight no matter if I was outnumbered or not, and regardless of how good of a kit I was carrying. People think that just because someone sees you first and starts firing at you, that you can't get away or come out of it breathing. I've gotten out of sticky situations like that a ton of times by using my head, or by being more accurate and taking the person out.

People can disagree with it all they want, but I'm not going to stay in game and let a hacker walk all over me when I have no means of dealing any damage to him with what's available to me in the game. If you do, well... you're a fool. If you invest time in this game, just to lose it to something you yourself cannot do unless you modify the games script, then well... good for you. I've only had to ALT F4 3 times in the last 2 months. Once was when I was stuck in barbed wire and couldn't get out, the second time was someone flying in a jet and dropping bombs on the apartments in cherno where I was(saw him out the back window), the other was the person with the automatic grenade launcher and the "demi-god" godmode script that was teleported 20 meters at a time. You can even see these scripts on youtube. In those cases I'm not ALT F4ing just to evade death by hacker. I'm doing it because I simply don't want to play on a server where hackers are present, and in some cases where there's one, there's many. I imagine hackers like to work in their little pre-pubescent circle jerk voice comms giggling all the way home.

Edited by KField86

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Except its not.

+1 You'd have to be retarded to think it's not a good reason to log out of the game. If you want to die, and then continue to play on a server with hackers, feel free. Me, I use my head and try to make my experience in game an enjoyable one and goto a different server.

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Trying not to Alt F4 if im under direct fire. But if some one did that to me, or server hopped behind me. I be D** if i don't.

You do it to me, and it's fair game.

(Also, if you can't Alt F4, you can end the process which take a little more time, but will close out instantly. No matter what the dev's do.)

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