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Name indicator

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One thing I really would like to see updated to Day Z is a name indicator. Yeah, I know there is servers where you can see everyones names when pointing your crosshair at them. The way I would like it to be implemented is that when the player is like 20 meters away from you, then you could see his name.

Why is this?

Well, the main idea here is that you could identify players, just like in the real world you can identify people by looking at their face and recognizing them. Because this is only a game, you really can't tell people apart from one another. You can't be sure if you've already met him before. This could help people make relationships with eachother and even if they split ways, they always know what happened before. So if I decide to help someone in their time of need, I can hope that if we meet again he could do the same to me just because he can recognize who I am.

At the moment this isn't happening just because you really can't know if you see someone you've met before.

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The new personilised skins coming in 1.5.8 (hopefully today) will mean you can tell who is who amongst your friends without ruining the realism with a digital name tag above heads.

I always found it annoying when my two buddies had the same skin and a winchester/revolver combo - couldn't tell who was who at all. The skins will solve both our problems my friend.

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Skins will definitely not solve the problem because there still could be two different players wearing the same skin. Also people can (and propably will at some point) change the skins after the first encounter.

The only way to absolutely recognize a player is by his unique nickname (well ofcourse there might be someone else with the same nick, but still). IMHO to make this game more realistic is to have a way to tell people apart from eachother. Also the nametag can be modified so it wouldn't look so "gamey" (right font and color goes a long way to accomplish this). One way to do it is to have a button to display nametags that are less than 10-20 meters away from you. This way the realism of the game wouldn't be hurt because the digital names wouldn't be hovering above people all the time; only when you choose so.

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Trusting someone on the basis of "Friendly?" in side chat never works, ever. To test this statement, when someone asked the question on said channel i replied "No." within a minute there were 4 deaths.

As it stands now, running in a large group (say 6) made of random people is just as dangerous, even if you know everyone's name at the start of your journey. Last night in a group such as this, an hour in from a group of 5 we were now 8, and as nobody used VOIP on direct (so you could hear the direction of sound and see players mouths moving) there was no way of discerning who was who, which ended up in a panicked culling of all my team

(Before someone calls me out, I did not start, nor finish the fight, I simply ran to a bush, went prone and watched from afar as my 'team' and the horde they attracted duked it out before finally succumbing)

I believe SOME system should exist in order to see the names of players, at least within the dynamics of a group (such as seen in conventional Multiplayer Games), however in the spirit of realism I hope it never actually gets implemented.. The current system adds to the nature of the game being played and encourages people to bring out their mics on direct chat and further immerse the player into the role of survivor.

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Trusting someone on the basis of "Friendly?" in side chat never works' date=' ever. To test this statement, when someone asked the question on said channel i replied "No." within a minute there were 4 deaths.


Care to explain how that proves anything? Best I can tell, you provided a false answer to a question not directed at you and got four people killed. This proves that no one is to be trusted?

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The new personilised skins coming in 1.5.8 (hopefully today) will mean you can tell who is who amongst your friends without ruining the realism with a digital name tag above heads.

It's unrealistic that you can't recognize unique players, at least at close range. What you just said is like saying we should remove the inventory UI because people don't have that in real life either.

Some unrealistic elements are put in to counter other unrealistic elements. This would be one of them.

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I think name indicators could be allowed if You looking at player that You meet somewhere before or You are close to for some period of time.

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The poster does bring up something of a valid point.

Given the psychological nature of encounters with other players, more intimate signals and means of communication would add depth.

I don't know the real answer, but ways to communicate intent to be friendly or aggressive would be good.. Something that would give the receiving end a split second to react when someone wwnt from friendly to hostile would help...

We like to tout the realism of the game and the tenseness of close, interpersonal encounters, but I don't think there is an engine out there that can get close to what you experience and feel when you run into someone in real life. The clues are subtle and subjective. Much beyond what a game can do. Certainly being able to lower even pistols would indicate friendliness, and raising that gun might cause someone to have a hair trigger reaction ans per-emptivelu shoot.

The current system doesn't have avatars with any kind of real subtlety, and communicating in a server wide chat (does direct comm typed only go over the same area as direct comm VoIP?), very often doesn't hit the mark.

It would be interesting to have some tools available to handle those tense face to face encounters. I have a feeling that a number of them would just result in me getting shot in the face, or sniped unawares and "one shotted" often enough, despite.


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I support this, why? With the removal of bandit morphing thing, it will be harder to judge who is to be trusted and who isnt.

I see no point in creating a new thread, since its an upgrade to your suggestion.

First you would have to meet a player(ID). Scroll menu option "Get ID" or something similar, like "Greet"... After that you could see his nick if pointing at him at max distance of 20-30m.

Since there is no skin indicator, his nickname colour would be green for higher humanity, white for neutral humanity and red for negative humanity.

To further prevent exploiting, you would have to stare at the player for 5 seconds for the name to pop up, so you dont accidentally look at someone you got to know, while hes trying to ambush you.

So, it could be a double edged sword, if you know too much people, another realistic twist AND it enables manmade safezones/checkpoints... another aspect of the game that hasnt been covered yet.

If possible, the nickname viewving distance could vary depending on the time of day? 5-10m at night, 20-30 during the day? Not sure if possible really.

In short:

- "Greet/Get ID" interaction option, adds the player as your "friend"

- Name appears 20-30m away, after 5 seconds stare (crosshair on the player)

- Color of the name varies from red-white-green, depending on humanity

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In ArmA 2 we have something like this in all of our missions, called Deadfast's Name Recognition. It's really handy, you see the player's name and it fades out over distance (the further you are away, the more transparent it is). I think max distance you can see someone's name at is about 15-20 meters. You can see it in action here:


Would be nice if dayZ would use this too. It would be very easy to add in.

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I think the name should pop up within 20-30 meters. That gets my vote.

Scanning the treeline or horizons for a name thats 300 yards away is kinda goofy in my opinion.

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Make it so that the person has to actually perform an action on you, like the old greeting/intel dialogue system from ArmA 2, before they can see your name - and it resets on death. Even having tags pop up at ten metres is something I would hate to see implemented.

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How about implementing a new command "introduce yourself" that works only at close range. Once a person has introduced himself, the target will see his name tag up to a distance of 20-30m to help with group play.

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It sounds good but -

You should have an option for your name NOT to come up, then you could sneak up on people.

This would also mean that if someone see's your name they know you haven't turned that option off and you are possibly friendly (or unaware of the ability to turn it off).

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Bandits with ghillie suits... If we're adding ghillie suits in' date=' could you add a button that turns my gun on myself too? Might as well cut out the middle man!


See, I can not, for the life of me, understand how this would be a problem... You could make or find one for yourself and hide or fight back.

You can't expect everyone to be nice and you should not make them if we want this game to be special. Want peace? Rally your own militia or something.

How would anyone rally their own militia via the mod if everyone finds it safer and easier to just kill everyone else? Especially with direct com not being too stable.

The ONLY groups I know of that are organised groups, are pre-made players, often using teamspeak/mumbles. Sorry but these guys have no idea how this mod is, how it plays and are not to be taken as a reference or example. They have NO CLUE whatsoever. They are however usually the most friendly because most are ARMA2 players and have what others have called that sense of camaraderie and even "roleplay".

The real players, you see them pleading in side chat and yelling friendly in there. Once side & global are gone (hopefully once direct com works 100% of the time), then we'll see how many of these remain.

Personally I spend hours upon hours alone, surviving, totally immersed and you could say "roleplaying". But don't go and tell me to "form a militia" because in game currently that's nearly impossible without using external tools/communication systems.

If you are like me (I'm not a rampaging murderer) and play the mod the way it's meant to be played, without "tools", then if you see someone, you get the fuck out, FAST. The only times I try to make contact is when I'm all kind of screwed up and need help. In the HOURS (and that's a shit ton of it) of play I've had so far like this, I can count the number of people that didn't shoot me in the face on my hands.

Direct com being screwed up is the biggest limitation so far however I think. I NEVER know if the guy can hear me....

I support this' date=' why? With the removal of bandit morphing thing, it will be harder to judge who is to be trusted and who isnt.

I see no point in creating a new thread, since its an upgrade to your suggestion.

First you would have to meet a player(ID). Scroll menu option "Get ID" or something similar, like "Greet"... After that you could see his nick if pointing at him at max distance of 20-30m.

Since there is no skin indicator, his nickname colour would be green for higher humanity, white for neutral humanity and red for negative humanity.

To further prevent exploiting, you would have to stare at the player for 5 seconds for the name to pop up, so you dont accidentally look at someone you got to know, while hes trying to ambush you.

So, it could be a double edged sword, if you know too much people, another realistic twist AND it enables manmade safezones/checkpoints... another aspect of the game that hasnt been covered yet.

If possible, the nickname viewving distance could vary depending on the time of day? 5-10m at night, 20-30 during the day? Not sure if possible really.

In short:

- "Greet/Get ID" interaction option, adds the player as your "friend"

- Name appears 20-30m away, after 5 seconds stare (crosshair on the player)

- Color of the name varies from red-white-green, depending on humanity


theres nothing wrong with the zombies.

I. I actually second that. I have a slightly simplier solution in mind.

1) There should be an option that lets you "turn" your nametag on and off.

2) Nametag also may and only may reflect your humanity somehow via color or just show the raw number.

How I see it in-game.

Say, you see someone who you GUESS may be friendly. You turn your nametag on and demand at gunpoint for the person you see to do the same. If he does - you evaluate how much can you trust the guy. If he doesn't - well, that may mean that he doesn't want to be friends.

There also may be some range of visibility for a nametage but there also should be a way to hide it at will, that's crucial. Which brings me to my next point.

II. I believe nametags as they are now on normal servers ideally should go completely. I persanally find no pleasure in magically spotting someone from a 1 km distance just by scanning the horizon and neither I feel completely safe as someone can spot me from afar and stalk me just because my nametag is visible when I am not.

III. Range indicator on a nametag should go no mattter what.

Not only it allows easy stalking it makes everyone an easy target for anybody with a cz and enough sence to practice shooting it offline. Despite a complex and realistic sniping physics of Arma 2, it is still not that hard to make an accurate shot on a distance of 700 m with a few hours of training. If you have a rangefinder in your inventory - it's fair play to snipe someone from quite far cause you've put enough effort in finding it. If a nametag precisely tells you a distance to a target - thats just cheap.

In conclusion. Please do not see this as whining. I fully understand that the game is about realism, fear and sweet tears. What I am suggesting is adding a little more of those. I can live with no survivor-bandit skin. I like the idea. Option to reveal your humanity will probably be supported by those who do not.

PS. At least I would like to ask that ALL server hosts include in server info what features like 3d person, crosshairs and nametags are on or off. It's way to difficult at times to find a server with no nametag but with 3d person view.

PSS. Also the idea of "pubishment and reward" for good or bad deeds no mater in what way is something I can not understand and support.

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I would like to see names not pop up until we are very close to the other player. Three to five meters is my suggestion. I ask that this be the default server setting.

I say this because someone can be hiding in the bushes and be completely invisible but using the crosshair, their name pops up giving away their location. I realize in real life you can tell who is someone even twenty meters away, but for the sake of the hostile gameplay, between three and five meters is best.

Also this would help the hardcore servers since they have the 'crosshair name' feature disabled completely and that makes it difficult or impossible to know who are people. If this feature were implemented, they'd consider turning it back on since 3m-5m isn't much.

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