Senrain 148 Posted July 18, 2012 Mine was when I had just gotten my hands on a M16A2 M203 and I wanted to test it out. So I traveled to the nearest deer stand and shot a high explosive round to kill all the zombies surrounding it. It worked like a charm, but I also saw two deaths immediately following my shot. I run up to the deer stand and there is a couple fresh player corpses next to it. I never even knew they were there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 29 Posted July 18, 2012 Hehe, bet they were all mad : ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shiftyeyesshady 15 Posted July 18, 2012 I had just finished killing someone with my silenced M4 and switched to a Enfield. I go to loot the corpse and right as I finish, a guy with a AKS-74U pops out, before he can even fire a shot (Also, thank god for Eyefinity) I swing about and fire a snap shot. Right through his head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaven1911 48 Posted July 18, 2012 it was two kills, I was running along the rail road near cherno at night, and I heard someone drink a soda, and to my left right next to the rail road are 2 people prone, one with an M4 and one with a revolver (fresh spawn mind you) and I headshot them both with one swing with my hachet and knock them both out, so after I kill them I walk away fully geared up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted July 18, 2012 searching the supermarket in pustoshka (recently respawned so was still missing a chunk of handy gear, (backpack, compass, matches, water bottles, main weapon), im in the backroom near the door into main store and think i hear a noise so pause a second, then the back of a baseball cap appears at the bottom of my screen i loock down and im literally crouched ontop of a logging in survivor and all i can see is the alice pack and cobra this guy has ...... so i sat there patiently waiting for him to move the tiniest bit then emptied 1/2 a makarov clip through the back of his skull, the guy had everything id been looking for and more ..the kill wasnt lucky but the situation and loot was ..does this count? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D4saken1 80 Posted July 18, 2012 I was at the NW AF with a friend who had himself a FAL and I was just using a Enfield. He decided to go ahead before me while I AFK'd for 30 seconds in the trees. I come back and hear him get lit up at the door of the barracks. I sprint over and look into the window at the end of the hall and the player who killed my friend turned around and we had a split second of looking at each other "fuck" moment. Then *BLAM* and he fell to the floor from a headshot. Glad I shot first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stompopolos 23 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) There was about 150 metres between me and the Balota Airstrip. I was working my way around this field into cover when I saw a guy. I quickly rolled into cover behind a bush and decided to kill him (this was my first player encounter). I went up into a crouch, leant out from behind the bush, and took aim. I the soft pop of the Winchester sounded like a bomb going off to me as I watched to see the results. I let out a gasp of delight and guilt when I saw him drop to the ground. A quick glance at my debug monitor told me I had only knocked him out, or maybe broken his leg. As I was new to banditry and the game in general, I immediately started running straight across the field to loot him (STUPID STUPID STUPID) when his friend, suited up in a gillie and packing a silenced weapon of some sort, came out to answer his friends cries for help. He quickly saw me, and I ran back behind a bush, which was suddenly lit up by the dude. I leant out and took a pot-shot right as I got shot myself. I fall unconscious, I can see the guy standing over me, and when I come to he's still there, standing over me with his revolver pointed at me. Thoughts fill my head of D/Cing and calling Dr Wasteland MD, but I've never taken a coward's path, so I stay to see how it unfolds. At the very least, I want to die knowing I died like a man. Just as these thoughts pass through my head, I hear "Awwwww, shit, man" coming from the guy whom I had shot, in a strained voice. Another look at my debug monitor tells me he bled out, and a smile briefly lights my features, before I remember my situation. I have 1k blood and dropping fast, I'm shaking, I have a broken leg and I'm utterly bucked. Then I notice the gillie dude. He's been staring at his friend's body for a good 15 seconds. Needless to say I took the chance. 2 kills in the space of as many minutes, and I can sort of say I died with a gillie, an M4A1 SD, a military tent and some other nice stuff. Edited July 18, 2012 by Stompopolos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oryanstar 1 Posted July 18, 2012 mine was the last of three kills with only 4 shots left in my enfield it was a shoot and duck for cover type of firefight, missed 3 and the final shot was a frantic shot( meaning i was using it to scare him then run away) lucky me that last shot was a headshot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
G0V3RNM3NT4L 132 Posted July 18, 2012 I found a campfire with five or six people sitting around it. The fools. Took one grenade to kill every single one of them. *mwah* Love my M16 M203 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meleemaker 54 Posted July 18, 2012 luckiest kill....snuck into the firehouse at Elektro. Managed to get inside....couldnt get out because of all the Zeds. My lunchbreak was dwindling. I had to go. Signed back in to hear flies. Looked around. Found a dead guy with a makarov and a few clips. I took what I could, which was everything he had. The guy that killed him was outside the tower looking out with a rifle....couldnt figure out how to get out to him, so I shot him through the window. Died from zeds trying to get out of the city....oh it was my ONLY kill btw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blubertater 0 Posted July 20, 2012 My only kill so far is probably quite lucky.. I was at the NW Airfield looting with my bud, but I get a sudden flash of player tags near the hangars. The guy is attracting zombies, and was pretty close, so I popped some AKM shots at him. Not dead, didn't hit him XD. HE loses the zombies after a while of waiting and I stalk him silently while he loots the hangars. When he goes up in the firehouse he climbs the tower.. into my view. So I take aim, but in the corner of the hangar a FAL spawns in! I take it, line up the shots. *BAM* He peeks out the window, must've heard me. Line up again, he's just putting his entirety in the windowsil. *BAM* He lies down, +1 murder count, Someone died in chat. I come off an adrenaline rush, climb up the tower and get them loots. Man, it was cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
G-Ski 0 Posted July 20, 2012 This kill came during the second time ever playing the game. My buddy and I were looting the tents in Stary for the first time, both of us were pretty psyched as we both only ever had enfields & makrovs. I found a AKM and just finished loading it as he says, "I got 5 AKM mags in the tent across from you. We both walk out the tent at the same time and as I walk I see a zombie between the 2 big tents. Eager to shoot my first AR I line him in my iron sights when all of a sudden I hear what seems to be a silenced shot. My friend starts yelling, "Hit, hit, hit!" Not a fraction of a second later I see a player in camo crouched behind the burn barrel 5 feet from the zombie I was sighted on. As unsteady of a shot as I have ever taken, I emptied the clip in hopes that 1 or 2 had hit. Dude started screaming every shit word he could mumble in direct comm, so I reloaded in the tent quick and took my last shot. Guy was for sure server hoping the tents there, but had a mp5sd, m9sd, MA1 CCO, NVGS, GPS, etc... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KField86 237 Posted July 20, 2012 Got myself into a 1v3 situation at Stary Sobor the other day. One guy was up on the northern hill providing overwatch with a DMR, and the other two were down in the tents. One had an AKM, the other an m4a1 cco. Hit the guy on the hill with my m107, he was dead instantly. I was by the broken down car on the road just west of the hill. Well, the other guy must of heard my shot and told them where I was when he went down. I look back towards the tents, and the guys with the ARs were actually doing the correct thing and were starting to rush my location. They were zig-zagging the whole way, and I don't know how I did it by I sent a hail mary shot down range and dropped one of them, and then took out my 1911 since the other guy was about 50 meters from me. I stood up, dumped a whole 1911 mag into the guy and put him down too, but he wasn't dead when I went to check his body. So I finished him off there. It was extremely lucky, but I made out. I honestly thought I was a goner when I saw them rushing and I wasn't about to ALT F4 or get up and run. 3 Murders in about 30 seconds. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FranzausÖsterreich 0 Posted July 20, 2012 Yesterday i drove with my Motorcycle to pick up my friend in Zelenogorsk.Suddenly i saw a Bus driving in my direction and my first thought was, wow, thats a hap. The Bus hit my Motorcycle and it got destoyed, but I was still alive.I shot at the Bus and killed the busdriver, his passenger went out and ran into the forrest, so I waited for him to come back. When he entered the Vehicle after some time I shot him too.They had a M107 sniper rifle and a CZ 550 in the Bus.Thank you guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
age 19 Posted July 20, 2012 In the last life i died because of looting a tent when prone.I decided to get back to that tent and travelled a straight way only visiting some barns. In the first one was a Hatchet and a Doublebarrelshotgun.Usually I refuse to use this fireweapon but this decision absolutely made my day.From the next barn I overheard shots which were supposedly used to kill zombies. My newly born character decides that he has nothing to lose and moves in for the kill .. only to find 2 guys with AK's waiting for him. But luckily they were busy looting zombies so I managed to take one out and take cover behind a haystash.The next one falls to the horde of zombies streaming in.I got a map, compass, binoculear, AKM and a box of matches out of this stupidly selfdestructive move. 'Guess this character is a bandit... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageUK 1 Posted July 20, 2012 Did not get the kills personally but we had a hilarious encounter last night that can be labelled lucky.I was meeting up with some friends up near one of the north lakes, we had given each other our positions and I was crossing an open field to reach them. As I am crossing I spot two players who I assume to be my friends as one is in a ghillie and one isn’t (same as what friends had on).So I skip merrily over to them whilst casually letting them know the direction we actually need to go is back towards the treeline. It is at this point that I get told in no uncertain terms that the two players I am now 20m away from are in fact two random players.Almost in slow motion I turn to look at the players as they raise their silenced M4s and dispatch me. Now I don’t know why they did not open up on me as I was crossing the field, we had all seen each other from a good distance away. Maybe they were meeting someone as well and thought the same as I did.Now for the lucky part…I am quickly informed by one of our snipers he has both targets in view after a quick range check he drops them both with 2 rounds.Lootx3 NVGx3 Rangefinderx2 GPSx2 Silenced M4sx2 Coyote BackpacksQuickly hopped on my other character who was nearby and got my DMR back along with the above loot. By far the most confusing moment I have had in dayZ but man it turned out nicely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joemiken 16 Posted July 20, 2012 One of my first journeys into Elektro was to the hospital. It was during twilight hours, so I couldn't see very good detail on the ground, but could still see silhouettes against the skyline. I look at the rooftop checking for any movement and see someone walk right off the top roof onto the short roof. I hear a scream and a crunch, so I quickly climbed the ladder. He was in the process of fixing himself but looked like he was in a great deal of pain. I did the humane thing and put him out of his misery w/ my hatchet. Nothing outstanding as far as loot, but a pretty lulz first kill in DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
callmeraaandy 2 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) I was going in to a pretty remote town (I only ever saw one other player there), and it was getting pretty dark out. I was going to throw a flare across the road from the grocery store so I could see if there were any zombies, and so I could see to loot the store. I forgot I found a grenade and, being tired, F keyed to that instead. I whipped it before I realized what I did. It exploded and a player killed message appeared. I thought it was a coincidence and someone died somewhere else. Turned out his corpse was laying there. Not really any good loot but some useful stuff. Edited July 20, 2012 by callmeraaandy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pixeleater 1 Posted July 20, 2012 I was dragging a unconscious player and he woke up but i could still drag him so i fed him to zombies! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sister Fister 25 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) Was sniping noobs from clocktower in cherno.Spotted survivor on roof of either the office building of the hospitalTook first shot with Lee En Field.Missed.Target moved behind a tree, obscuring visionTook second shot into an estimated area in treeline.Murder confirmed. Edited July 20, 2012 by Sister Fister Share this post Link to post Share on other sites