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Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

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If this is still happening in... 7 or 8 hours... (stuck at work), I am going to try and check this out.

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Hey if this is still running id be glad to haul myself over there and help, providing I still have my gun if I logon, havn't been on in a while. My IGN is Mike

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i will be coming too, when the server gets a spott that is. let the "join" spamming begin.

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There are four of us here right now. But we have a confirmed player in Cherno other than us.

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hey steins, I recruited my friend to come along too so It make take me a bit longer to get there as hes just updating dayz. His IGN is Jack

Edited by MikeGallagher

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Any of you wanna join Teamspeak? Communication will be easier then. Let me know and I'll PM you the ip&pw

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i was just heading there from the west of cherno, a bandit killed me right around the western hospital so watch out

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So how do you guys deal with the zombies that don't care about barbed wire?

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There is a flare outside. Zombies will get distracted by it and are not coming into the fort. And also players will see our fort faster

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This is awesome reading about this, like a "play by play". Keep up with the updates, lol!

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I'm coming right the hell now, just got killed twice by some ass wipe bandits!

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I flashed my torch as a sign of peace! and you guys shot me!!! NO ONE TRUST THEM!

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I flashed my torch as a sign of peace! and you guys shot me!!! NO ONE TRUST THEM!

Do you know it was them that shot you? Say it ain't so...

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it sucks. on uk 7 i have a good ping but when I'm in game for 5 minutes it says that i got kicked off cause of to high ping.

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This actually looks like some real fun.. Will you guys be around during the weekend, starting Friday night? I'm stuck on camp until then :l

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We are not shooting innocent people... someone was shooting us. We were shooting back. Don't know who it was exactly.

PS: If you wanna join TS let me kknow and I'll send you ip & pw

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