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Eu 32 Camp Raiding

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Just thought id share this story.

Found an ATV me and a few friends and in looking for a spot to hide the thing stumbled across a camp site fairly hidden and barbed off.

Great we stop get the wire cutters and start filling the ATV with all the military loot, while joking how annoyed these guys are gonna be when they get back and also hoping they don't come back.

So were about full and i jump into the drivers spot and a friend on the back as the surrounding woodland bursts into gunfire from all around us, could not pinpoint the fire but immediately one of our friends was down (couldnt peddle fast enough on his pushbike) not sure why they shot him first given we had all their gear in the quad.

We take a few bullets in the legs and start bleeding badly with broken bones but managed to get away, didn't get far before our blood was almost gone so make a risky stop to bandage and blood up swiftly before moving out and putting some more distance between us and them.

Later on we decide to go back on foot and find theres more to this camp with a UAZ further up the hill and we spot their team, we watch them for several hours and plan a strike, move in rob the rest of the tents and made our escape in their UAZ with a considerable amount of gear including 3 NVGS. a good day lets hope we can defend our gear better than they did!

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Nice one! It makes a change that the admin. didn't ban you. If you ever need help raiding a camp, I'll be happy to join you.

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Admin on EU 32 is a good guy :P good server!

Awww thanks i take it your part of mikes group? He was keeping me posted on your camp raiding antics last night!

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hahaha indeed! good times were had yesterday think we had one of those days where you get all the luck at once! Im Evertos if you ever catch me online think i saw you on this morning actually

*Yes i know you may ahve guess as my forum name is that but hey you never know! lol

Edited by Evertos

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Wow this is way funny, I think your writing about our camp. Let me allow to continue this story and tell you the aftermath. But let's start out with how I ended up in this post in the first place. During the downtime of EU32 earlier this evening (when they updated to 95054) I googled EU32 to find out why the restart was taking so long. I hoped to find a site or forum for the server. But instead this post was the first hit google gave me. Coincidence? Well, keep reading for more.

So let me start out with the ATV/Bike shootout. That was actually a single guy, shooting with a M249. You found our old camp, serving as decoy. Most of the loot you found up the hill in our other camp we got from killing camp raiders like your group. Shame though you forgot to mention what your guy lost, I was very excited with the radio. I know it's useless, but you got to catch em all :) The rangefinder and gps was sweet too.

But back to the story. It was at about 1AM (GMT) that I logged out at our camp. I was the last person to log out. We had a new player walking over to the camp at that time though. Like 10 minutes after I logged out I recieved a text from someone on our teamspeak server telling me our new player got shot when he entered the camp. So I ran back to my computer and logged in with 2 other friends. By that time you guys had already left and taken the UAZ, bike and our best weapons (M107 being the best). You lied about the 3 NVG's though, 1 at best. Just a tip, if you were actually watching us for a long time you should have tried to kill us, that would have gotten you much better loot. We had no idea that you guys where around us. After you left we guarded the camp for another 40 minutes or so thinking you might get greedy and come back for more.

So this evening we logged back in again and one of my teammates found the civilian offroad had respawned. We quickly repaired it and loaded up what was left of our camp to relocate it. We drove off and being a little stupid we drove it over the main road to find a new camp site. Like 10 minutes in we suddenly got shot at, an AS50 was shooting at us. 2 or 3 shots later the car blew up and threw me and my teammate out. Both severly injured (only had 400 blood left) we quickly morpined, bandaged and ran off to the nearest forest. We somehow survived but lost everything inside the car. Afraid of being chased by the sniper that shot us we started running in a random direction. And guess where we ended up? Yup.................your camp!!! It was the bike that we could see from the open field to the west. I like how you spread those tents all over the place, some almost impossible to acces. Rest assured though we left most stuff inside, the newbie you shot took the AK47 kobra though. And ofcourse we took back the UAZ.

Anyhows enough typing. Really funny to read your side of the story and now knowing what actually happened. Final question though, did you guys visit the campsite again tonight? We killed three more players there today, all equipped to the teeth. In the end I think gearwise we came out better. The loot we scored from killing your friend and the 3 other raiders was way more valuable (to us) then what you took. Ofcourse we cursed, and hated you guys for a bit. If you want to compare notes on other campsites (i know atleast 7) feel free to send me a message.

Oh and somehow the weapons you took respawned in the tents after the update this evening. We drove over the tents with the bike that was still left at the camp, so hopefully they will not respawn again.

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Ha that's great, it must have been the tent we found whilst fleeing the first time round after we bandaged from the shootout, that machine gun opening up felt like you were all around us haha. yea Mike who you shot did have great stuff on him he was abit gutted to have gone down :P

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Haha, I didn't have that great gear, aside from the useless radio, I didn't have any GPS on me as far as I'm aware, but I do miss my mk 48. Its funny actually, I was just walking through the woods when I came across a tent. Went to loot it and saw 3 alice packs, and as you so kindly shot me trying to put a serious shift in on my trusty bike :(. Looted it then looked to my right and saw 2 players in ghillies stood at the same tent (the one on its own in the fern tree you had) and thought SHIT!. I hit the deck and swung well wide putting me above your location. I was all on my own as evertos and chris and gone for food or whatever. So I sat behind a fern watching you go from tent to tent to tent..... then occasionally get bino's out scanning the area. At one point I managed to prone my way down to the tent in the fern but couldn't get into a position to loot it. So retreated back. I saw you guys had some pretty serious gear and has you where about 30m away from me and all I had was an m24 I really didn't want to risk it. Anyhow we went to the cinema and logged back in fairly late to see you where still there with two people in civilian clothing. We gathered just up the hill and made our way down... The camp was empty so I began putting all the gear from your tents into the UAZ, then obviously the other player showed up but we where great positions for covering the camp so dropped them easily. Oh, if the player who went afk with an as50 in the fern by the UAZ came back at any moment I would have been dead meat so thanks for that :D

But yeah, screw you for stealing my bike!!! I racked up some miles on that baby.

Quote of the that day: ''Wouldn't it be funny if they just started opening fire on us now''..... Died 20seconds later!

Edited by Mike_France

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Hey you guys the group that I play with frequents EU32 a lot my nick is Eric im sure youve seen me but it seems like all of our groups in the north keep killing each other like way in the NE corner of the map we had fixed up the Chopper and a dude drives at the chopper with an atv and I start shooting my M249 SAW at him and I must have missed but he drives away shoots at me with what sounded like a DMR my friend Dallas spawns in near the chopper gets sniped and then I get shot in the back by MK 48 was that any of you guys? Then another time more recently we had a Ural and me and my friend are driving and we see what sounds like your UAZ way north of pobeda dam so he distracts them while I get out and shoot one with my DMR and damage him so we can make our escape while he bandages. It seems like our groups have some of the best stuff and we keep killing each other over it. I would like to propose a treaty between us EU32 groups and have a peace meeting and maybe get the Heli working and rule the server! Muahahaha! I know Evertos talked to Dallas but I doubt we could talk peacefully but I want to give it a try. Post if your interested.

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I would never fence of my camp. I thought wire fencing created graphical bugs which can be seen from miles away making camps pretty obvious!

Edit: Also this server sounds fun... D:

Edited by Sam.B

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Could be our group up in the NE. I do remember seeing your two names on the server. There is however another group up there storing vehicles off map, which we reckon is the [DZH] lot. I've killed a few of them at the dam area heading down South from the outside of the map, so that's why we think it could be them. Anyhow, if you guys know Evertos, talk with him and he'll pass on the message, and we'll talk about it in the group. Although our group at the moment when were all online is getting rather large so I guess we'll see.

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Not a big fan of storing vehicles outside the map, I destoryed the tractor at that lake center north outside the map and also brought back the PBX speed boat beached from out of bounds.

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I just think its dumb that we are shooting out of ignorance and fear. Also if you say DZH is in that area near pobeda dam we stole a truck with tons of dumped high tier items like 8 nvgs and all these sniper rifles and crazy gear.

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No not a Ural a VS3 but we did have a Ural at one point this week with a bunch of stuff but it got taken.

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I don't think it's a good idea to turn EU32 into a socialized cooperative. We pretty much left another server, because a 15-17 man clan had occupied it. We try to be somewhat friendly, but our some of our members interpretate friendly very liberally.

I don't mind whether we all end up lving in a big teepee together or kill and steal from eachother, it's just nice to say hello to my fellow EU32 citizens. :)

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I think if we did join up together it would be a nightmare with leadership clashes but certainly some kind of mutual respect for each other and shared intel could be fun. Also you make a good point Dallas that if we did join up we would pretty much run riot over the server.

I'm the owner of EU32 by the way so if you get any issues or suspect someone of cheating let me know. Evertos im sure can pass on my skype details to you in case you ever need them and can also deal with admin issues.

Time to find that blasted chopper!

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