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A question about infected speeds

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I believe zombies should be slowed down. Now, if you read the Zombie Survival Guide, it states zombies can only walk at a speed of "1 to 1.5 steps per second".

Now I know what you're thinking, this would make zombies very, very easy. I think there needs to be a middle area

BUT, they should do a shit more damage, like 4x the damage they do now. ONLY HEADSHOTS SHOULD KILL THEM, that is an ancient zombie rule.

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I think that if you make them any slower then the damage they do needs to be increased. Maybe even using the new infection mechanic to create a situation where you take a huge amount of blood loss from a zombie hit, or if they are slowed to a walk make it so one hit = infection and ultimately death.

If we are talking about zombie realism, they never have been really fast, the scary part is that all it takes is one slip up (on the part of the non-infected) to end you for good.

I like zombies the slow and super dangerous way simply because they become much more of a obstacle this way.

-The safest thing is to kill them, but it takes alot of ammo since they only die to headshots.

-The risky thing is trying to get around them by running and sneaking since it puts you so close to them.

- my 2 cents

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In my opinion the speed should be reduced, they should still be faster than humans but not as ridiculous as they are now. The zig-zagging should also be fixed and I think that if you are running from them and your somehow get out of there vision or a certain distance away that they should stop chasing you, it makes no logical sense that you run through 4 buildings, make it into the forest and then 30 seconds later 40 zombies are hauling ass directly at you.

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I think that if you make them any slower then the damage they do needs to be increased. Maybe even using the new infection mechanic to create a situation where you take a huge amount of blood loss from a zombie hit' date=' or if they are slowed to a walk make it so one hit = infection and ultimately death.

If we are talking about zombie realism, they never have been really fast, the scary part is that all it takes is one slip up (on the part of the non-infected) to end you for good.

I like zombies the slow and super dangerous way simply because they become much more of a obstacle this way.

-The safest thing is to kill them, but it takes alot of ammo since they only die to headshots.

-The risky thing is trying to get around them by running and sneaking since it puts you so close to them.

- my 2 cents


Thank you so much, someone who gets it

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I think zombies should move at a walking pace but deal a large amount of damage and bleeding plus a high chance for being infected with the zombie virus. Players then should turn into a npc zombie after a certain amount of time based on how much they got bitten. There should also be a cure or at least something to slow the infection, but make it super rare. Also maybe head shots only or a insane amount of damage in the torso.

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I think zombies should move at a walking pace but deal a large amount of damage and bleeding plus a high chance for being infected with the zombie virus. Players then should turn into a npc zombie after a certain amount of time based on how much they got bitten. There should also be a cure or at least something to slow the infection' date=' but make it super rare. Also maybe head shots only or a insane amount of damage in the torso.


I think the zombie virus infecting people should remain out of this game all together. It would just be too...odd, and not needed

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If the engine didn't make the zombies glitch around and zigzag I really wouldn't have a problem with the speeds of the zombies.

However' date=' the engine DOES do that, and therefore they should be slowed down.


Basically this.

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I think the zombie virus infecting people should remain out of this game all together. It would just be too...odd' date=' and not needed


Are our characters immune or something then? All these other people became zombies but for some reason it doesn't affect us? At least dead bodies reanimating should be included, it would make more sense for the dead to come back in a zombie apocalypse :P

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My *only* annoyance about zombies is their path-finding pattern when chasing

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Here in lies the problem.

This is a game.

This is Arma.

Arma has a very, not so great prediction system which causes lag on a client so sometimes, more often than not, the person running towards you or away, is lagging around the screen.

It happens even with AIs.

As fast as the Zombies are right now, it's nearly impossible to shoot them while they're running. You have to wait on them to stop and then shoot.

Most people when they aggro a group of zombies, they run into a building to make them walk. Why is that?

I'm not saying I don't want them fast. They just need to be toned down enough so that ArmA 2 can handle them correctly and give the best experience possible.

I'd love them to stay fast. I just want them toned down enough so they aren't just nearly impossible to hit while they're sprinting to us.

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Here in lies the problem.

This is a game.

This is Arma.

Arma has a very' date=' not so great prediction system which causes lag on a client so sometimes, more often than not, the person running towards you or away, is lagging around the screen.

It happens even with AIs.

As fast as the Zombies are right now, it's nearly impossible to shoot them while they're running. You have to wait on them to stop and then shoot.

Most people when they aggro a group of zombies, they run into a building to make them walk. Why is that?

I'm not saying I don't want them fast. They just need to be toned down enough so that ArmA 2 can handle them correctly and give the best experience possible.

I'd love them to stay fast. I just want them toned down enough so they aren't just nearly impossible to hit while they're sprinting to us.


Yeah, it's essentially the pathfinding, maybe if they were just running strait still fast it should be more manageable.

But i'm not very agree with the slow zombies scenario, even if they one-shot you, when you can run far far away in the lands it's not really a threat, i love the idea that they can chase you down or comme and take you from far away. This kind of zombie is adapted to small clostrophobix spaces like in the resident evil series, when you don't have a lot of escape possibilities. In a massive open space like in ARMA it's totally unadapted. (in my point of view)

I'd prefer the idear that they can run as fast as you but as they don't have good coordination they fall down regularly and you can lose them by disapearing from their sight.

The death being a coommon thing in the DayZ world, the infection thing is not a bad idear as soon as it's not too quick say like 15-45 minutes, so when you play with other people you can choose to give them your stuff. And your friends will be tempted to kill you before you transform, not willing to risk being bitten by you in an inapropriate moment.

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People with no sense of pain tend to very frequently injure themselves, doing things like biting off their own tongues and cutting their hands on things.

A bunch of zombies sprinting around at full-tilt with no sense of pain would be like in those movie chase scenes where the bad guys keep crashing into stuff and exploding. These zombies should be carelessly tripping, slamming into things, falling down stairs, and generally wrecking themselves, especially considering that they seem to have poor eyesight. I imagine that would be difficult or impossible to simulate, though, but that's why it would make sense to me for them to be slower.

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It's not the speed as much as the quick jerkin motions that take away from realism and just isn't natural.

If a zombie is going to attack you, it's coming straight at you, not zigzagging or going through walls.

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For gameplay i want them to run *slightly* slower than a player sprinting.

As for justification, i think they might have less complete control of their muscles than a person normally would. Since they lack the ability to process nerve signals from their body properly.

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.


I hope you read this.

Keep in mind my friend, they cannot feel pain.

Have you heard of CIP? Its congenital insensitivity to pain. A lot of kids die from this at a young age because they cannot tell that they are destroying their eyes, biting through tongues, chewing off lips, breaking bones and stressing muscles. They have no warning that they are being damaged.

How does this translate to the necrotics? That means that every stubbed toe, every sprained ligament and damaged muscle that the necrotics receive by pushing their bodies too far cannot be felt. Therefore, they do not allow it to heal. You would be surprised how jacked up your body would get if you sprinted uncontrollably with no breaks. So I would expect the necrotics to have a random chance/event kind of mechanic where they tear muscles or break bones.

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My changes would be 2 fold

1) Slow the Zombies down a touch - the speed Survivors run while crouched should be perfect - this should minimise the zig-zaging problem a bit - to go with this the Zombies should do more damage - maybe 2 x the current damage

2) Introduce Survivor Stamina - basically right now we run everywhere and usually crouched - as a Survivor hindered by gear you should only be able to run for short periods followed by resting - Sprinting should use the most stamina and crouch running somewhat less (half as much maybe) - as the stamina gets lower the Survivors speed should slow down until eventually you cant run any-more and are limited to walking. The amount of stamina should be linked to Thirst and Hunger - people who are in "peak" condition (ie well fed and not thirsty) should run for longer.

This should allow you to burst away from the horde by sprinting to give you some room for kill shots before you run out of stamina - it should also slow down players outside of combat since they would have to walk between towns more not run every where

it was also force people to use more supplies because right now we wait until we are flashing red for Hunger and Thirst in order to conserve supplies - if low Hunger and Thirst reduced stamina then you wouldn't want to creep into town while not in the green...

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My changes would be 2 fold

1) Slow the Zombies down a touch - the speed Survivors run while crouched should be perfect - this should minimise the zig-zaging problem a bit - to go with this the Zombies should do more damage - maybe 2 x the current damage

2) Introduce Survivor Stamina - basically right now we run everywhere and usually crouched - as a Survivor hindered by gear you should only be able to run for short periods followed by resting - Sprinting should use the most stamina and crouch running somewhat less (half as much maybe) - as the stamina gets lower the Survivors speed should slow down until eventually you cant run any-more and are limited to walking. The amount of stamina should be linked to Thirst and Hunger - people who are in "peak" condition (ie well fed and not thirsty) should run for longer.

This should allow you to burst away from the horde by sprinting to give you some room for kill shots before you run out of stamina - it should also slow down players outside of combat since they would have to walk between towns more not run every where

it was also force people to use more supplies because right now we wait until we are flashing red for Hunger and Thirst in order to conserve supplies - if low Hunger and Thirst reduced stamina then you wouldn't want to creep into town while not in the green...


Screw that. Remember the fine line between immersion and frustrating complication. Running everywhere is one of the gifts from this game. One of the untouched bastions of player convenience. Don't take that away too.

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Yeah the speeds should be toned down a bit, and zombies should also probably stop following you eventually or get slower, principally because of their buggy attack patterns and actual buggy attacks. Once those are improved, maybe they should be upped/improved again.

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I have no problem with them being able to keep up however what I can't stand is when they get close and arma pathfinding screws up and they start walking randomly instead of going directly for me and thus their animations have to be sped up bazillion times so they can ever reach you. This results in them performing matrix like dodging maneuvres meanwhile breaking the sound barrier and flailing their limbs at 1200rpm making them impossible to hit.

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Yea, while I think I would probably prefer slow zombies (but more of them), the main problem is their matrix-like abilities. There is only 2 ways to kill them. Either from a good distance while they're running towards you, or after they've done their matrix stuff and starts eating your face. Its simply impossible to kill them when they're mid-range.

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I like them fast. Making them slow would mean they would not be a threat at all.

Now if you aggro stuff can get scary.

I actually think zombies could need a speed boost inside houses if possible. Since if you got ammo they are no threat. I can understand why they can't run, but slighty faster walk speed would be good.

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I imagine I can outrun them because of muscle atrophy and decaying joints? Running at top speed can sometimes be dangerous to healthy people. These zombies should be losing extremities as they sprint.

Though, the speed isn't my complaint. It's the laggy warping, clipping through walls and doors (what is the point of doors anyway?) and the super zigzagging.

A step in the right direction would be to give doors health values, and make zombies have to break through them. Players with wood and a toolbox can repair wooden doors or scrap metal can repair metal doors.

Also, I don't understand why people keep talking about stamina, isn't there stamina in game? I can hear my character get noticeably winded until I stop running and take a knee for a moment. Also, my animations get slower. Sprint at top speed, watch how your arms and legs slow down after a bit.

I like them fast. Making them slow would mean they would not be a threat at all.

Now if you aggro stuff can get scary.

I actually think zombies could need a speed boost inside houses if possible. Since if you got ammo they are no threat. I can understand why they can't run' date=' but slighty faster walk speed would be good.


You're out of your mind. I fired my Einfeld last week when I thought we cleared a town out and there was one wanderer. I aggro'd probably 25-30 zombies, they rushed me inside a small house with two entrances and a few rooms off to the side that lead to the kitchen. I'm pretty good at dispatching zombies, on my current life I have 145 zombie kills with 138 headshots, but at that time, they came in both entrances, swarmed me. I tried to fall back to the kitchen to buy myself more time, they just keep coming, couldn't kill them faster than they could advance and corner me.

Romero has argued this point about films. You don't need fast zombies. It helps, but it's the "piano-bang" of zombie horror. Zombies are about being outnumbered and hopeless, about the constant reminder that pretty much everyone is dead. Eventually, there are too many to handle. So many you don't have the ammo to kill them all, and every time you shoot, more of them come to your location.

Watch a film like Day of the Dead. The zombies didn't have to run, they just swarmed everyone, and ripped them limb from limb.

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Zombies should not be able to find you after they no longer have line of sight to you. I attracted a zombie horde and started running; I then threw a smoke grenade which distracted them until it dispersed. While the zombies were occupied with the smoke grenade I ran a few hundred feet and went prone, expecting the zombies to lose track of me and revert to their normal walking state. However, as soon as the smoke dissipated they came running straight towards me, even though I was over a small hill and prone in deep underbrush.

Please remove the zombie wallhacks and aimbots.

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