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A question about infected speeds

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I think it's simply a balancing nature. If there are a lot of zombies in big crowds, they walk slowly but can take a lot of damage. When the players runs out of ammo, they put themselves into a position where the zombies overwhelm. = Resident Evil 1.

Then we have a situation like DayZ, where the crowds are much scarcer, so it needs quick zombies that fall easier. So I think the speeds are okay, if not a little too fast. If you make them slower, make sure you also make then handle more bullets.

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I agree wholeheartedly with rocket. People with Rabies struggle tirelessly against bed restraints despite being severly dehydrated and I've heard that movies like 28 days later based their rage virus on rabies.

I would go so far as to venture that the ONLY thing that makes the zombies deadly is their speed and tenacity.

I'm for UPPING the deadliness with roving bands of "walkers". Like normal zombies but slowly walking the woods in search of natural wildlife...stumbling over players in the dark.

Go out in daylight and brave the bandit snipers north of electro or go out at night and walk into a silently shuffing HORDE?

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you can already bump into Zs in the woods by the deer huts....

if a few more of those were added around inside the woods and not just on the outskirs you would have your roaming zombies you requested with a little more loot too.

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I suspect it would just be easier to code some zombies to spawn in the woods from time to time.


Actually would like that, spreading the lootz out would broaden the exploration trading and banditry aspects. of the game I reckon'.

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.


I am of the opinion that zombies should not be running around any where or in any hurry. The reason is simple. It is commonly held that zombies are the living dead, their organs and high capacities simply fade away. Because of this the zombie would have to struggle to move as the nuerons in the brain would be slower, or not at all, firing. Not only that but they would also immedialty be assualted by all kinds of microorganisms which would eat their flesh and cause all sorts of complications to their body. I feel that this interpretation of zombies continues to lend to the faucets of zombies you have put forth as well;

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

Because of brain being reanimated and some new form of function or cognition, albeit an extremely base level, the zombies cannot feel pain, cannot feel emotions and only has the desire to eat.

Also the number of zombies should be vastly increased. The population of Chernarus according to 3,896,870 (2008 est.) This does not count all the people that would have left or even come to Chernarus seeking refuge.

Personally I feel that the books: The Zombie Survivor Guide, and World War Z capture what zombies can be. Even the comic book series/ show The Walking Dead does a pretty good job showing zombies. But by making these changes there may need to be others, perhaps a stamina limitation? Who knows just my input

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Just leave zombies the way they are. Their speed is fine, and ideal. Their zigzagging makes them more of a challenge to hit. It's fine, really. The complaints are just another example of people unable to adapt, and requesting the game be modified to suit their inabilities to survive.

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Maybe they're infected with a Zigzag disease, making them Zigzag all around and THAT's why it's called DayZ (with a Z)!

Anyway, that's what makes them dangerous sometimes, even when you have tons of firepower and a nice crew. And since there is a limited amount of zombies for server load, that's what makes it fun. If we had "regular" infected, we'd need tens of thousands of them but I don't see any private server handling that nice and easy anytime soon.

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I don't understand people.

These aren't Romero zombies, or 28 Days Later zombies.

These are rocket zombies. They shouldn't be running at all. They need to be riding rockets, or have jetpacks at least.

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i dont have a problem with the speed. my suggestion for a tweak though would be to make the speed incremental, so they spot you and start off at a walk then it takes a few seconds to get up to full speed.

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I doubt they'll be slowed down.

-ZOmbies run outside

- Zombies walk inside buildings and so on, so that's your key to outrun em unless you are out of bullets.

Sometimes it's frustrating, I had like 8 zombies on me, ran in a house, used the back door, ran away from the house, they left the house and in like 10 seconds they reached me again. Maybe if you get chased into the woods they should be slowed down some how because of all the trees, they bump into them or stuff.

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I think lots of things could be done to spice up the zombies a bit. Maybe make the hoppity zombies move faster in forestry 'cause they're like little lemurs. Maybe make the fast zombies run in varying patterns, straight, zig-zaggy or big, sweeping motions.

Maybe make slower zombies that're quiet(as i've seen suggested somewheres) but do outrageous damage when they sneak up on you.

Maybe give the army zombies invincible torso hitboxes. Headshots or leg shots only, people. They're trained zombie soldiers.

I don't know, lots of things could be modified, but it all really boils down to what's possible. Or rather, what's possible within any reasonable amount of time by such a small development force ;P

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Their movement speed is totally fine. If you switch to your side arm and run full speed it will take them a while to actually catch up to you, and when they do they need to stop to actually attack you. This is of course assuming you haven't lost them in a building with a backdoor already.

What actually doesn't make sense is that a survivor loaded up with guns, ammo, supplies and various tools can damn near run at the same speed as these zombies. I'd love to see you whiners bloody try that.

I'd support you increasing their run speed, because right now zombies are joke. They are only dangerous to solo survivors who are stupid enough to aggro a village while on lowish blood. The knockout is the only thing that will ever kill you, and in groups of 2 or more even that stops becoming a problem.

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Here's my 2cents:

- The speed of the current sprinter zombies is fine, we need some fast zombies that can't be outrun.

- Make the sprinter zombies able to hit you every once in a while while you're sprinting, to make them a real threat

- Have some slower moving TOUGH zombies. Maybe they could have body armor, and be soldier zombies, and require head shots to be taken out (or many many hits on the body).

- If technically possible it would be nice if you could add A LOT MORE zombies. If not possible, make all zombies tougher. They're too easy now I think. Alternatively, all weapons and ammo in the game world should be more scarse.

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Im fine with having fast zombies, I just wish there were some that was walking around too. Maybe have the walkers around in the wilderness?

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I was playing Minecraft, still the Creeper is the scariest mob in a game imho, add a suicide bomber zombie!

With all joking aside, I think the speed is just fine as everyone has said, its the zig-zagging. I also agree maybe adding side missions later on or adding loot randomly in the woods/forest or fields and have zombies spawn near it. Like Hunters or something near a hunters nest.

I am happy with how it is now anyway, those are just suggestions.

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Are these zombies who have died then returned to life? Or is this just a virus that makes people batshit?

If the former, it doesn't make sense for zombies to run, why should they when their bodies are deteriorating? Zombies are mindless, so I doubt they would have the motor skills to run without screwing up, which is why I think they should be running. I also think the only way to kill them should be a headshot, but I understand the limitations of the engine.

However if it's the latter, then everything makes sense. These are basically people, just infected, so it would make sense for them to be able to run, it would also make sense for them to die with a shot to the chest, as it's very possible for a normal person to die from them.

Just let it be known that I prefer the former over the latter.

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Not really sure. All I know is that the lead dev said "they are not dead." See the link in my signature below...

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.


I am of the opinion that zombies should not be running around any where or in any hurry. The reason is simple. It is commonly held that zombies are the living dead, their organs and high capacities simply fade away. Because of this the zombie would have to struggle to move as the nuerons in the brain would be slower, or not at all, firing. Not only that but they would also immedialty be assualted by all kinds of microorganisms which would eat their flesh and cause all sorts of complications to their body. I feel that this interpretation of zombies continues to lend to the faucets of zombies you have put forth as well;

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

Because of brain being reanimated and some new form of function or cognition, albeit an extremely base level, the zombies cannot feel pain, cannot feel emotions and only has the desire to eat.

Also the number of zombies should be vastly increased. The population of Chernarus according to 3,896,870 (2008 est.) This does not count all the people that would have left or even come to Chernarus seeking refuge.

Personally I feel that the books: The Zombie Survivor Guide, and World War Z capture what zombies can be. Even the comic book series/ show The Walking Dead does a pretty good job showing zombies. But by making these changes there may need to be others, perhaps a stamina limitation? Who knows just my input

Despite the name, i think the Zeds in DayZ should be INFECTED, not zombies. Like based off the infected from 28 days/weeks later. They are not undead, so they don't suffer from deterioration etc. They are simply humans with no emotions, no sense of self preservation, and only the urge to infect or consume the non-infected.

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I've yet to meet a zombie I couldn't outrun. Where are all these super-speed zombies you guys are talking about?

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The only thing I don't like about the sprinter zombies is how they zig-zag. They don't have the instincts or intelligence to know that zig-zagging is a good thing (it seems logical to me, anyways).

They should just run in the quickest, most straight route to the person. If there's a wall, they should run around it, or an obsticle, but they shouldn't be running in a zig-zag. It just does not make sense to me, and because of desync or other issues, more than half the time the zombies just end up teleporting. Or "warping" (running at even faster speeds than they should, or at least they appear to).

But, it adds a lot of challenge to the game, and it's the world that we're stuck with. The fun of this game is dealing with what you're stuck with and surviving it.

It could be that in this mods lore, zombies are stripped of everything but their will to kill and consume any human who is not infected. But still retain the ability to use primitive 'tactics' and slight coordination.

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Since they are infected people and not dead people I think they should probably be able to run fast, though obviously they shouldn't be able to do so for very long. Even someone who feels no pain will succumb to exhaustion. Either limit their sprinting ability or lower their average speed.

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I started encountering zombies that would actually flank me... Its a weird and scary feeling when you turn your head and see a Zed running almost next to you and blocking you from turning :D

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