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I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

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Now you're just being a cunt. A massive cunt. Dear god why am I not banned from the forums yet I've criticized to prime topic behind this entire website.

Protip: When calling the entire userbase of a forum 'illiterate' and 'retarded', it's never a good idea to make most of your own posts embarrassing, cringeworthy, badly spelt rage-rants.

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Yeah well you're still an asshole.

And really who are you to point out a typo as if it made all the difference? Are you fucking Edgar Allen Poe?

You only weaken your own arguement. You sir, are stupid. You where stupid clothes and live in a stupid house.

Edited by SP00KEH

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Day z Critique "You're Fat!"

Day-z Community: "Fuck you I'm not fat, I'm Alpha stage slim"

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And you still haven't left.


Why yes, I am. I find giving more fuel to the fire quite entertaining.

By the way you don't have to end your posts with "-USERNAME". We know who you are. You have an avatar, and a name above that. And another signature under your post.

Look guys I'm cool like that Gutzdorf fellow, I'm criticizing post format as an arguement.

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This is pretty much the only negative troll thread I can see on this board and thats good compared to other games forums..

OP needs to leave and come back at a later date or STFU.

As was stated many times your just asking for it hanging around in the barracks.

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Thhat's why it's an analogy and nothing more. I wasn't comparing DayZ to a paid for product. I was comparing the replies accepting server hopping as a feature and putting blame on victims of server hopping to the parties mentioned in the analogy.

Oh, and I repeat as in every post in one way or another. You're all retarded, know nothing of the development process you use to defend your arguments, and haven't actually read past the title of the thread most likely.

Ahhh, so because it's just an analogy, it doesn't have to make sense. Got it. News flash, it's not your fault if you're unaware of the problem. The moment you are fully aware of the problem, and you needlessly expose yourself to the very specific conditions necessary to become a victim of it anyway, then that's all on you. Doesn't mean the server hopper isn't just as accountable for his action, but it's also your responsibility.

Now I have to know, what grand insights do you have into the development process? Please, englighten us as to how posting ragequit threads about how you're quitting testing after becoming the 'victim' of a completely known problem is in anyway valuable criticism or drives the 'progress' you mentioned earlier?

No. I think you'll lash out at any one or any thing that disagrees with anything you say, for any reason. I wasn't even particularly adversarial towards you in my post, and yours was toxic with bitterness. Your frustration has blinded you; you are not cut out to test this alpha, and the community could do without you. Begone.

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Why yes, I am. I find giving more fuel to the fire quite entertaining.

By the way you don't have to end your posts with "-USERNAME". We know who you are. You have an avatar, and a name above that. And another signature under your post.

Look guys I'm cool like that Gutzdorf fellow, I'm criticizing post format as an arguement.

Almost 100% of your posts can be found in this bitch-fest. How does it feel knowing that the entire Day-Z community knows full well just how flamboyantly pathetic you are?

You're exactly like every other prick that runs around, making sure everyone in the universe knows how much they dislike something - going out of your way to demean any person who may say otherwise.

I'd recommend getting a life - but you'd just waste it on this forum, ranting on about people who happen to reply to your pathetic attempt at attention-seeking.

Oh.. 'by the way', I end my posts with my username because I feel like it - what's it to you, wuss?


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Yeah well you're still an asshole.

And really who are you to point out a typo as if it made all the difference? Are you fucking Edgar Allen Poe?

You only weaken your own arguement. You sir, are stupid. You where stupid clothes and live in a stupid house.

I'll happily point out your weak grasp of English as long as you insist on calling people illiterate.

Also, your trolling and boring attempts at getting banned from the forum are tedious.


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If you're not happy I have an AMAZING idea for you, it will literally BLOW YOUR MIND.

Ok, ok, hear me out..

STEP 1... Find a non-hive server.


Amazing, init?

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i understand your frustration about getting killed by a lowlife server hopper, BUT! if you quit JUSt because of that and are one of those people who are too attached to gear, then good bye to you.

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90% of the replies to this thread come from illiterate and biased simplefolk.

You're so absolutely right. I've been a part of many, many game/hobby communities and dayz is up there with the most retarded ones.

Almost everybody is hostile.

Almost everybody don't give a fuck.

Almost everybody are unable to start a simple debate.

Almost everybody has a complete lack of manners. (Manners, lol. This is the internet, real people don't come here)

The majority of threads on this forum go something like:

P1: Hey guys, I'm having this issue with the game.

P2 & P3 & P4 & P5 & P6: Go fuck yourself you motherfucking retard.

P7: Use the god damn search function you imbecile.

P8: Don't come here making threads about things that We already know everything about.

P9: Mod please close this thread, it's hurting my ego.

Ants on the internet, building your little hive.

The majority of you need a big ass whooping with the karma stick.

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Can i have your stuff? Oh wait..

muaahahaaaa, I know what you did here :) and me likez

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You're so absolutely right. I've been a part of many, many game/hobby communities and dayz is up there with the most retarded ones.

Almost everybody is hostile.

Almost everybody don't give a fuck.

Almost everybody are unable to start a simple debate.

Almost everybody has a complete lack of manners. (Manners, lol. This is the internet, real people don't come here)

The majority of threads on this forum go something like:

P1: Hey guys, I'm having this issue with the game.

P2 & P3 & P4 & P5 & P6: Go fuck yourself you motherfucking retard.

P7: Use the god damn search function you imbecile.

P8: Don't come here making threads about things that We already know everything about.

P9: Mod please close this thread, it's hurting my ego.

Ants on the internet, building your little hive.

The majority of you need a big ass whooping with the karma stick.

Says the guy trying to lecture a forum.

Give up.


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Says the guy trying to lecture a forum.

Give up.


Lecture?? You haven't been to too many lectures in your life I take it.

Anyway... Let the madness continue :facepalm:

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

I went ahead and identified your real problem. Don't do that and have a nice day.

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DayZ was cool in april. Then the COD and BF3 kiddies came and ruined the forums and the gameplay.

Just move to another game or other Arma mods. There's tons of better stuff out there dan DayZ.

And move to the BIS forums. Atleast the general attitude is mature there and trolling is severely punished (insta ban).

Edited by Bittereinder

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In a real apocalypse people would be just as paranoid, violent...

That is definitely not true. We would never have had civilization if that were the case... In fact, Adam and Eve (<--- it's a metaphor) never would have had one child if they were playing DayZ. They would have shot on site. The fact of the matter is: there is nothing in this game which makes survival more important than "cool items", or that makes it any way unintelligent to kill other players. They need to bring a punishment system into the game... something like: the more innocents you kill, the bigger your area of agro for zombies...

It is only not true that they would be "just as" blah blah blah... there would be this kind of behavior, of course, just not this cut and dry.

Edited by Humbabwe

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I'd recommend getting a life - but you'd just waste it on this forum, ranting on about people who happen to reply to your pathetic attempt at attention-seeking.


Great advice when it comes from someone with 150+ posts in 3 days posting in pink letters. ;)

Edited by ProPain

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DayZ was cool in april. Then the COD and BF3 kiddies came and ruined the forums and the gameplay.

Just move to another game or other Arma mods. There's tons of better stuff out there dan DayZ.

And move to the BIS forums. Atleast the general attitude is mature there and trolling is severely punished (insta ban).

Although I still see this as a 100% Arma mod, I'd rather keep the two worlds separated, Bitter. Mature people will find their way around all that it has to offer anyways. Those who feel offended by my opinion...meh....those who don't...welcome! Feel free to browse past all the DayZ servers and discover what the original game and community has to offer.

DayZ remains a (albeit a tasty one :thumbsup: ) sidedish to the main course...

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seriously this post is still going?

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Waiting inside the barracks and not on safe location where server hoppers are less likely to spawn. Goob job.

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