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All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

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And I who thought that the map Chernarus is 225 square km.

PLEASE tell me this is a joke...

All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6 hours


This is also impossible. The map is 225 SQUARE km (also know as 15kmx15km)

if you mean 200m apart then you A need to go back to elementary school and figure out how to write the word "meters" and B you should not be surprised when someone found one they looked around for more.

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One other way to look at that is it was an organised raid.

Sounds like your camps have been there for a while yes?

I've done it to a few groups with a few friends,

We found a clans camp, so we watched it for a couple of days, made sure they were actively using it, third day they led us to a second camp of theirs, we waited 3 more days then raided both. :P

by the end of the third day we'd learned their snipers preferred camping/cover locations around their camp and were pretty sure we'd worked out the rough hours they liked to play.

We just waited til we reckoned they'd be offline.

id be more than happy if that was the case but i seriously doubt it, The amount of people hacking, looking for hakcs or wanting hacks for the game is out of control.

Also the fact that they didnt take the vehicles, just 1 ATV was taken out of about 10 vehicles across the 3 camps. So i doubt it was more than 1 person that just got to the closest camp took as much as he could get on the atv then drove to the next and so on just taking the best gear he found at each and shooting up all the other vehicles and driving over tents. - which came back on a server restart anyway. All the vehicles need engine parts, fuel tank parts and wheels which tells me they were shot up but not completly destroyed.

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PLEASE tell me this is a joke...


This is also impossible. The map is 225 SQUARE km (also know as 15kmx15km)

if you mean 200m apart then you A need to go back to elementary school and figure out how to write the word "meters" and B you should not be surprised when someone found one they looked around for more.

Lol learn to read the posts instead of looking at the title then just posting like your gods gift to mathematics.

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Dear Okano.

No matter how many measures you set to make sure your camp is safe as can be.

Safe as can be, isn't very safe in DayZ.

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id be more than happy if that was the case but i seriously doubt it, The amount of people hacking, looking for hakcs or wanting hacks for the game is out of control.

Also the fact that they didnt take the vehicles, just 1 ATV was taken out of about 10 vehicles across the 3 camps. So i doubt it was more than 1 person that just got to the closest camp took as much as he could get on the atv then drove to the next and so on just taking the best gear he found at each and shooting up all the other vehicles and driving over tents. - which came back on a server restart anyway. All the vehicles need engine parts, fuel tank parts and wheels which tells me they were shot up but not completly destroyed.

Ah sod it, yeah it was hackers, must be. Lords knows noones can ever be outplayed ever. :/ Sorry, its just a far to common attitude these days and it just depressing really. Its that kind of thinking that leads people to the darkside, so be careful Luke ;)

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just so you know all our gear came back on a restart, im not even bothered about any of the gear, vehicles etc it is mainly crap anyway.

The point is, it was safe for weeks then all 3 got shot up and raided in the space of a few hours. Map hacks and people using the hacks where it draws a square around every player tells u there distance, every vehicle, every tent. Its reads it from the memory in game and battleye cant detect it.

Id like to beleive we got stalked for 3 days by some other clan and they executed it perfectly and followed us for 3days to various camps, but i seriously doubt it when we travel on ATV's etc. Its not even plausable, it would be nice tho if that happened.

But i assure you its hacks

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sounds to me like someone just needs to change their tampon and get back into the game and stop crying about what might have happened...

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Our crew spread out in a line and run right around the map starting west to east.....we can find most camps in 3 hours never mind 6 ;)

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1. Your distance calculation was funny, and sets the tone for the whole post.

2. Your camps were on the edges of the map (maybe inset .5km here and there) -- this is my primary perimeter when I'm hunting for camps. Everyone plops their tent cities down here. When I find one, I note the position and move on. My team and I come back later to clean up.

3. Yes, hacks exist. Maybe someone used hacks to find your stuffs, but it's not guaranteed. You're not the first this has happened to (and won't be the last), but it doesn't take magical hacking ability to have done this to your team.

My advice:

Realize that tent cities with vehicles parked nearby are just waiting for a legit player (like myself) to find and pillage. Don't park any vehicles near your camps - if they bring heli's back those vehicle clusters will show up as bright red beacons of tear farming goodness.

Also, don't set up camp near the edges of the map. It may seem like a good idea, but it only takes one man with a bicycle to trace along the edges to find your stuff. I can quietly cover the whole map perimeter on a bike in about an hour.

Finally, distribute your stuff across servers, set up smaller one- or two-tent camps. This provides a hedge against hackers (or server nukes), and is a great way to help establish your team in other servers. It's not unheard-of that an entire server simply goes away, so having everything on one server is a risk in itself.

gl, hf.

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Strange that those 50 people everyday for 6 weeks didnt find it. Yet in the space of a few hours all 3 were found.

Now im no good at maths but you should be able to figure out the possibility of that.

Like I said it is entirely possible your camps got found by chance, It is possible that you could have 100 camps all hidden as far away from each other as possible, that remain undiscovered for 10 years, for them all to be discovered at the exact same second. Whilst statistically unlikely it is entirely possible. Also I fail to see what you made this thread for, as they are generally for discussion. I posited an alternate, equally likely solution, and you don't even consider it a possibility. Perhaps in the future instead of making a pointless rant that serves no purpose, you can just do what a normal person would and get the fuck on with life. If you truly believe it was hackers, and it bothers you they are in the game that much, don't play until beta or the final release. Either that or just get on with your shit without moaning.

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I'd be pissed off if this happened in a full retail release, something you spent hours, days, even weeks working towards and then BOOM gone. In a full, finalised retail relase, yeah, would anger me.

In a game you are testing things of the this nature are expected. Yeah, it can suck, but that's how it.

This is just some of the kinks they have to work out, assuming of course it was hackers

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Between me and my mate Beno. we've found pretty much every single camp on our map that doesn't belong to us. and looted them


its not hard to find 3 camps by the same people.. esp at 3am when alot of people are in bed =D

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Unfortunately chances of hacks being used to find players/objects are quite high. I think there was even a stream of some guy and his friends using some of the hacks to find vehicles. Its stupidly simple to use and BattleEye has a huge blind spot. Yet even without hacks, its quite common to stumble over tents and saved vehicles if you take the time and make it your top priority on your DayZ to-do list.

So to the OP - just quit thinking that your camp is safe from being plundered no matter how hidden you think it is or how long it hasn't been touched. It will be found - either by honest players or unfortunately by hackers, the latter circumstance is something that clearly needs to be dealt with. As long as its just a mod for DayZ and all servers are public it will be a recurring thing. It is well known that public ARMA 2 servers are prone to cheaters and players using hacks.

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Lol learn to read the posts instead of looking at the title then just posting like your gods gift to mathematics.

It was a blatant lie or misinformation that could have explained the whole post if you meant 200m instead of 200km so I was looking for a solution.

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What happened to the OP was clearly systematic, but its impossible to say if its cheaters. A group of guys who found your camp would typically just take all they can carry, load up a vehicle and take off before anyone could catch them. Some groups of guys might just be malicious enough to want to destroy everything and scouring your server, hard to say. You can detect alot of the hacks when dealing with cheaters (bullets don't kill them, exotic non-Day Z weapons, nuclear missiles streaking through the sky etc.) but there is just no way for an observer who is not looking at the code to tell if someone is using a show vehicles or show players hack. In some ways the subtle hacks like that are even more destructive.... Anyway, sounds like you were getting too comfortable in your stocked camps, should be fun to get geared back up.

As a side note, if the hacks that allow cheaters to find other players, tents, and vehicles are dealt with first, then it will make life extremely hard for hackers to find victims, mitigating much of the damage they are able to do in a period of time. If I was in charge of security, the locator hacks and nuke hacks would be the first priorities.

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Well, people tend to try out servers, or scout new servers once their home-server feels empty.

You might just had a group scouting out the server.

And the 6 weeks before as you talked about was mostly newbies or "homeserver" people visiting and not really looking.

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It is 15km long x 15km wide = 225km^2.

Also OP just because your camps got found on the same day doesn't automatically make it hackers. You have 50 people crawling all over the map, I can often find 2/3 camps in less than an hours play. There is an unpleasant trend in gaming as a whole, if something bad happens to you, people automatically claim it must be hackers. Not bad luck, or skilled players looking for tents etc. It was most likely just bad luck.

I suppose you're also able to cover the entire map, being that it's 15km long and 15km wide, and all the area inbetween, in less than an hours play too?

Because....last time I checked....it took roughly 25 to 30 minutes to run a straight line from coast to edge of the map. Having to "look" for tents would take longer.

So effectively, to find 2/3 of camps in under an hour is yeah...you're cheating :). No one is "that" lucky. You can't travel that fast brah!

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Damn, show me how to make camps 200 km apart each!

If my calculations are correct, the most distance you can set them apart should only be 21.21320...km (the hypotenuse) if you placed them inside the perimeters of the map.

I'm going to assume you didn't do that and really meant 200 m apart like others have pointed out.

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I raided 3 seperate camps on my server in the north, spend 2-3 hours running up hills and doing a 360 degree spotting pattern and its not that hard to find them in the north. final results were 3 camps, 2 vehicles, and a whole lot of mad players =P

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I wouldn't play anywhere other than a reputable server. Server admins have the ability to track the locations of players, tents, and vehicles.

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I wouldn't play anywhere other than a reputable server. Server admins have the ability to track the locations of players, tents, and vehicles.

No they don't. Admin powers are extremely limited. They can change difficulty setting, kick/ban players, talk to them over admin chat (and I think read the replies in directional) and restart the server.

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I wouldn't play anywhere other than a reputable server. Server admins have the ability to track the locations of players, tents, and vehicles.

As an Admin I can tell you we do not have any of those abilities. Stop spreading slander...

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