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Trading for Ghillie suit

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So i really really want a ghillie suit but i cant find any, so if anyone has one in their pack and is willing to trade, i can trade a FAL with ammo or M107 with ammo for the ghillie suit.

I just really want to experience being a tree....

Edited by xman123456

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They have been taken out since 1.7.2, any you find would of been hacked in and any you get from other players will be hacked in. On that note even if you did get it, it will most likely delete your inventory and disappear when you log in and out.

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A dog pissed on my leg once, that made me feel like a tree.

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As far as I know they are not taken out, they are bugged though.

I got one tonight off a guy camping overlooking Elektro. Was well worth the hike up to him from behind.

I also got an AS50 with 2 mags of nato rounds, NVG, range finder, coyote backpack, M9 silenced and the normal surviving gear.

My friend I was with took the NVG and the pack since I already had one. Although I will admit if he wasn't a clan friend that I've known for a long time I would have killed him for them NVG, Chernarus is a rough place

Only down side is not long after we killed him the server restarted and when I joined again I went to change to my Bizon from my pack but it had my DMR that I had traded out for the AS50. Just to rub it in I still had the Bizon mags on me. I loved that Bizon :(

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They have been taken out since 1.7.2, any you find would of been hacked in and any you get from other players will be hacked in. On that note even if you did get it, it will most likely delete your inventory and disappear when you log in and out.

well that's funny cos I found one yesterday.

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Yeah ghillies still spawn. They were removed in 1.7.2 cause they were buggy but they work now. Also, trading in this game is shit stupid. Just raid a clan's camp they are bound to have them somewhere

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Yeah ghillies still spawn. They were removed in 1.7.2 cause they were buggy but they work now. Also, trading in this game is shit stupid. Just raid a clan's camp they are bound to have them somewhere

been searching heli crash sights all day, found none + its hard to find camp sites, so i just gave up and am willing to give anything for it

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you willing to sell it for a M107 ??

I raided someones camp and found 2 M107's last night... and I had one anyway =D..

I'd trade for an As50

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I raided someones camp and found 2 M107's last night... and I had one anyway =D..

I'd trade for an As50

what about NVG + m107, or w/e u want,

I ahve FAL

have al tools

you pick mate

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My friend has one he might be willing to trade, PM me your steam and I will pass it on to him.

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As50 is the only weapon I don't have immediate access to.... same for items and tools.. :P

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ill take your advice

Seriously, it's worth an SVD but I dont even consider the SVD to be that good, i'd give you mine but im away from DayZ for a month (holidays) and my laptop cant run it. We had 6in our V3S that we stole but that got stolen: /

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I raided someones camp and found 2 M107's last night... and I had one anyway =D..

I'd trade for an As50

mate i found a as50, still up for the trade?

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a Ghillie is worth whatever the buyer will pay.

I have a ghillie in my pack, no use for it, Im not a sniper. Will trade for an L85.. got nvgs/gps etc already. if you feel its not worth that, great, thats up to you! :)

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a Ghillie is worth whatever the buyer will pay.

I have a ghillie in my pack, no use for it, Im not a sniper. Will trade for an L85.. got nvgs/gps etc already. if you feel its not worth that, great, thats up to you! :)

wasnt l85 removed?

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