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About andreewz@hotmail.com

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  1. andreewz@hotmail.com

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    does the lastest patch also improve load times?
  2. andreewz@hotmail.com

    which servers have side channel?

    i've heard the dayz devs sent server missions files to some servers with side channel enabled, so thats why they are allowed?
  3. andreewz@hotmail.com

    which servers have side channel?

    does anyone know which servers have side channel? i like side channel as it makes the game 10x more fun!
  4. andreewz@hotmail.com

    Messing with people

    sometimes i shoot people in the leg ( to break theirn bone) than bandage them, than i just sit there and watch them and record how long they take to suicide
  5. andreewz@hotmail.com

    how many murders ahve you guys got?

    stockpile mate
  6. andreewz@hotmail.com

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    does six launcher update dayz to 95168? or do i need to use six updater
  7. andreewz@hotmail.com


    really? i dont notice any difference
  8. so im just wondering, does your character spawn while your stuck on the loading screen? or maybe they spawn 5 seconds or so before you finish loading... if so, bandits can take you out if your still on loading screen. i recall when i was sniping on a guy a field once, his clan mates spawned in, but for a few seconds they didnt move, i assume they were on loading screen.
  9. andreewz@hotmail.com

    I feel bad...

    its no big deal mate, i feel empathy for you, must of been quite a ordeal to go through... hang in there mate!!!
  10. andreewz@hotmail.com


    i ahve also notice singficantly imrpoved load times, anyone else?
  11. andreewz@hotmail.com

    Trading for Ghillie suit

    wasnt l85 removed?
  12. andreewz@hotmail.com

    Trading for Ghillie suit

    mate i found a as50, still up for the trade?
  13. andreewz@hotmail.com


    so jsut played dayz, FPS improvement AMAZING
  14. andreewz@hotmail.com


    so whats new about this "ARMA2_OA_Build_95054", is it a update to dayz? or Arma 2 OA itself, does this fix ghillie loot? or just update to OA to improve performance, thansk you