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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

How to fix D/Cers. For real.

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maybe if you look at them, and when their name hovers over them, and if they mash the abort button, or hit alt + F4, then the abuser will close the window and everything. however, since the servers are able to keep track of gear, location, and food/water levels, why not have the player body persist for 10 seconds after hitting these buttons? and if anybody looks at them, their name hovers over them, and there is a big red number, counting down from 10.

this way, if someone is trying to rob another person, and the person being robbed tries to abuse alt +F4, then the robber could just shoot them because they tried to disconnect. same with zombie attacks. if being chased, anybody that quickly alt+f4s to safety will end up with their character standing there, for 10 seconds, being attacked by zombies.

anything that happened to them in those ten seconds will be tracked over to when they log back in again. it seems like this is the most feasible solution, and the simplest to implement, considering you only need to add a red number, and change how long their body remains after quitting.

this could also lead to more strategic planning for someone who just wants to stop playing. meaning, finding cover instead of just going "well, i'm done *disconnect*"

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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This idea is so good, I feel I've heard it before.

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Yes, pretty sure it has been mentioned before, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea :)

I would be fine with that, and I think something implemented to stop the DC or at least make it less desireable is a good thing.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 6:24 AM, thmsrox said:

This idea is so good, I feel I've heard it before.

it has? never seen it. either way, that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. maybe it was lost in the forums.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 6:32 AM, omgwtfbbq said:

it has? never seen it. either way, that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. maybe it was lost in the forums.

Yeah, definately not more than a 100 times though. I think.

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why not make it five seconds? and when you log out same thing, five seconds to log out, and such. i say five, because i would rather wait 5 than ten when logging out, but that is just me, and i am impatient.

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The rebuttal to this is that many playing who have a bad internet connection are disconnected and such from servers are then exposed for 10 seconds for doing nothing wrong except having a bad internet connection or shoddy computer. If you're disconnected from a server because of this (among other things such as high ping, wrong version etc.), this penalty should not occur.

However, I still believe a better work around should be discovered. You shouldn't have to punish innocent players to stop others who exploit the problem.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 6:57 AM, Galatica said:
The rebuttal to this is that many playing who have a bad internet connection are disconnected and such from servers are then exposed for 10 seconds for doing nothing wrong except having a bad internet connection or shoddy computer. If you're disconnected from a server because of this (among other things such as high ping, wrong version etc.), this penalty should not occur.

However, I still believe a better work around should be discovered. You shouldn't have to punish innocent players to stop others who exploit the problem.

Meh, unless you have a really bad connection in general, this will be a rare occurrence for the average player. DCing is a major problem in DayZ at the moment. The number of people disconnecting to save their equipment, or to keep you from getting it, far outweighs people playing honorably and accepting their deaths or fighting back.

It needs to be resolved, and if that means there is a 10 or 20 second countdown to disconnect (what it really should be. 10 seconds is too short, IMO), then so be it. And the rare moments that you lose connectivity due to power or internet loss, you deal with the possibility your character dies. Sucks, but thats the risk/sacrifice that is made to ensure that people who DC get punished.

But I don't agree with everyone saying that if you go to log out, that you log out, but your character remains uncontrollable for 10 or 20 seconds. You click disconnect, and a countdown appears. You are still in full control of your character, and when it hits zero, then you disconnect.

The retaining of a character after you have already disconnected should only occur if you alt+f4 out. Yes, players that lose connectivity through no fault of their own - loss of power or internet access - would still be affected by it, but so what? It's worth it to give every incentive not to do DC or alt+f4 on people.

Edited by Unreal
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Although that sounds pretty good I don't know if that would even work the ability to have persistent servers is one thing but being able to maintain a character in the game without the user pinging the server might not be possible.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 7:22 AM, Enzhymez said:

Although that sounds pretty good I don't know if that would even work the ability to have persistent servers is one thing but being able to maintain a character in the game without the user pinging the server might not be possible.

Somebody said that's the reason for it to not work aswell. Good suggestion (thread #21354), hope they can do something about it.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 7:22 AM, Enzhymez said:
Although that sounds pretty good I don't know if that would even work the ability to have persistent servers is one thing but being able to maintain a character in the game without the user pinging the server might not be possible.

EvE Online does it. If you disconnect while flying around space, your ship warps off to a random point in the system and sits there for a minute or two. If you disconnect while in combat - in which case there is an aggression timer of 15 minutes on you - your ship warps off to a random point in the system and sits there until the aggression timer runs out.

It would not be hard at all to retain characters in game for a short time after someone has alt+f4 out or lost connectivity to the server (intentional or unintentional).

Edited by Unreal

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It is a good idea however I usually have to disconnect alot as I am a new father, so in doing something like this would jeprodise my position and my equipment, don't get me wrong guys I absoloutly hate people disconnecting, but maybe instead of something like that^^^, why not only have maybe a max of 3dc's every hour maybe I dunno. thought I would throw in my 5cents worth.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 7:31 AM, nighty said:
It is a good idea however I usually have to disconnect alot as I am a new father, so in doing something like this would jeprodise my position and my equipment, don't get me wrong guys I absoloutly hate people disconnecting, but maybe instead of something like that^^^, why not only have maybe a max of 3dc's every hour maybe I dunno. thought I would throw in my 5cents worth.

Which is why it should not be:

1 disconnect

2 character remains after you are gone for 10 seconds.

What it should be:

1 click disconnect

2 countdown appears

3 after countdown, then you actually disconnect and character disappears

Character retainment should only occur when you alt+f4 out, or lose connectivity to server (intentional or unintentional).

Edited by Unreal
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  On 7/18/2012 at 6:40 AM, gant12000 said:

why not make it five seconds? and when you log out same thing, five seconds to log out, and such. i say five, because i would rather wait 5 than ten when logging out, but that is just me, and i am impatient.

logging out would be instantaneous for you, but your character would remain. if YOU clicked disconnect, then your game would instantly close, like normal. however your character would stay, unlike what Unreal said.

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Everytime I hear the word "disconnecting" all I can think of is making characters persistent to servers and that when you disconnect you setup a sleeping bag and go to sleep. Players can rob you and kill you while you sleep and zombies can find you and eat you thus making "survival" even more crazy. Ofcourse you could find one of those houses that you cant enter and there would be an option to disconnect in there for the option of a safe house.

Now you would have to think twice about where you would be going to sleep/disconnecting.

Server hopping would be gone and Alt F4 would make you fall asleep in front of your enemies.

You could have more than one character because each character's data is stored in the server.

Edited by VISION305

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The suggestion of having a persistant body has been around for as long as dcing has been annoying people (I've seen most proposals claim a 'fair' delay is between 30 seconds to 5 minutes). From last I read (about a month ago), the devs weren't getting around the problem of getting a player body to exist after their connection terminates i.e. alt+f4.

Also, rocket and devs don't read the suggestion forum unless they start a topic there.

Have fun!

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  On 7/18/2012 at 8:00 AM, omgwtfbbq said:

logging out would be instantaneous for you, but your character would remain. if YOU clicked disconnect, then your game would instantly close, like normal. however your character would stay, unlike what Unreal said.

but then you could disconnect and reconnect to kill your own body and steal your own stuff.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 8:00 AM, omgwtfbbq said:

logging out would be instantaneous for you, but your character would remain. if YOU clicked disconnect, then your game would instantly close, like normal. however your character would stay, unlike what Unreal said.

I don't understand. It seems that you WANT character retainment post-disconnect every time. If I am logging out for the time being, regardless of my location, I don't want to log out not knowing whether my character will survive the retainment. Wouldn't it be better to have a disconnect timer? You click disconnect, a timer pops up, and during the countdown you still have full character control. When the timer is up, you disconnect and your character disappears.

Character retainment should only occur when alt+f4 is used, or when connectivity to the server is suddenly lost - such as power outage, computer failure, or intentional means such as unplugging a network device (modem, router) or disconnecting ethernet cable.

If you are saying you want character retainment post-disconnect every time, why? What is wrong with what I am suggesting?

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