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How do I pick up a bigger pack?

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I've seen bigger packs than the starter one around yet I can't figure out how to do it, anyone care to tell me? Thanks

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Look at it, scroll and choose "Take [backpack name]". Then scroll and choose "Open [Old Backpack name]" to transfer your stuff.

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If there is other stuff around the bag on the ground you need to clear that stuff first. Pick the stuff up, and then you can actually interact with the bag. The way I do it is, that I select open bag, and then move all the stuff from my current bag to the new one. After my old bag is empty, I select pick up bag. This way I wont lose the stuff in the trancition. Sometimes the old bag disappears when swapping.

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If there is no other items around the bag but only "Open XXXX pack" appears - try scroll your mouse wheel on that bag, choose "gear"(open that bag) - scroll down in the items list untill you find new bag icon\name, and click right arrow - voila! - the bag that you carried changed with the new one that was lying on the ground.

p.s. Don't forget to take all the items from your old backpack!

Edited by suineg1

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If there is other stuff around the bag on the ground you need to clear that stuff first. Pick the stuff up, and then you can actually interact with the bag. The way I do it is, that I select open bag, and then move all the stuff from my current bag to the new one. After my old bag is empty, I select pick up bag. This way I wont lose the stuff in the trancition. Sometimes the old bag disappears when swapping.

I'm doing it exactly, this is the best way.

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If there is other stuff around the bag on the ground you need to clear that stuff first. Pick the stuff up, and then you can actually interact with the bag. The way I do it is, that I select open bag, and then move all the stuff from my current bag to the new one. After my old bag is empty, I select pick up bag. This way I wont lose the stuff in the trancition. Sometimes the old bag disappears when swapping.

I'm doing it exactly, this is the best way.

Same here, and works every time flawlessly.

> Look at the new backpack the ground, and use your mousewheel to select "Open <backpack name>"

> When your inventory opens, the list will show your gear with numbers on the right of the list indicating items in your main inventory. Left click your current backpack image on the right, and select Open Bag below it. (Alternatively, double left-click on the backpack image).

> The list on the left will now show any items in your current (old) pack, with numbers to the RIGHT of the list indicating how many items, and images of the items on the right. Numbers to the LEFT of the list may indicate items in the new backpack you're taking, though all backpacks that spawn in the world spawn empty (Players may leave items in theirs if they upgrade to a new one and drop the old).

> Move all of your items from your old pack to the new one, by clicking individual items in the list followed by the arrow on the left of the item name. When done, all the numbers will be on the left for the items you moved.

> Exit your inventory by pressing G, or escape.

> Looking at the new backpack on the floor, use the mouse scroll to select "Take <backpack name>". It will equip it, and should drop your old one in its place (Since DayZ is in alpha, it might NOT drop your old pack. Ensure you have removed everything you wish to keep first!)

I've swapped numerous backpacks this way, since I keep finding new and improved ways to die to the environment (only been killed by zeds once, players twice, and have died over ten times).

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Just now...

A bandit killed my friend while crossing a field, I killed the bandit and he had a bigger backpack, how do I take the bandits bigger backpack?

I know how to pickup a pack laying by itself, but its not giving me the option to take the bandits pack.

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Be careful of switching backpacks in confined space, I switched from Czech to ALICE in a church near some benches and my Czech (and full loot) vanished.

Edited by disorder

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No need to be careful, just do it the right way. The inventory system is not perfect, but once you understand how it works you will stop losing items.

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