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Confess your sins here - The worst thing you've d

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Simple - what is the worst thing you've ever done to other players?

Here is my story: I walked to the Krasnostav airfield to see if I could find some military grade weapons. I found much more than that - a helicopter, a tent with an AK-74, Remington, and AKM, all with full ammo. Also inside the tent was a full list of car parts and medical and utility gear.

I tell my friend to log on and get here so we can distribute our loot. He arrives at the airstrip and we are about ready to leave when - all of a sudden - my friends yells, "OH SHIT, there is a car coming!"

We book it into one of the hangars and hear him park the car near us and get out. We wait. One minute goes by - silence. Two minutes. Five minutes. Finally we decide to move out when gunfire begins. He opened fire at us from the opposite hangar, but luckily my friend spun around and shot him in the head like a boss. We promptly took his car, blew up the helicopter, and left.

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I was waiting for my friends outside of Cherno. Suddenly I see a guy running out of town with a horde of zombies after him. I help him fend of the zombies, the guy puts a blood pack down and asks me to help him out, I do. I realize that this guy seems to be very fortunate, so I proceed to shoot him in his face and take all of his stuff.

I haven't done much stuff like that, most of my PKs have been in self-defense.

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I was in Msta when i stumble upon a survivor (me being a survivor too at the time), we share the "friendly" little chat, and head west of there we're he said he would meet with friendlys. So, after almost two hours, the guy just say to me.

"oh man, gotta go, 2am here"

I thinked quickly and said:


He quicly obeys, and i could almost feel him typing "what?!" as i shot the shit out of his head for making me walk this much and having such a good gear.

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Yesterday we were going to Stary military camp , we were coming from the woods and saw a clan of 4/5 . I waited 10 seconds to calm down and make the aim steadier and opened fire.

Since I had silenced weapon they didn't know from where it was coming , due the fact they came from the woods and though it was clear.. Killed 3 , 1 escaped/ DC ..It was a clan...

They had 2 M16 , and some random crap.

Felt kind-a bad but they would have done the same to us.

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I confess.

On the night of the 19th me and my friends where farming NW airfield when I see over global that some guys where meeting up so as the over watch guy I start paying attention to what they where saying, and low and behold they where moving in on us and our area. So I send out a warning to stay away which is thrown back at me with rude remarks and threats of death.

So I inform my group and I say over global I am leaving, taking up positions around the airfield we lay in wait. 30min pass and they come strolling onto the airfield like they own the place. Which was swiftly ended by a field of fire from me and the other sniper. After looting a m4 CCO and NVGs later we walked away victorious.

Next time don't be stupid when people warn you.

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I told a guy in a ruin today that I was friendly. Lulled him into a false sense of security and once he was comfortable enough to loot I shot him in the back of the head.

I felt really bad afterwards and I kinda regret doing it. But atleast he had a nice winchester, compass, map and binoculars.

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Killed a dude who was shooting the zombies around me. In my defense I was taking damage, and he was shooting right at me. He was pretty far off, so for all I know he did hit me, but his intentions were good.

I ran over and put a clip in his face.

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The server restarted i hid behind a bed cause there were a lot of zombies coming up! When i begin to shoot the zombies i look to my right and hello gorgeous! I see this guy his name was "nano.." nano something. Well anyways this guy was trolling me earlier and said i would die. So when i see his name i shoot him twice once in the head another in the chest. I see his ALICE pack and take it. I've been looking for a bag the entire time!

other then the bag he was a useless body hahahaha. The guy spawned in and died! mhmm thought he could jump me.

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One time in cherno I was 'solid snaking' around to get supplies and suddenly ran into another bandit as I rounded a corner(NOTE: at this point we are 20ft apart, prone and SURROUNDED by zombies). I made the split second decision to shoot, I'm not sure why but it felt like one of those kill or be killed moments. So I emptied my makarov into the guys face and to my horror aggroed all the zombies within a 2 block radius. I manged to eventually get away but wow I felt stupid and on top of that the second I shot him he typed into chat "Easy" which I got to late because of lag. I also never managed to loot his body :(.

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I was at the NE airfield, prone in the field just to the south of the control tower. I see a man sprinting across the airfield towards the tower, with a large horde of zombies chasing him. He runs inside the doors with zombies hot on his heels.

During this time, I'm crawling alongside the building to the ladder on the north side of the building. I start hearing revolver shots as he kills the zombies filtering in to the building from below. When I get up to the top, I can see muzzle flashes on the level below me, through the stairwell.

It's at this point, that I decide it's finally time to pull out the frag grenade that I've been absolutely ACHING to use since I looted it more than 4 days ago. I chuck it down the stairs to his level, hear a deafening BANG, and the gunshots and zombie moans ceased.

I was in awe of the destruction.

Unfortunately, he didn't have much on him. Just a revolver with a few speedloader clips, a CZ 550 with some spare ammo, some food, water, and bandages. Took what I wanted of his rations and ammo, and left his body there.

tl;dr If you EVER get a chance to use a frag grenade to kill someone, it's ALWAYS worth it. If only for the story and feeling of shock and awe.

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Made 2 survivors think I was a friendly bandit in Cherno. I was on the apartment roof and the other guy was in the apartment next to me and one on the hospital roof. When I had a clear shot on both of them, the one in the apartments was watching me through the windows so I shot him first following with the other guy on the hospital roof. Found a nice looking AK and some more beans and pepsi to survive yet another day. Needless to say, they were not happy about it.

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  'Maedis said:

Simple - what is the worst thing you've ever done to other players?

Here is my story: I walked to the Krasnostav airfield to see if I could find some military grade weapons. I found much more than that - a helicopter' date=' a tent with an AK-74, Remington, and AKM, all with full ammo. Also inside the tent was a full list of car parts and medical and utility gear.

I tell my friend to log on and get here so we can distribute our loot. He arrives at the airstrip and we are about ready to leave when - all of a sudden - my friends yells, "OH SHIT, there is a car coming!"

We book it into one of the hangars and hear him park the car near us and get out. We wait. One minute goes by - silence. Two minutes. Five minutes. Finally we decide to move out when gunfire begins. He opened fire at us from the opposite hangar, but luckily my friend spun around and shot him in the head like a boss. We promptly took his car, blew up the helicopter, and left.


he had all thos things at the airport?=

he deserved to be killed and robed, thats the best thing you ever did.

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a friend and I were heading towards the airport approx NE of Rogovo, on the way through i was abit low on blood so i was looking for a animal eg. (cow, sheep) as i was scanning around the area out of some sheer luck or fluke i spotted a group about 600m away of 4 survivors crawling towards a barn, they hadnt seen us so i told my friend to keep bio on them as i sneaked toward them i got to bout 400m took a prone stance and i took the guy at the front out single round, then i aimed at the rear of the pack and took the guy out with two quick shots to the chest causing frantic panic towards the final two survivors, i waited watching them as the had no idea where i was they didnt know wat to do they lied there confused then all of a sudden they both rushed up and made a dash in opposite directions i took the guy that was heading left out first i then got up in and crouched position and aimed at the last guy running towards the woods i shot my first round missing him my second round shot him in the back i seen blood gushing out of him i walked over there finishing him off with my pistol..... awesome times my friend did a good job helping me out watching them through his bios i wish i had fraps to record just got it now so if i have anymore contacts out in the field ill be sure to show you cheers

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This one is short but I saw a survivor crawling on the road between some zeds from my perch on top of the hospital. So i threw a tin can down at him and the zeds went to investigate and he was soon eaten. I felt dirty but so so clever.

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Today, I hunted one guy twice, first time I was in elektro watching the fields/town from a tower. I could see him making a run for it in the fields, so steadily aimed my M4 and took my shots, he was dead.

About 10 minutes later, I see the same guy running away from Elektro again...I follow him, watching till he goes into a barn. I lure him out, make him do all sorts of things like get on the ground etc and then say "I see you", he responds with "F*** man where are you? you're scaring me" I tell him to come out of the barn and head to the treeline, surely he does.

I take my aim at his kneecap and fire, instantly breaking his leg, I watch as he crawls around for a bit trying to escape, then I make the next shot his face.

Thanks for the Pepsi Splotch!

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I actually felt pretty bad about this.

There was no action in cherno, I'd been sitting on a roof for 45 minutes and saw no one. So I tried to bait. Asking if any friendlies were near.

Mark replied and said he was at prigoroki and that I could go and join him, I asked if he could come to me but no reply. 10 minutes later I say "Mark are you there? I'm near prigoroki I think at a construction site" (I was acting a noob, the construction site is on the outskirts of cherno). I said things like "I'm low blood though I got shot trying to leave to come to you, I keep passing out" "omg i passed out again", eventually he agrees to come and help me and starts making his way over, 15 minutes later he says hes near and asks where I am, I say I'm on the roof (so he has to go up and I can get an easy shot), he asks me to meet him by the big yellow crane thats 50m away, obviously this is bad because he's going to be on the hill behind the construction site scoping it out, and hes obviously cautious of the bait, while I'm sitting on a roof 200m or so away looking at the construction site.

"omg i fell down trying to get on the ladder and now my legs are fuckin broke and i got no morphine mark" :) After another 5 minutes of me talking in chat like a noob and him blatently sitting on the hill trying to see if theres anyone waiting for him, he runs into the construction site and goes to the third floor, me and a friend almost have a shot but he conveniently stops behind a concrete pillar to type and asks "are you on ladder?" I assume he's asking if I'm on the roof, I can see the ladder clearly so I say "yea I'm upstairs but i keep passin out omg fuck this game". He moves over to the ladder and crouches, trying to get the ladder to pop on his scroll menu.

POW, one bullet to the head.

I felt really bad, as this guy had just ran from prig to cherno to save a supposed noob that needed blood, and spent probably 30 minutes running here and scoping it out. But, I worked harder for that kill than any other. On the brightside atleast he won't fall for it again.

Sorry Mark.

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Yesterday I got kinda screwed over by the main server (I ate my last piece of food but after changing my local server, because I wanted to team up with my mate, I still remained hungry).

So there I was, dying of starvation (blood level dropping sharply), running from building to building in Komarovo in total panic. I come accross some random survivor going through a dead guys' belongings.

No hesitation, bang, bang. 7 AK rounds for good emasure.

bye, bye, random dude

hello, 2 cans of baked beans, long time no see

Feels bad, but had no choice really.

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Worst thing i've done so far was when i was walking towards Cherno and i saw a player about 100meters west of Balota. I wasn't planning on shooting him so i tried crouching away but he saw me and opened fire. I proned behind a bush and got hit in the leg by a bullet. I wrote in the chat that i was friendly and made the guy put a bandage on me to stop the bleeding from my leg. Obviously considering that he just totally randomly opened fire against me i never knew if he would do it again if a walked with him so i took the first opportunity i got and emptied my Makarov mag in his head and took his stuff.

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I was talking to some dude, I didnt know where he was, nor did I hate him. But I was near kamenka to rendevous with some clanmates when I saw some dude running. I shot him and it turned out to be the dude I was talking to xD Those things just happen:D Bad luck for him:)

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A guy with an ALICE, M4 holo M203-and surely packing enough ammo and grenades to weigh down Mike Tyson- was crawling through a town simply trying to avoid the zombies. I started firing in every direction I could, attracting a horde of zombies to my gunshots. I quickly crawled on the roof of the building he was in and relatively had him mauled to death. I then screamed in side-chat "THERE IS A DEAD BODY WITH AN M4 ON IT IN ELEKTRA FACTORY." The newbies came, and down they fell one-by-one to my winchester. I killed about 9 people before they stopped coming.

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I wait for people to reveal their location and destination on night time servers' date=' and then drive around in my little car with no lights on, with my NVGs on, running them over in the field while playing yakety sax through direct chat.

Everything in this game is better with music.


I have to try this.

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