Hetstaine 10852 Posted July 17, 2012 (edited) Dont get attached to your gear..dont get attached to your gear..dont get attached to our gear. I don't. But then i got this guy who has been alive for a while now, he went for his first bicycle ride, swapped it for an ATV someone left parked in a fence in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Has journeyed to all four corners of the map with minimal gear. Just enough to hunt and eat and take out a few zeds here and there. We have built up a repetoire me and him, we understand each other, we know what we ae doing.He knows not to go near the bone breaking rabbits, he isn't greedy and doesnt lootcamp, he takes what is available and moves on. He spies on others from the bush and lets them go by in their own fashion. He avoids rocks and ladders if he can., he never swims past his waist. He is a good sort.So i trekked him to Berzino , time to trade in the AKM ,hopefully, and upgun a bit. Lying prone for a bit he spies out the military camp. All quiet..no zeds. Crouches in silently, first tent..AK74 Kobra, nice..drops the AKM. Next tent, GPS, lovely ..never had one in many months. Third tent ,bandages. Fourth tent..DMR ! Sweet, have not even seen one of these in all of the months i have been playing. He has to dump some gear to fit it into the Alice pack , shuffles some stuff around and is happy with the end result. Water bottle dmr and mags in the Alice, morph, ak mags, painkillers and beans on me.He decides he would like a bigger pack, Berezino..might as well hit the shops and apartments and have a dekko (look). Before that he runs away into the forest line and susses out the new hardware, gps is cool, trendy even. Sitting in the treeline he pulls out his shiny new gun. 2 x 20 mag clips, more than enough. Sighting down the scope a new world is revealed from afar , what a cool toy. He spends ten minutes just looking around, changing position , sighting zeds. Lines one up and pops off a shot.Shot goes long, next shot is short, next round the zed collapses. Going to take some practice this thing, plenty of time for that. Ok time to go look for Coyote.Down into Berezino again, into the apartments, nothing i need except some beans that i hoe down on and crack a can of coke, i fucking hate pepsi. Into the shops, apparently they were having a watch sale here because they are everywhere. I know there is a deerstand nearby so i head up to it , getting sleepy now and could not be bothered fucking around too much more so i take out the zeds around it and clamber up..could it be ..well fuck me, a Coyote backpack. I never have any joy at these deerstands and now i find a Coyote just when i need some more space.I climb back down , run a short distance to a small bush, drop my Alice pack, Look around..i look down at the alice..wavering..fuck..i feel naked without it. Dash back full sprint to the deer stand , climb the ladder, look down at the Coyote....session lost...what ..no.. No...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. click click click click. Back to six launcher, load the server..wait wait wait wait wait..load load load load..sweat sweat sweat..stars..blackness..i'm back in. Still in the deerstand..no Coyote..no anything. Check my gear. No backpack. Poo. Climb down and run to my bush..no Alice pack. My eye twitches. I stay crouched for a minute ..he remembers the feel and weight of the DMR , the lovely view down the scope. He sniffles a bit , wipe his nose, crouch runs off into the treeline, avoids a rabbit and settles under a big fir tree.A smile creases his face, then he laughs. Damn..so close. The adventure must continue though, he must find another DMR ..and a Coyote, and another water bottle. He pops his last coke for the night, mungs on some pasta and gets ready to rest. It starts to rain. Edited July 18, 2012 by Hetstaine 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SystemiK 366 Posted July 17, 2012 Never drop your original pack. Just transfer all the stuff from your existing pack into the new pack you found, THEN pick up the new pack. Works like a charm and you will never watch your old pack full of items go poof... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted July 17, 2012 Captures the essence and spirit of the alpha as it currently stands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miragenz 71 Posted July 17, 2012 I'm sure we all have moments like these. You always get disconnected at the most vital moments in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bottlerocket 205 Posted July 17, 2012 Excellent tale, old chap.After the 'don't get attached to your gear rule', I've got another - don't push your luck!Roughly the same thing happened to me, only I got shot in the deerstand instead of Dc'ing. Ah well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack Lz 24 Posted July 17, 2012 (edited) 21 days alive ,DMR and a revolver with coyote backpack...was one of the first to find out you lose it all if you put on camo.Edit: still alive tho Edited July 17, 2012 by Jack Lz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted July 17, 2012 It can be hard not to get attached to your gear. That weapon will become your wife and all other gear are your children :( It hurts for a while but you'll find another one to get more children with! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spuddy0108 185 Posted July 17, 2012 Good read, thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John69 64 Posted July 17, 2012 ....aint life a bitch sometimes... awesome reading,carry on soldier :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted July 18, 2012 Thanks chaps, carrying on ever forward. Heading back into Berezino to try my luck again , need a backpack again. I still have the GPS to play with and the AK74S so i count the raid as well worthwhile. WoRtEx ..i guess that was divorce then eh.. the blindside type :)..women. I will try that next time SystemiK , i generally always drop the pack as i am paranoid about one of them swallowing gear in the changeover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SystemiK 366 Posted July 18, 2012 One more tip I forgot to add. Sometimes you cannot pick up a pack you find. The solution to this is to lmove ALL the items laying around it, away from it. The items close to it is sometimes bug out the pack, and you won't get the option to pick up the pack while they are close to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted July 18, 2012 Yeah i have had to do this a few times with the packs. Also i came across the shops at Zeleno with another char a while back, was watching a trio of guys loot camp it to buggery. They left with whatever it was they must have been looking for , i am guessing matches as that was the only item i could not find in the ninety two million items dumped outside. Took me forever to pick up an Alice pack they left there as it was surrounded by four thousand flares a million watches and untold cans of beans, pepsi and mak mags. Made me wonder if somone in turn came along, saw me trying to get that Alice pack and was thinking..jeheebuz, that dude must have been loot camping that shop all night. Seriously..it looked like a B double had just upended its whole load along the street outside of the shop, the things you see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pr0cess 3 Posted July 18, 2012 Very nice read, Funny how we all have been in the same place... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SneakyZombie 2 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) I was pretty decked out a few weeks ago, coyote pack, ghillie, M4A3 CCO, revolver, matches, Bizon SD. Everything except NVG, a sniper rifle and range finder. Session Lost in one of the NZ servers, came back and my inventory was wiped. Tried logging in and out but still nothing. I just stood there, staring out in a distance for half a min in my rain drenched ghillie suit with absolutely nothing. Good thing I ate before that happened so all my icons were green. Finally picked myself up again and snuck to the deer stand which i remembered that had a m14 and moved on.Then 1.7.2 came out and took away my ghillie. :rolleyes:As what they say, don't get attached to your gear. Edited July 18, 2012 by SneakyZombie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darston 0 Posted July 18, 2012 I think it's harder losing all your stuff being new to the game. After a while you learn where to go to gear back up pretty quickly. It still sucks when you get killed to things vanish but it's not as world shattering. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jovial 17 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) Captures the essence and spirit of the alpha as it currently stands.Classic alpha moment indeed.We shrug our shoulders and get on with it, but still, when you have a nice find, you can't help get a little bit attached to it. I found my first Coyote earlier this evening in fact. Paranoia levels rising steadily to the point I'm almost looking forward to my next respawn. :D Edited July 18, 2012 by jovial Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teih 36 Posted July 18, 2012 Good read :)I honestly enjoy this game the most when I have very little of value. Losing some of the best gear in the game to a glitch/server hopper/hacker/forest sniper, hurts. A lot.But we humans weren't designed to do with what we have, now were we. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BNZ Solid Snake 9 Posted July 18, 2012 AKM isn't a bad rifle, you shoulda kept it. Check the proper stats for the gun, it's one of the most powerful automatic rifles in the game, has lots of ammo, has the capability to zero in, and can drop players pretty damn quick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted July 18, 2012 I dont mind the akm, it is probably my most used gun in the game besides the m1911, i do prefer the Kobra sight plus it is quieter than the akm :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawkh 0 Posted August 9, 2012 :D Thanks for Sharing this, was a good Read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TalkingGoats 10 Posted August 9, 2012 I had an alice pack full of water bottles and meat poof last night when I accidentally picked up a Czech vest, At the store in Berezino oddly enough. I was killed at the hospital shortly after. I ran back to the store and it had spawned will all of my crap still in it. So if some of your shit ever disappears hoof it back asap it might still be there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted August 9, 2012 Nice read totally enjoyed. Another tip is if you switch stuff in the forest and you lose things it ends up on the ground terrible hard to see. Mouse around a bit and at times you can find it. I've lost quite a few nice guns with full bags over the weeks to switchouts. Gear is gear the nice thing is there is always more to get =)Just not the duped crap from peoples sucker tents...Next time your up in Berezino and we cross paths I'll buy ya a coke! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bloodlike 5 Posted August 9, 2012 I'm sure we all have moments like these. You always get disconnected at the most vital moments in the game.Completely true. Nighttime, Veteran server, guy runs by the bush I'm hidding behind, I watch him go behind me, jump up quickly and fire a few shots from my M9 SD (cause I can't roll M24 and NVG), apperantly I didn't exactly kill him. I quickly run behind a tree, he saw me, he's onto me, we play a bit of a cat and mouse game, my adrenaline kicks in, thoughts of pussying out (Alt+F4 like a loser) come, since I just got my M24 and didn't want to lose it. But I decided fuck it, let's do what we can do. Sucker jumps down to prone position, waiting for me to jump to the side of the tree so he can shoot. I've seen that before so I just bend to the side, and quickly pop a few M9 SD rounds into his body and then pussy back behind the tree. Turns out I scored another holy headshot. Went to loot him, he had L82 or whatever, the gun with Termal, he had GPS and a lot of other valuable stuff I quickly stored in my backpack. A friend of mine was gonna be happy as well. And then... Session Lost.Oh well, shit happens. Even when you're on top of the world. But what's important is that life goes on and you didn't take a shot to the head... yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted August 9, 2012 Still have not seen another Coyote since this thread :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites