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Typical firefight in DayZ

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Watch in HD fullscreen.

I know you know. I know everybody knows. Still pisses me of. That's how every firefight has been to me. So sad.

ps. was chasing her for 15-20 minutes

pss. for the blind ones - she DCed

Edited by Roboserg

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Why did your menu come up at the end?

About to follow her out, hmm?

Wanted to change controls

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Why did your menu come up at the end?

About to follow her out, hmm?

Well spotted!

Is it the OP's own video?

EDIT: Yep it is, OP changes his controls when under attack by zeds.. :huh:

Edited by Adi

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Well spotted!

Is it the OP's own video?

EDIT: Yep it is, OP changes his controls when under attack by zeds.. :huh:

Isnt my point about fixing DC? Fix DC - I wont change controls. Obvious ?

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That's not so much a firefight, and more you shooting at someone. There is quite a difference. A firefight would imply it was more of a two-way affair than that.

Furthermore, I really don't think anyone would change controls while a zombie is beating seven shades of shit out of them.

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Well spotted!

Is it the OP's own video?

EDIT: Yep it is, OP changes his controls when under attack by zeds.. :huh:

you think he knew where she went?

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Isnt my point about fixing DC? Fix DC - I wont change controls. Obvious ?

Yeah, obvious you DC'd on the very same video that were complaining about someone else DCing.

You made my day, have my beans :beans: :thumbsup:

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lol, posts video about combat DC and DCs to avoid aggro in same video

learn to aim and they won't be able to disconnect: fact

60+ murders and I've only ever had 2-3 disconnect because I can actually aim.

Edited by Winston The Ripper
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so the logic is why fix DC if I just have to learn how to shoot ? Great argument!

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Yeah, obvious you DC'd on the very same video that were complaining about someone else DCing.

You made my day, have my beans :beans: :thumbsup:

Why should soneone NOT DC if everyone does? Fix it, so noone does. Was it that hard for you ?

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so the logic is why fix DC if I just have to learn how to shoot ? Great argument!

lol strawman, nobody claimed that. you can circumvent baddies dc'ing if you actually kill them before they can react.

Why should soneone NOT DC if everyone does? Fix it, so noone does. Was it that hard for you ?

_____ abused a bug, so I must abuse it as well!

Edited by Winston The Ripper

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_____ abused a bug, so I must abuse it as well!

Never said I did. You claimed w/o proof.

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Never said I did. You claimed w/o proof.

so just how often do you "check your controls" when being attacked by zombies? this may be the reason you are so frustrated at the game.

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Why should soneone NOT DC if everyone does? Fix it, so noone does. Was it that hard for you ?

Ah, we've come full circle now.

It's okay for you to do it (now that you're admitting to it), but not okay if someone else does it? No, it wasn't hard, I get it now!

So, why did you make this thread, again?

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so just how often do you "check your controls" when being attacked by zombies? this may be the reason you are so frustrated at the game.

Who said I am frustrated? Another claim w/o proof. Dude, are you a policeman ?

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Ah, we've come full circle now.

It's okay for you to do it (now that you're admitting to it), but not okay if someone else does it? No, it wasn't hard, I get it now!

So, why did you make this thread, again?

Where did I admit it? Who said it was OK for me to do it? I say - fix DC so noone does. Try again

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That's the reason why the only good weapons are sniper rifles, before they hear the sound they are dead. Well atleast that's the reason I only play sniper rifles...

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OP can't decide whether he supports disconnecting or not, LOL, kid has some issues.

Why would you say it ? Is the majority of DayZ players cant read English or has a MAJOR problem understanding basic sentences ?

You just make stuff up assuming random shit. What do you all smoking ?

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Why would you say it ? Is the majority of DayZ players cant read English or has a MAJOR problem understanding basic sentences ?

You just make stuff up assuming random shit. What do you all smoking ?

Is the majority of DayZ players cant read English
What do you all smoking ?
Edited by Winston The Ripper

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Not my mother tongue. Try again

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