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[Guide] Seeing at night

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How to say this nicely... I've done a couple hundred combat patrols in the Marines' date=' and I've never seen a night as dark as in Arma 2. With full HDR and Gamma, thats pretty close to real life


Yeah no shit. When i was on borderpatrol in the army (europe) I never had the feel i need any flares when I was on roads or open fields and when i take a walk in a park or forest at night, same thing.

The people that complain about other people doing it in game, probably have their graphic card settings allready in a state where it is similar to boosted gamma and don't understand how others can't see shit.

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Kind of lame, I think gamma should be enforced by server settings, because people who don't use exploits to ignore the ingame lunar cycle are sitting ducks to those who do.

I've experienced this kind of thick darkness a couple of times in my life, where nothing but stars were visible. Star light alone is not enough to make features on the gound distinguishable. You need a moon or light pollution. There's no light pollution in DayZ, because of the whole zombie ordeal, no electricity, no clouds reflecting light for villages behind the horizon and the no a statical full moon, making your game easier.

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Kind of lame' date=' I think gamma should be enforced by server settings


There is allready a pretty long discussion thread about the full night deal and i wrote it there:

If settings get enforced, then all players should be forced to play on the same system, since i am sure that my graphic card or monitor doesn't handle darkness and different shades of grey as well as some others.

And where does it stop? Should we limit viewing distance even further? cause I'm pretty sure that even the limited Day Z fog visibility is still more than some players can achieve with their lower spec systems.

Oh and maybe limit FPS, cause you know, some play with lower fps than others and it makes shooting and aiming more difficult.

See where I'm going with that?

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I just do it because I find it way more realistic to be able to see more than 3 inches in front of me. I still use flares in the forest and houses and the such, but if I'm in a wide open field or road, with stars shining and everything, it makes no sense to not even be able to see the ground in front of you.

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done [posting here too]

E8500 3.5 ghz Duo Core


4gigs ram

Windows 7 64 bit

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Your gonna be limited by your monitor when it comes to gamma and what you can see, not your system. If you cant play in the dark using your sound as your guide when your eyes wont work, I don't think you should be playing an ultra realistic survival game anyways. I've been in situations where its pitch black as well and stars don't illuminate anything.

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I can understand pitch black under some circumstances... in a building... deep forest... storming.. .but 90% of the time its not just pitch black out side and it seems that out of the 12hrs of night the majority its just pitch black.

I also like some of the previous posters have spent many hours of my life in the dark conducting operations and only in very few circumstances is it this dark.

I like the dark! It adds some spoooky spoooky to the game keeps you on edge... adds some cover you can travel fast and cover alotta ground without fear of banditos in the game. however when it gets so dark I cant see a tree infront of me or the glimmer of a road or water or anything thats insain.

I love the mod and the night only makes me avoid it usually as its just takes too long to get anything done when most of the time... Now ill admit when the moon is out and its a clear night ingame its not bad and I can enjoy it but thats rare almost.

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This video is nice and straight to the point, you should continue to make more and compile them into a 'megathread' for others to be able to skim over.

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