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"End Game" suggestion

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I'm not sure "End Game" is the correct term I'm looking for here - but it'll have to do:

Issue: Dayz is fantastic. It only lacks a purpose for those who want to achieve something in the long run, aka achieve End Game access and content

Suggestion: After X number of days of survival, a player becomes eligible to discover/find lootable items that can be saved to provide access to a different map, which will be hosted on other servers. After discovering all necessary components to achieve access to the other map, the player can decide to move on to the other map on whatever servers it's being hosted, or he can stay on the same, standard map to continue LMOE (that's Last Man on Earth to you...) survivial/bandit activities such as we all are doing now.


  • Minimum days necessary to qualify for discovery of "keys" to move to next level map
  • Next level map will be hosted in exactly the same way the current alpha map is hosted -- by private individuals who elect to run either the standard, alpha map or the second level map
  • The "keys" for accessing the second level map could be anything from actual keys on a key ring to pieces of a book that have directions, etc. Think along appropriate story-lines for this mechanisim.
  • Keys could be multi-level, meaning you get access to find the first key after 5 days of survival, and the next key after 10 days, etc., and you need X number of keys to move on.
  • The second level map should provide different scenarios and game-play for long term survivors who achieve access. For example: It could be a safe zone area map such as a small city behind a perimeter (frequently overrun by zeds) in which survivors fight the attacking zeds or each other (depending on particular server culture i.e. clans, etc.), build up the fortifications, or tear them down. The POINT here is that the second level map provides different play for long term survivors over typical foraging and survival-centric activities.
  • Accessing the second level map is entirely optional.

OK - there it is. Now, tear it down, mates! ;)


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I thought about increased zombies levels and loot spawns as the player goes further heading North

I dont think there should be any "keys"

Edited by DooM4MR

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Rocket has already stated that he wants to add in underground structures. Chances are there will be a new map with all enterable buildings and underground structures. We shouldn't need another end game if we can build a safe haven.

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I'd like to see something like project zomboid where the longer players survive more stuff happens a long the way like electricity goes out or military rolls around killing zombies and survivors a like or an air strike on cities, etc.

I really like this mod a lot but there needs to be something a bit more than just scavenging/looting and watching out for zombies and other survivors.

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My Idea:

Other islands equal to the size of Chernarus that can only be accessed through specific means. So, maybe an island that you must use a boat to get to, or a bridge that you need a car to cross. Obviously you could try without the boat or car but you would die horribly, this shouldn't be enforced by a silly game mechanic that says something like "turn back" but maybe just a shit tonne of zombies attack you or if you swim so far out you would drown (maybe this if stamina was implemented?).

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My Idea:

Other islands equal to the size of Chernarus that can only be accessed through specific means. So, maybe an island that you must use a boat to get to, or a bridge that you need a car to cross. Obviously you could try without the boat or car but you would die horribly, this shouldn't be enforced by a silly game mechanic that says something like "turn back" but maybe just a shit tonne of zombies attack you or if you swim so far out you would drown (maybe this if stamina was implemented?).

This is a decent idea. Here are my thoughts for expanding the idea:

- Next level island/map is reached only by sailing out into the ocean to a particular distance

- Can only sail with a boat you construct from rare items that typically spawn in Military zones, hence making it harder to find them all quickly.

- Obviously, to sail to the next level/map, to embark, you must return to the coast where player population density will become a threat to you again.

- Once you sail out into the ocean far enough, your character receives a flag on his profile in the database, which allows him to access the next level map wherever that map is being host on the net. When you die on any server, your map access flag is reset, and you must return to the level 1 map to start over.

- When you first access the second level map, the first moments on the map could be spent in your boat, sailing to the shoreline (similar to how on the level one map today you start on the shore with no equipment). Subsequent login on the second map would just return you to your last-logged location on that map.


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Don't really like the idea of a new map, but.

I do want a lot more "end game content". I got a good primary weapon and ammo for it, got a good pistol and ammo for it, I got an alice pack, I have all the utility items except GPS and range finder, I got a few items of each medical supply, and got plenty of food and water. I found I don't need to really play now, I check in every couple days to see if my guy still has food and drink(cause that drains even while offline if I'm not mistaken).

I guess I can kill zombies, but their zigzag running makes it an activity that even a good player can't do that very safely. I'm a good person too, so I don't want to hunt players. I could try to find a gillie suit and GPS - but dat drop rate. I could repair vehicles, but those just make you a target more than they help imo.

The best suggestion I can make is a "rebuilding" feature more for houses than vehicles. The ability to put together water purifiers(mater pond water undrinkable without running it though a charcoal and sand filter), building a generator(out of an engine, fuel, and a couple alternators), etc etc.

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After X days you find a C130 which when entered enables a left 4 dead style cut scene complete with music of the plane flying off to Takistan :)

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