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Sniping for Fun Isn't Banditry

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I had the same thoughts as you until I got nearly everything there is in the game. I mainly kill to protect my teammates but when nobody is on I like to camp with my Sniper (either M107 or DMR with Nightvision and Rangefinder) and just shoot some people for fun. I love killing groups of 3 or more players, it is no challenge (most of the time) but I like the feeling when I see all of them laying on the ground and panicing as I put another shot through their friends head. I'm not one of the guys camping Cherno all day but if I'm bored and there is absolutely nobody at the NW Airfield, Stary or some other spot I will occasionaly go to Cherno. I don't feel guilty for killing people, why would I ?

I was one of those guys but now I'm more than a survivor, I'm just a ghost in the forrest waiting for you.

Edited by iNSANE.

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I don't understand the "sniping" love. You don't get personal with your target it lacks the real adrenaline caused by having a real risk of dying. I guess it's just some of us who prefer a good firefight to picking off targets safely from a distance. (im exaggerating about you always being safe). More like don't talk like a BA when you can out-range and catch people unaware. Most snipers on DayZ suck and cannot even hit swerving targets. Too many people herp derp in a straight line.

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I don't understand the "sniping" love. You don't get personal with your target it lacks the real adrenaline caused by having a real risk of dying. I guess it's just some of us who prefer a good firefight to picking off targets safely from a distance. (im exaggerating about you always being safe). More like don't talk like a BA when you can out-range and catch people unaware. Most snipers on DayZ suck and cannot even hit swerving targets. Too many people herp derp in a straight line.

I can hit targets pretty well I would say ;)

I think sniping is the only way for me at the moment, having the most valuable gear limits you in the way you play the game. Maybe I got too attached to my gear but I haven't died in quite a while and I just don't want to lose my stuff but I still want to continue playing the game. It is pretty strange but somehow this is the only way I see, either helping out my mates to get them the good stuff or killing people for fun. I love sniping in this game, I know it's not the most Badass thing in the world but killing a group of really well equiped players within some seconds just feels good to me...

Edited by iNSANE.

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I don't understand the "sniping" love. You don't get personal with your target it lacks the real adrenaline caused by having a real risk of dying. I guess it's just some of us who prefer a good firefight to picking off targets safely from a distance. (im exaggerating about you always being safe). More like don't talk like a BA when you can out-range and catch people unaware. Most snipers on DayZ suck and cannot even hit swerving targets. Too many people herp derp in a straight line.

Yeah, I agree. The most fun I've had were personal encounters with people. Using direct chat or throwing explosives to fuck with people is second to none on the fun meter. I love watching people, stalking, see how they interact with others. Are they survivors or bandits or murders? (Yes there really are 3 groups.) I honestly think that murderers are just uninspired idiots who should probably be playing another game. If they aren't endangering you, and you don't need what they have, INCREASE ATMOSPHERE. I promise, you will have a much better time!

I stalked a guy after his friend shot at me, soon after my buddy killed his friend and I patched up. He was hiding in a corner of the Berenzino grocery shooting rounds off at nothing. I could just imagine him at home, heart racing, adrenaline flowing, and hand shaking. I come around a corner and he shoots off 5 shots nowhere near me - but he couldn't stop shooting. I had a friend provide suppressing fire, told him to 'come out with his hands up', and threw a grenade outside the kill zone just for effect.

If you are 'bored' enough to kill freshies, you are bored enough to get creative with your gameplay. Or you can just be a murderer and collect moar killz.

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Whenever I kill someone, I drink a coke from their corpse right there and then, having one last drink with the guy to say thankyou for all the lovely loot.

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I also play the avoider/ghost/binoc/nvg playstyle, and always get the drop on players/groups. I used to call people out unseen (observed them for good behaviour) and try to team up, when there was skin morphing. Now I just kill them first, dont even use direct chat anymore :(

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I don't mind sniping for fun, I mostly do it to hone my skills. I see it as moving target practice for on the fly range by eyeing their location. Of course I also snipe for my wolf pack when we need the weapons and loot, but I'll kill just about anybody that makes the mistake of finding their way into my crosshairs.

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I only kill other players when they are either heading in my general direction or have some great loot that I need.

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The bison became endangered for many reasons, least of all those who shot them for fun or sport. Natives and settlers wanted their meat and skins for food and warmth while traders wanted their hides for the European fur trade which the Russian Empire dominated at the time. I don't see any evidence of people shooting them for no purpose or to just get rid of them, it was far too profitable to waste the kill.

Plenty of buffalo today anyways, so many in fact that you can buy their meat in stores.

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