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Berezino: The new Cherno...

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Seriously, i've been to both alot and it seems to me that Berezino is actually MORE populated than Cherno now?

For example, yesterday I was looting the hospital on a 15 player server, and whoop, what do I see? Another survivor right under me while i was on hospital rooftop. I shot him, went to the apartments, just to see another survivor camping with a double barrel who promptly fired at me like an idiot out of range. I killed him as well. This all happened under an hour in a 15 player server.

Today, I go camp on the hill on DE312 with a CZ overlooking the hospital roof and grocery entrance. The server had around 30 players in total, but in less than an hour I have spotted more than 10 survivors trying to ravage the hospital/grocery! NOT EVEN KIDDING! First I saw a group of 3... I took one down whilst they were in the grocery store, before the other 2 left. Then a lone survivor tries to loot that body 15 minutes later, and i fire but miss. He heads north afterwards. Then a group of 4 come in within 10 minutes... 3 of them enter grocery while one goes on hospital rooftop to cover them. I take the one on the rooftop down and the rest head north. then 12 minutes later a group of 2 enter grocery store. I fire on them but i forgot it was at night so my muzzle flash probably gave my position and i got sniped myself.

Cherno has always been hyped as a deathtrap, but from my experiences today Berezino is the same now...Such a shame it used to be so peaceful. It's like the new Cherno except everyone there is armed to the teeth.

On a side note, the devs should really do something about sniper rifles. It's too easy to just sit on a hill overlooking hotspots and get free kills, and the only counter to it is another sniper rifle or ghosting.. And although they're rare to find regularly, for server hopping farmers it's not a rare commodity at all. It makes gunfights and PvP situations lame and boring. And no it doesn't take skill, at least not on regular servers where I can determine range with the scroll of a mousewheel, then zero my CZ550 farmer rifle accordingly to get kills.

Edited by ericdude88

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On a side note, the devs should really do something about sniper rifles. It's too easy to just sit on a hill overlooking hotspots and get free kills, and the only counter to it is another sniper rifle or ghosting.. And although they're rare to find regularly, for server hopping farmers it's not a rare commodity at all. It makes gunfights and PvP situations lame and boring. And no it doesn't take skill, at least not on regular servers where I can determine range with the scroll of a mousewheel, then zero my CZ550 farmer rifle accordingly to get kills.

Although you're not doing much to help the problem by indiscriminately snipping people, I do have to agree with this. If Rocket wants this game to become more a "zombie" survival simulator and less of a sniper simulator with zombies thrown in, then something is going to have to be done to limit or remove access to high powered sniper rifles. And better yet, all the high end military gear in general.

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I think it really all depends on the server and who is connected to it. A group of us was in Berezino, or in the surrounding area, this past Sunday night for a good 3-4 hours. We never saw a single survivor the entire time.

Edited by kentk94

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Cherno is realtively quiet in my recent experiences.

Same here. People are getting the message and staying away. As a consequence Berenzino is hotter than ever.

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I got bored to snipe people with sniper rifle. It is much more fun to constantly sprint from cover to cover, from house to house killing people with MP5SD on full auto. At some point I noticed that Cherno and Electro got somewhat deserted. Now I know that the action has moved to Berezino.

Thanks for the intel.

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Cherno is realtively quiet in my recent experiences.

More quiet than Elektro definitely. Cherno meant boredom for me. I was there on three servers today, I was there for action. Nothing happened. Did not meet a single player. Once I had my legs broken, I was ready to die, I smashed my hatchet against the monument in the center a couple of times. No player.

Also on Twitch I saw a player who wanted to have PVP action, but no player in Cherno.

I think Cherno is big, but not that attractive.

Cherno dies.

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It's all because of carebears' tears. Now you happy huh? Your whines killed Cherno!

What does this even mean?! Word has gotten out, and I think people are wising up and simply staying away from the area. What do carebears have to do with this at all?

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Never been in Berezino without meeting anyone. Usually I'm the one who gets killed. Today it was the other way around.

Went in there because of the medical supplies. Can't really by bothered to go all the way down to either Elektro or Cherno.

Waiting for my friend to show up I hear shootings by the store. I get cover and hide, and hope for the best. More shots are coming,

both m1911 and some sort of AK. I tried to move around but it sounds like they missed me with only an inch or two. I dont actually know

if this is the case or not, either way Im terrified. I find myself a nice little spot behind the store and start waiting. Suddenly this guy turns the corner,

he opens one of the back doors, gets in and closes it. I can see his head through the small windows, and start fireing.

Murders: 1.

2 seconds later

anoter head is appearing trough the opening. I fire again.

Murders: 2.

My hands are shaking and Im on heading for the nearest exit of Berezino when a guy holding a lee enfield is standing in front of me.

I close my eyes and pulls the trigger.

Murders: 3

Where I was theres an X on the map, marked "target." Dont know if its one of the first two, the third one or anyone else who

has done that. Dont really care either, just heads for the forest.

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Although you're not doing much to help the problem by indiscriminately snipping people, I do have to agree with this. If Rocket wants this game to become more a "zombie" survival simulator and less of a sniper simulator with zombies thrown in, then something is going to have to be done to limit or remove access to high powered sniper rifles. And better yet, all the high end military gear in general.

I agree. I finally got the high tier gear and found myself sitting outside of Cherno to snipe snipers and I said to myself "WTF am I doin?" Didnt appeal to me in a "Zombie/Infected" survival experiment/game. So I immediately hit respawn.

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Did you two miss the part where bullets gave him a new haircut?

Probably, but don't care enough to go back to it or edit my post.

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In my experience, Berezino used to be somewhat quiet still over some 2 months ago or so... But not quite so quiet anymore.

I guess the "go north" mantra, along with the groups holding camps up north have driven people there. Basically, because it's been one of those military loot spots at north. I avoid Berezino nowadays... There is lots of bandit/sniper traffic there for the military loot, and up north people are usually well equipped and have more patience, unlike down south. Meeting players up north (near military loot spots) tends to be more deadly than with the hatchet noobs at south.

It also seems to depend a lot on luck and server. For quite a some time I've hanged around Elektro... And it was surprisingly quiet. (Compared to what it used to be in the old makarov spawn days) Then, one time, I happened to go on a regular server with player name tags on (I usually avoid the tags like plague, I hate them exposing my position when I'm supposed to be hidden)... And, oh hell, Elektro was like a frigging war zone on that server. Gun fire going on constantly. One thing that might have also contributed was that the zeds there were bugging and frozen mostly. So you could just run around the city, shooting at people without having to even bother to think if there was a zed standing right next to you.

Anyway, I guess it depends on server / luck where the other people just happen to be. But any place with any military loot always draws people in. Berezino included.

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I was in Berezino for about an hour looking for some engine parts and went through the whole town without seeing a single person and the server was at 40/40.

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Cherno has been almost empty in my server even with 30+ people I can drive through it and no zombies will be spawned.

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Cherno always gives me an adrenalin rush. Especially when I'm shopping in the supermarket.

Edited by MadMax

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Not true. On certain servers maybe. Berezino is almost always a dead zone. You're lucky to come across one player.

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Although you're not doing much to help the problem by indiscriminately snipping people, I do have to agree with this. If Rocket wants this game to become more a "zombie" survival simulator and less of a sniper simulator with zombies thrown in, then something is going to have to be done to limit or remove access to high powered sniper rifles. And better yet, all the high end military gear in general.

My thread sir...

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I still find mixed results with berenzio.for the longest time it was always empty. Now I occasionally bump into people. Though I haven't been back since a few days ago, was looting the tents on a night server and suddenly had all kinds of dmr roundshitting around me. Not one of them hit me before I found cover. I took it as a sign that the warzone was shifting up there from all the "check out berenzio" posts.

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