Paeyvn 23 Posted July 24, 2012 I'll admit in my time playing I've shot a few people on sight and fired first, but generally I'm friendly and just avoid conflict if I can. My KOS rule applies to: Stary Sobor/NWAF, outside of that, you're good generally unless you threaten me.But this was back when I had just started playing, my second day in game. I roaming around down near Balota and Komarovo with my friend, who was also new to the game, we'd just had a shootout with some heavily armed guys sporting AKs/M4s, but we had won and I had a shiny new AKS-74 Kobra, my friend rocking an M4A1 that he'd had before the shootout (they were NOT friendly btw, they did not respond to calls and assumed threatening posture). But anyway, after that we head up to the airstrip and we're poking around the ATC, the main door of which was blocked by barbed wire, so we climbed up the ladder outside instead. Didn't find anything of note while crawling through the building, but I go downstairs and go to check the loot spawns down there, and as soon as I do, there's a guy hiding in a corner proclaiming, "Friendly friendly friendly!". Went on to talk to him a bit more, and he'd hidden down there when he heard us near the ATC, hoping hiding in the corner would keep him safe and he'd apparently just started playing today, first spawn. I ended up dropping my Makarov down on the ground with all 6 magazines it had and leaving it for him, before giving him some information on what we'd seen both players/items in the general area. After that he said his friend just spawned in near Elektro, also first day playing, and that he was going to go meet him. I wished him luck and we moved off.Unfortunately about 25 minutes later I saw "Jesse was killed", about the time he would have been passing through Cherno. RIP sir, and I hope your later adventures in Chernaurus have been more fortuitous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jigjug 0 Posted July 24, 2012 On like my third day i was sneaking around a warehouse in Kamarovo where i saw a guy being attacked by 3 three zombies he didn't have anything to protect himself, so i first asked friendly, but then thought he couldn't reply in a time like this so I killed the zombies bandaged him, and he ran off without saying anything but oh well.Shortly after, I was being attacked by about 5 zombies and was low on blood and he saved me with his newly acquired hatchet and bandaged me. He never talked so i was having a conversation with myself but the companionship was nice. I later had to leave but i hope DWL Stalker is still out there because he's the first friendly i had met. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathcall 101 Posted July 24, 2012 A sad story.I logged on at my camp west of the IAF to find my Toyota Hilux, Sedan and UAZ gone. Four of my tents have been raided. One was spared, most likely because they flattened it when stealing my vehicles. Lucky for me, that's where I kept my weapons. Without any friends around or coming any time soon, cut-off from the world and low on medical supplies, I decided to grab my Dragunov (camo) and head south to restock and try to find someone to befriend.It was a long run through Lopatino, Pustoshka and Zelenogorsk. Only on the latter I found signs of another survivor. Sadly, he was dead. I inspected the body and noticed that he had died recently (spotted his name a bit before entering the town). I regretted not being there earlier so I could help (seems he was killed by zombies) and grabbed some supplies from the market before heading further south.Eventually I turned east and came to one of my secondary camps near Chernogosk. From there, I looted the north-west hospital for meds and climbed atop the silos to check out the town (night had fallen by now). I stayed there for nearly twenty minutes trying to spot other survivors scavanging, and just as I was about to leave for Electrozavodsk I saw a couple flares near the International Hotel.Whoever was down there wasn't being wise. I tracked the flares across trown all the way to the market. After switching to a better vantage point I saw that there were actually three survivors . I studied their movements for a few minutes as they scavanged and started to consider joining them. Still, it was night-time and they were three, I was reluctant to just go running up to them and yelling friendly. Instead, I shadowed them as they left Chernogosk due west. I did some thinking and imagined that since they had low-grade gear they'd hit Balota Airfield, so I got down from the silos and went to the forest north-east of Cherno, following the tree lines due-west as well.I was expecting to get to the Airport after them, but after going through the broken fence behind the ATC tower I noticed flares at the Red Cross Camp in front of the strip. I climbed to the top of the tower and looked down my scope. Thanks to the flares and the full moon, I could see their movements pretty clearly. I even saw one of them blow himself up with a grenade. By now I had figured out these people weren't really experienced (or at least they didn't behave as such) and decided to link-up with them. It would be great, I could teach them the ropes and I'd get new people to hang out with.Eventually they (the two left alive) left the Camp and came to the Airfield. I saw them kneeling down by the edge and using binoculars to scout the area. They didn't see me. They started by the hangars, once they got to the one closest to the tower, I started typing. I explained I was friendly. I told them that the fact they were still alive was proof that I was, since I could have sniped them a dozen times. I narrated them their own trip to the Airport so they could see that I wasn't bluffing. I expressed my wishes for joining up with them and even help them re-link with their friend. I believe most of you already know how this ended.After some more talking, I told them I was coming down from the tower. I had seen one of them entering it, but I was hoping he was just using caution. When I started walking down the stars, he ran into me and broke my legs (head-butted them). When I was down, he shot me.I wasn't really angry. Being killed was part of my gamble. Still, it bothered me that they wouldn't even try working together. This called for payback.I respawned at Chernogosk (sheer luck or divine intervention). Grabbed and enfield, a can of food and water and rushed to the Airfield. As I was almost there, I saw one of them (recognized their names from the little chat we had) got killed. I did not hear any shots. When I finally came into the base, I spotted the body, but no signs of his "friend".I like to think that he got killed by his friend while they were arguing who would take my Dragunov (and other supplies). The truth is that I don't know. In any case, I grabbed my ALICE pack and an AKM and decided to head back to the city, hoping that next time I choose to gamble with my life, it actually pays off. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qibz 12 Posted July 24, 2012 Well here's my story, I guess it's good.It was night in the server I was on ( sorry I for got the servers name ) and I was in Cherno, going for a quick round of looting and then planning to leave the second I'm done. I was probably around the middle of Cherno, near the big hotel, when I heard a sound, a sound that sent a chill down my spine. It was the sound of a helicopter getting closer and closer. I was starting to freak out, because this was by far the best i have been on dayZ, having recently picked up a pair of NVGs and an m24 with about 3 clips, from a 'hidden' tent. so after freaking out I made the stupid decision of climbing up to the roof of the hotel ( it was a fast decision please don't flame me lol ). After getting on to the roof I went prone and started to peer off of the edge looking for any other survivors, to my horror I saw about 6 new players with enfields and winchesters. Just as I saw this group of survivors the helicopter started to shine its spotlight of death around the city, obviously looking for players to kill. The group below me started to panic, running full sprint down the road, looking for buildings to hide in, and altoghether running around aimlessly in the dark.It wasn't long until the spotlight shone upon about 4 of them, and as it was a Huey it had 2 machine guns mounted on the side, the spotlight sat on them for a grueling few minutes before the heli steadied itself. About a second later Cherno was filled with the deafening sound of machine gun fire, originating from the helicopter. I was shocked by the cold blooded killing and decided I needed to do something, I took off my NVGs and aimed down the scope of my M24, aiming at the source of the spotlight, and started to unload bullets into the helicopter, hoping one would go through the windshield, killing the pilot.After unloading 5 rounds I climbed down the ladder and took up another spot inside of Cherno, hoping to kill these men in the chopper. The chopper moved its spotlight around the city, searching for me, and I knew for sure I would be killed eventually. I shot yet again from my other spot and this time I reckon I nearly hit the pilot, but unfortunately never did.After the last bullet was shot, to my dismay the spotlight shone right over, and about a second later my body was rocked by countless rounds of machine gun fire.mi respawned shattered, I had lost everything. I was about to log off for the night, when I saw in side chat, a message, it said as follows: "To the man in Cherno who shot at the helicopter, we thank you, you saved our lives, you gave us the time to get out". It was then I realized my gun fire had let the surviving people get out of Cherno. Man I feel like a hero :PI hope this was an alright story, I'm not the best at telling them. But that's my tale of heroics 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etmer 24 Posted July 24, 2012 Right now, I was able to save at LEAST one life. That is basically my goal. He had aggro zombies, so I shot em off.I died when of course, I was backstabbed by a guy asking for food. He laughed as he killed me.But stuff like that happens. I still wont shoot anyone on sight if they don't want to die and need help. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greavesy 5 Posted July 24, 2012 Having made my first decent start to a life i found myself hugging the coast from Cherno making my way north and grabbing some more basics. When i got to the factory area north of Solnichniy ( i think thats correct) someone started sniping me from the hills so I chip it into one of the factory buildings to see an even newer newb than myself huddled in the corner with his hatchet.After both frantically typing friendly I discover he also took cover from the sniper in this building and was getting shot at everytime he tried to leave.Now after 2 days of solid looting->death->looting cycles im fairly confident i can find what i need pretty quickly so I give this guy everything bar my flares, revolver and Binoculars. Itell him to go to outskirts of Berizino and il try and find him after.I run outside and the sniper misses but i see roughly where he is and jumo back into cover, 5 seconds later I start launching flares everywhere and just run up that hill like Leeroy Jenkins spraying and praying. Took him 20-30 seconds to kill me as the other newb runs the otherway.Couldn't help but be pleased with myself :)Until 15 minutes later where I see Matty ( might have been Matt) was Killed :P 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BravoDown 5 Posted July 24, 2012 Everyone I've met other than my 2 friends has tried to kill me/us. With one exception of some guy I found about a kilometer from pusta with a broken leg who was bleeding, I gave him my only bandaid and told him to keep low ;).Otherwise I think my ingame face has been replaced with a target. Just last night I had gone into the church in Cherno, after finding an axe for my friend (who had just spawned his first life in DayZ and was running to cherno from komarovo) some random guy came running in. He didn't seem to care that I was there as I had a hatchet (wasn't getting in his personal space) and he had a gun. So after chilling inside with random guy for 20 seconds or so, I start to leave the church. Well at that point he decided to shoot me, knocking me unconscious, he and his friend then proceeded to pick me up and throw me off the dock into the water. I bled out not long after while flopping around in the shallow water.LMAO im sorry that this happened to you, it could happen to the best of us but that is some funny stuff..that is adding insult to injury. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BravoDown 5 Posted July 24, 2012 Berenzino seems to be a death zone these days. I was in berenzino couple weeks ago, had nice equip, just made it from stary sobor was going to meet my friend there in zino. I had a M4A1 CCO with 5 clips and a M1911. Im jogging up the field behind the northern most market when i hear lots of gunshots, I instinctively face bang the dirt. I crawl up to the market and there are 4 guys inside, 2 of them with m16s and the other 2 only had hatchets. Well there was a horde, and I mean horde of zombies outside, Im looking in the side window, had the drop on all of them but was not sure if I could shoot thru the windows, so I decide hey ill help these poor fellers, and I go around front and start blasting the zombies kill good 15 of them. I run up to the front door on right side so they dont shoot me. I yell friendly over direct chat, and they lower thier weapons and the hatchet men run for cover. So i walk in and we have a convo, they had just met thier friends and were getting them gear. I was like I can show you were to get good weapons. Well 2 or 3 mins go by and I hear the distinct sound of M16 going off, but im not hit...I was eh maybe hes shooting a zombie lol. I turn around and hes pointing that dam thing right at me, I turn to run and bam a lucky ass shot to my legs. they walk over and unload into me...Sad day..I did not play DayZ for like a week after that lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMedic 58 Posted July 24, 2012 Not much time spent around survivors but it has always been pleasant with the last encounter having me hatcheting away two zeds to save a guy so he could raid their bodies and head his own way. I have no desire to conduct PvP when possible because ... well I guess I haven't had a reason to need to or want to. I would much rather work with other than work against others. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xephin 1 Posted July 24, 2012 Happened maybe an hour ago to me XD:Was in Cherno waiting for my friend to meet up with me so i can give him some gear and get back into surviving (he died recently from a sniper :'( ) was sitting in the Firetruck station using it as an OP with my trusty Lee-Enfield and god knows how much ammo. I hear gunshots from the church and instantly turn to face it, i see 2 survivors booking it out of the church being chased by a guy with a makarov. I thought to myself, this would be easy kills, but im not an asshole and they need help. The second the guy turns the corner with the gun and i fire and drop him with one lucky headshot. I tossed a flare down to the two new guys and told em via direct communi to come up. They did and i was generous enough to supply em both with a G17 and a M1911 with some mags. :D best part is they gave me coordinates to there camp and told me they had more Enfield ammo and i was welcome to it for saving them. Being a survivor rocks ^^ fuck bandits 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anthraxripple 15 Posted July 24, 2012 It's great to see others that think like i do. I have yet to murder anyone and im not about to start. Been gunned down a few times but also have meet good people a few times. I now play with my son who is 27. Two are much safer.One of my first games i was in cherno shittin myself with only an axe. Im up in a room in the industrial section when up the stairs comes a guy. He takes a shot but i was already moving. ( i play day of defeat and i know that if you stand still your DEAD). I ran into another room looking for escape when i hear a voice on direct comms saying " did i hit you". Thought that was wierd but replied NO, he then said " good cause you scared the shit outta me" ( that went both ways). So he came into the room and was low on blood and asked me if i could give him a transfusion from his pack. I did and he really sounded pleased. In gratatude he gave me a pistol with two clips. Well that pistol saved my life when later i was cornered by Zombies. It showed that not everyone is a dick. ( but i have been murdered several times for bandages and one box of pain killers since) LoL 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anthraxripple 15 Posted July 24, 2012 I do have to confess my first murder.It was night-time and the friend I was meeting up with had been shot in the small business office in Cherno, near the hotels. I was crawling my way there as there was still gunfire and zombies near by, he had died just as I reached the entrance. I took his painkillers and moved out of the building where I was greeted by the gunman who likely shot down my friend. He shot me twice, I think, and I put one well-placed bullet into his head, dropping him instantly. I took off to the nearest of the hotels and bandaged myself up, glad I grabbed those painkillers.He, like Han, shot first. I think I was in the right.Dude. Thats self defence. even in a court you would be found innocent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MRJOEYBON 18 Posted July 24, 2012 I had my fist murder yesterday. I was playing on a mostly empty server as I had spent the previous night venturing into elektro in the dark to find morphine for a friend. After securing the morphine and patching him up yesterday we waited for two friends who had respawned to find elektro. The first did, and immediately attracted zed attention so was running for his life. My firehouse buddy and I decided to go help him since he had no idea where the power station was.We got separated on the way in and decided to meet up at the church. At this point the server exploded with players. It went from mostly empty to full in about two minutes. Gunshots began ringing out all over the place on our mad dash. We found a tent inside the church, reaching it before the man we came to save did. The tent's owner showed up shortly after us, stared at us, and immediately ran out. I fired a few warning shots after him, told him I was sorry but that he shouldn't come back here. The second friend showed up. The third friend got shot and went unconscious in the streets. The tent owner was repeatedly opening and closing the door, attempting to use third person to discover our location. Never did like third person. I thought he was unarmed so I put myself in a position that gave me both cover yet let him get full sight of my AK. He edged himself past the doorway and raised some sort of handgun. He fired two shots first which slammed in the corner next to me that provided some cover, kicking of bits and pieces from the impact. I decided that was too close for comfort and fired five shots. Unlike him, I had time to aim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jamesmonty2003 2 Posted July 24, 2012 I was passing thru Cherno today and ran into a unarmed player. He spoke over the in game comm (sorry my mic was not working), and I helped him loose the zombies chasing him by running off in the other direction. After I lost them I head into the firehouse to find his dead body on the first flight of steps. I creep up the steps to see the killer checking the loot on the floor. I put a Winchester round in his skull. Wish I could have got there sooner, but I took the bandits AKS-74 Kobra, map, and some supplies. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 168 Posted July 24, 2012 My first life on DayZ, I don't know what the FU** I'm doing and am figuring out what I should do and what buttons do what when all of the sudden I walk into the "school" in Elekctro and there are 3 other people sitting in there pointing guns at each other. They were all talking in voice-com, telling each other to put the guns down and asking who is who and what everyone was doing. I came in and they all looked at me and saw I had no weapon and after just 2 minutes of talking they had already entrusted me with a weapon and had given me a new back pack. Then we all decided that we wanted to be survivors and hunt down bandits, so on my first DayZ life I was hunting bandits and made 3 new skype friends! Boom! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMedic 58 Posted July 24, 2012 I wish stuff like that happened with more players, Lockdown; it would make the game experience more enjoyable for more players but sadly there are those sadistic few that get their jollys off in wrecking others gaming experience by killing and stealing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SupaFly1983 52 Posted July 24, 2012 I was on my way to loot balota airstrip for a friend of mine who died, and just spawned near Cherno. My gear is half decent (m4a3) and some other bits ands bobs. Just mainly helping out a fresh spawn mate.Anyway, back to the point, on my way there (coming in from the north east) I see a poor soul running out of the east hanger, with no weapons, and a guy chasing him with an axe. I dropped the guy with the axe, went over and patched him up and gave him a blood transfusion and some food and a water bottle and sent him on his merry way.Felt good to help out a fellow survivor :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IroquoisPliskin (DayZ) 39 Posted July 24, 2012 Last night I found a guy with a broken leg on the western side of the Balota air strip, gave him some morphine and blood transfusion. He helped me meet with a friend, but both of them got seperated from me before we could reach Nadez. Server 338 if he happens to check this topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nexus545 13 Posted July 24, 2012 Was in the food store in Cherno when i heard screams nearby. I darted out the building and around the corner to see a guy on the floor getting mauled by a zombie. I promptly ran over, shot the zombie, bandaged the guy up then ran away before he decided to kill me lol. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nitewing03 13 Posted July 24, 2012 My role has changed a bit, I'm afraid. While I am not a bandit, I have joined a clan and as such have a group of people that I trust. I have, while in this group, fired warning shots at other survivors to scare them away from our position, but recently I decided that this is too much work.On our first night together, we had two MKs, an M24 and a various smattering of assault rifles just in between Novy and Stary. We were chatting when someone saw four survivors running in the distance. We immediately made a firing line and took them all out within a few seconds. I fired one shot with my M24, only to kill one of them that my clan mates had (I'm pretty sure intentionally), just got a leg shot on. It was my first murder ever and I felt pretty bad, but then I began to learn the necessity for it.Our camps have been getting hit pretty hard. Vehicles disappear and weapons are taken from tents almost daily. We decided it had to be someone being careless when moving and were being tailed by a rival clan that (used to) play on the server. So we decided it would be best to only have tents for pairs of us.My second murder came on a newly spawned, completely unarmed person and from his movement, it might have even been his first day in game. By this point, I had an AS50 that I used when provided overwatch from a fairly short distance. I was in the tents, getting a few jerry cans to keep our PBX fueled (you need it to get to this camp :P). I got out of the inventory screen and began to run to the boat when i saw someone standing on the opposite shore looking right at me. I stopped, went prone and fired the shot all before he even had time to run. It hit him square in the chest. "Robbie was killed".I really hated to do it, but he was too damn close to my camp. I wasn't about to lose all that we'd worked so hard for.I'll always be the guy that shoots randomly and say "Oh, misfire. Sorry guys" as I watch a survivor run the other way, but as our server becomes more and more hostile, I'm probably going to have to give up on that.Oh! Our tents bugged out about 15 minutes later and we lost everything anyway, including our boat...karma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
brightlitefilms 37 Posted July 24, 2012 Shit like this only happens when you're carrying shit loot. You've got an M107 and they KoS you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nitewing03 13 Posted July 24, 2012 Shit like this only happens when you're carrying shit loot. You've got an M107 and they KoS you.May be the general thought, but I've come across plenty of people, before I clanned up, that had great gear and didn't show any hostility towards them at all. Hell, one guy had an L85 and I just let him be (I could have nailed him easily with my M24). It's who you run into, not just a general rule.Besides, if you are that worried, do what I do and hide your primary in your bag. I do that in Cherno/Electro and have had people pass me up thinking I wasn't well armed. And when you are at a point where I am now (multiple camps with multiple sets of compasses, maps, tons of med supplies) you really don't need pack space, it's just nice to have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I Lag Sometimes 16 Posted July 24, 2012 I had freshly spawned and i was following the coastal hills looking for the next town when i saw some other fresh player running from zombies not knowing what to do. I ran towards him and drew the zombies towards me then i had them follow me up a cliff then a ran back down, making all the zombies fall to their death. That person followed me around for a little while but i lost track of him shortly thereafter.Moment later my person glitched into a rock and broke his leg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MoistNinja999 44 Posted July 24, 2012 I usually travel with a group but when im on my own I will often help people, for example I was playing saw a guy with a broken leg and bleeding I ran up to him bandaged him, gave him morphine then said have a nice day and left Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunter91398 2 Posted July 24, 2012 I know this isn't a "nice survivor story" but I had an idea for a couple weeks now that I need help with and you guys are the people I am looking for to help me with this "idea". ya see I was constantly tired of everyone killing eachother and I noticed there were no safezones in the game but what if we had a group of like 10 or so people well armed and we cleared out some place and put up sandbags and tank traps and blocked the place off good and then started like a survivor refugee camp, like were people could come in for safety and we would have people do scavanging runs and we could feed these people that came in and they could choose to join us (if we trusted them) or if they just wanted to go. I have a couple ideas of places we could do this, if any of you are intrested please let me know, I've been wanting to do this for awhile. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites