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Oh I've heard that one before... Once... Twice... Wait was it 3 times? Ah well I lost count after 2.

I payed for a service tgat I haven't received. I don't want your false promises, I don't want your lies. I want my money back.

And also in your first post you say 5 day guarantee no questions asked, not (only on certain services)

I expect that to be honored

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Oh I've heard that one before... Once... Twice... Wait was it 3 times? Ah well I lost count after 2.

I payed for a service tgat I haven't received. I don't want your false promises, I don't want your lies. I want my money back.

And also in your first post you say 5 day guarantee no questions asked, not (only on certain services)

I expect that to be honored

Can you let me know your ticket number? As I said I don't know who you are off the top of my head and need some sort of reference as to who you are. I'll be happy to sort something out for you and I'm extremely sorry about the "false hope" we have been giving you. We base our ETAs on what our vendor tells us which we directly pass on to you, they have been been constantly telling us the same as we have been telling you hence the total mess in communication. I think it's time for a change within our New York DC and we'll be making a complaint to them about this, your delay was not acceptable and has upset us just as much.

Edited by Jonnerz

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How long will it take to get the server up? My friend bought one today, just wondering.

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I recently purchased a server from your website with the expectation of it operating fairly soon after. It's been in the realm of 20 hours since I made the purchase and haven't received any information or an accurate ETA for my server. I understand you might be backlogged, but this doesn't explain why my ticket (#813404) hasn't been answered yet. If this is how business will be conducted in the future, I would like to request my money back so I can take my business elsewhere.

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Do you offer a 15 day money back gaurentee? cuz my server didnt come up until 5 dayz after I ordered it, was down several days inbetween due to "hardware problems" and now has over a 700 ping to every player who tries to connect to it no matter who or where. Doesnt seem to matter how many times I restart the server or how many trouble tickets I write. Its unplayable

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Do you offer a 15 day money back gaurentee? cuz my server didnt come up until 5 dayz after I ordered it, was down several days inbetween due to "hardware problems" and now has over a 700 ping to every player who tries to connect to it no matter who or where. Doesnt seem to matter how many times I restart the server or how many trouble tickets I write. Its unplayable

Have you made a ticket about this? 700 ping is completely abnormal for our servers and must be looked at immediately by us.

Edited by Jonnerz

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Thank you for replying to my ticket for my NY server and assuring me that "Your server should be up within a few hours."

However, now when I go into the server details it displays that the ETA is now for the 31st of July. That's over 48 hours from now. What is going on here?

This server that is suppose to be "Less waiting and more playing" has turned into a mirage that I keep getting told is just a few hours away..

Going to be getting a refund and moving on from here soon.

Edited by Sad Clown
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Thank you for replying to my ticket for my NY server and assuring me that "Your server should be up within a few hours."

However, now when I go into the server details it displays that the ETA is now for the 31st of July. That's over 48 hours from now. What is going on here?

This server that is suppose to be "Less waiting and more playing" has turned into a mirage that I keep getting told is just a few hours away..

Going to be getting a refund and moving on from here soon.

The ETA that shows up when you login is for new customers but it unfortunately also shows up for current customers. If you let me know your order number I'll explain to you why your server is not up yet and when it will be up. If you have been waiting that long it will be up very soon, I can now also provide you with a truthful ETA as our backlog has pretty much been cleared.

Edited by Jonnerz

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We can't find the order number but here's the Transaction # (9V7790225A257052S) and Invoice # (33315)

Thank you.

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We can't find the order number but here's the Transaction # (9V7790225A257052S) and Invoice # (33315)

Thank you.

Sorry for the current 24 hour wait on your order. Your are not far in the queue and I can safely say you will be up within the next hour or two. I won't sleep until it's up! (It's 4AM right now :( )

ETA on 9440599504?

About the same as above. You've currently been waiting 5 hours but our Dallas queue is much smaller than New York.

Edited by Jonnerz
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I have also ordered a server on friday morning and it is not up yet. They did answer my tickets in fair short amount of time but to recieve some sort of notification would be nice as far as when the server will be live.

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I have paid yesterday (14h) for a monthly abonnment for a standard dayz server. Today my order is alway on status "Pending" after 20h the order is not setup. Why is it so long ? When my server will be ready ?

Myorder number is 7426584222.

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Hey there, sorry to bother you again, but could you check ticket


Thanks :)

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For those of you looking to purchase a server from this company, expect long waits and piss poor customer support. Incredibly dissappointed in the services I have received thus far. If my issue isn't resolved by 1400 UTC -5, I will be demanding my money back. ticket #740393.

Edited by yodoames

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Sorry for the current 24 hour wait on your order. Your are not far in the queue and I can safely say you will be up within the next hour or two. I won't sleep until it's up! (It's 4AM right now :( )

Thank you very much! The server is now active. Much appreciated. Now we just can't find the server or connect to it and also lost all control panel options... Is there some kind of Host Altitude Control Panel tutorial? Being new to the whole server thing this would be really helpful because the Control Panel UI is quite overwhelming. We are not sure where to start, (Config, Server name, updates, etc..)


Ticket #740393

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ETA on Order Number: 6595387598

Its been roughly 24 hours.



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New York node that US 401 is down, cannot reach the server via FTP either.

Cpanel administration is sluggish and unresponsive......ping to IP is showing 100% loss.

The rack 401 is on is not communicating to the outside world at all as of this time.

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