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10 tips that i follow. And make me survive.

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Current record: 23 days.

eventually i died from proning and instadieng. Protip: Do not insta prone on the side of a steep hill.

I try to really avoid glitching, bugging, duplicating. or anything that isnt allowed. avoiding these things, and not be near cherno is what keeps me alive.

Tip 1, Live of the forest. use hatchets to kill animals(Or silenced pistols/bows) never make a fire on the South side of a hill. Since most people track north, your fires are easily spotted.

Tip 2, When in need of certain items. (Tents,backpacks,tools or maybe food/water if the forest is not providing) never rush into a town, scout possible loot places (Door openings) with your binoculars. and only if u see what u need, take the risk. Cover yourself with a treeline in your leftside, while Lalt+Mouse checking your right+tail.

Tip 3, Traps. making traps to kill bandits/survivors, for their items is a good way to survive. force them to use certain entrances with barbed wire, and tank traps. and finish them with a bear trap.

Tip 4, Have a well sorted inventory. make sure at any given time, u have atleast 2 food and 2 drinks, 1 morph pen, 1 epi pen, 2 pain killers. and 3/4 bandages.

Tip 5, weapon choice. Silent. deadly. I recommend crossbow. and m1911. if u want to engage players. trade the crossbow for a m4a1 camo sd or the more common aks cobra. these weapons ha ve a 80 Meter audible range.

Tip 6, Avoid glitching, this means don't try to bug the game. this will often work out worse for you. read the forums on common glitches to make sure you dont use it.

Tip 7, In need of high end gear? don't visit cherno/stary/Nwaf. use the deer stands, and as a last resort use berenzino.

Tip 8, Gonna cook meat? or fill up your water bottles? make sure your inventory is ready to do so. before u go to the pond, or light up your fire place. have your main inventory ready so your only 1 click away from doing what needs to be done, and back into the woods.

Tip 9, Friendly fire. I've lost a few toons in the beginning to friendly fire, and confusion. easy things to avoid this? upon changing weapon. let your budy know, both get the same skin. And very important, use a formation.

Tip 10, Avoid the black forest. Once bigfoot finds you, it's game over.

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Tip 10.

Dude! You rule! A good ol' Arma tale. Nice tip. Thanks for good memories and let's share my beans.

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Dude! You rule! A good ol' Arma tale. Nice tip. Thanks for good memories and let's share my beans.

It ain't a tale! He's real.

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God darn it. Now your just making me more paranoid. I have no idea where to hide now. The deep black forests or the towns and cities.

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I live in the deep forest very far up north in no-man's land and occasionally goes south to towns and barns for supplies but never the cities since i already have all I need from Cherno. Spends most of my time hunting and cooking raw meat staring at trees. I've only come across a few people but no gunfire exchange so far and most of them never spotted me. Always use the ALT key to look around your environment and crawl. Hiding below the dark leafs of pine tree provides good cover.

Edited by leeo38

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Stopped reading there

I don't know why people bash on the crossbow. Once you get the aiming sorted it really is quite useful.

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LOL just wait till Rocket makes cooking meat a 10 minute affair. ;)

Ok pal.

how do you change your skin?

In the player profile settings of arma 2.

Edited by vjese

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