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another little story

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so i died being sniped at the nw airfield and respawned at krutoy kap. i made my way north to solnichniy dodging the zeds being all safe and sound. then i managed to sneak past and into the buildings by the factory north of solnichniy where i found an enfield. i was looting the med yield building when i heard zombies being aggroed and didnt move watching the entrances when another player came up the ladder with a hatchet. i had the enfield in my hands and didnt think he would mean any harm but instead of hoping for help the hatchet guy started hacking away at me. having no other choice i fired a shot at him with the enfield wich broke his legs and made him bleed. i told him to stop fooling and hold still via voice chat and he complied and i bandaged his wounds ... at this point i thought he should be cool when some other player shot into the building from outside with a grenade launcher(?) i stepped forward to see the entrances and check if someone else is gonna come in. guess what? the hatchet guy i just bandaged didnt think of anything better to do but crawl up on my back and hack me to death!

he was either a friend of the guy shooting into the building or just realized he had nothing to loose as he was gonna die anyways without morphine inside a building besieged by zombies and another player with heavy guns.

i was a bit mad but the whole thing made me chuckle enough to make up for my death.

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Considering he has a hatchet, i'd just go away ignoring him, if he keeps following me i'd warn him that if he won't stop i'll shoot him, as he might be someones "spy".

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This hatchet guy was a wild animal. You'd better shot such creatures next time without bandaging. If he started hacking you at first sight without communication, he's no use in future too. End it, treat him as a wise zombie who learned how to use hatchets :)

Cheers. Take care.

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Other story:

I was on the airfield in balota, fresh spawned a few mins ago found some food a chech bagpack and a hatchet before i arrived at airfield. i was searching for some items in the hangars and finally i went into the tower.

In the 2nd floor a guy with an ak was waiting for me and instantly starts shooting as i came up the stairs. I said dont shoot me im friendly, i went back and said i leave you alone. he starts comming after me to finish me off.

So whats whats the point in shooting ppl with no gun and items?

With a gun you can run away from a guy with a hatchet and shoot him if he follow you, but on the other side, there are sooo much idiots which kill on sight without having a reason...

We need to live with that, there are many of such kids...

here is a solution for you:

dont bandage him, drop medical supplies a few meters away if you want help him, then leave the scene before he patched up himself.

Edited by Smithy

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I think the idea is that the only reason most unarmed people are friendly is because they are unarmed.

As soon as they find a weapon they will turn on you.

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Had a similar story to yours bro.

I fled from some zombies into a barn (I could take them, but there were like 50 around and its getting dark and I had my enfield out so needed to drop it and switch to my hatchet)

So then I see this guy at the top, thought he was dead, turns out he was unconsious as a second later he staggers to his feet. He starts reloading his AK, I give him a bandage and a blood transfusion and say to him on direct chat that we wont get out of here unless we fight together as theres crap loads of zombies coming in.

I also tell him I have only 14 rounds left in my rifle and nothing else so robbing me wont be no good as he has a starter pack and cant store my rifle in there.

I turn to and shoot the zombies, but hes not shooting at all.

My ammo runs out and I drop my rifle and pull out the hatchet, I turn and see him trying to aim at my head by inching the weapon back and forth as I move around so I quickly throw a smoke grenade to attract more zombies just before he shoots me.

Sent the guy a message asking wtf? I had nothing of value to him on me.

He sent back he did it for thrills and that he died afterwards and blamed me because they swarmed him from my grenade saying he spent ages getting all the AK ammo he had, makes me wonder if theres anyone who doesnt just kill for the sake of it

Edited by thelonewarrior

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Lots don't, but I think if you play for any period of time you do end up with a "better safe" than sorry attitude that is VERY heavily skewed to the safer end of the spectrum.

That probably makes it feel like you are killed for no reason more often than is really true, albeit the "reasons" can be pretty shallow.

I don't consider "for the lolz" a valid reason.

I don't kill for the hell of it but I certainly kill at the slightest excuse now purely because it is so often, me or you.

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Yeah, I still havent commited a murder.

When I hear gunshots now I sprint it for the trees and keep going and changing direction until im sure no one followed me.

I have the same its me or them attitude, but the thing was I saved the guys life, If I wanted his gear I would have shot him and not wasted the last of my medical supplies (or any) for that matter on the guy.

If someone saved me like that, Id trust them straight off, theres no way you bring a guy back to life who has an AK and give him the chance to kill you if you werent at least planning to bring him back and give him a good luck before moving on

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Ran up a hill, some guy was camouflaged inbetween the trees.

He kills me, probably thought I was running up to get him.

I spawn, walk over to familiar territory and get shot asap.

I then spawn somewhere relatively close by, decide to swim across the coast, get shot again.

I was in the water, fresh spawn and the guy fired like 10 shots to get me.

People treat this game like a DM.

So I just shoot anyone who see's me, and if I'm low on supplies I'll loot them.

If not I'll go somewhere relatively safe, and aim at the corpse to see if he has a friend who'll try to retrieve his items and I'll kill him.

I'll also shoot anyone whose going into the same building/town as me, simply because one turn and I'll lose them.

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Just reading more of these stories confirms my suspicion about survivors now.

And I am choosing "regular" servers. I hate to think what the "veteran" ones are like.

Too many people are either bored, or in love with death match scenarios. :/

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And I am choosing "regular" servers. I hate to think what the "veteran" ones are like.

Typically, the only difference between regular and veteran is crosshairs are usually disabled on veteran servers. My reasoning is that crosshairs are the stuff of traditional Deathmatch FPS games, and that CH:off servers will therefore have fewer of those sorts of players.

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Just reading more of these stories confirms my suspicion about survivors now.

And I am choosing "regular" servers. I hate to think what the "veteran" ones are like.

Too many people are either bored, or in love with death match scenarios. :/

What is the difference, I havent got a clue!! re, regular and veteran

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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I have a similar story. It's short though. A friend and I were in Stary Sobor. We were circling around the back to the tents for some decent gear (hopefully).. There was some activity in the city, but after a while of sitting and watching, we decided to enter the camp from the east near the factory. Our backs were turned and three bandits shot us to pieces without word or warning. I do understand that this will happen. My buddy had an AK, and our packs were full of food, water and other supplies. We were clearly a good target for a bandit. I just wish they would have fired a shot over our heads and told us to leave. We would have obliged, since my friend was still fairly new and I was just showing him around. They could have kept their spawn and we would have gone elsewhere. I'm pretty sure we injured them though. I had some time to duck behind a bush and my friend did fire some shots at them. I was dipping in and out of consciousness, but even through the shakes and blurriness, I know I must have hit a few of them. Their fire became a little more sparse. Either way, we both died and I think it wasn't needed. THat exchange didn't have to happen that way.

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Ran up a hill, some guy was camouflaged inbetween the trees.

He kills me, probably thought I was running up to get him.

I spawn, walk over to familiar territory and get shot asap.

I then spawn somewhere relatively close by, decide to swim across the coast, get shot again.

I was in the water, fresh spawn and the guy fired like 10 shots to get me.

People treat this game like a DM.

So I just shoot anyone who see's me, and if I'm low on supplies I'll loot them.

If not I'll go somewhere relatively safe, and aim at the corpse to see if he has a friend who'll try to retrieve his items and I'll kill him.

I'll also shoot anyone whose going into the same building/town as me, simply because one turn and I'll lose them.

And some people think this isn't a flaw in the game design. They should rename the game to Dayz Match.

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I guess the most popular reason for people to kill one another is trust, you simply cannot trust anyone because like the OP said even if you spare them, they can just come up behind you and slaughter you :(

(this is also one of the reasons I still would like to see pve servers)

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Typically, the only difference between regular and veteran is crosshairs are usually disabled on veteran servers. My reasoning is that crosshairs are the stuff of traditional Deathmatch FPS games, and that CH:off servers will therefore have fewer of those sorts of players.

oh, ty for this! :) you get my beans. now i have more servers to pick from!!

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Having a floating bright green crosshair in your face competely ruins the immersion. I hate the arcadish feel when the CH is on in veteran servers.... Makes me think why do they even call it Veteran with the CH on. But you are right... Most of the little brainless dweebs coming from the console CoD crowd tend to stick to the arcadish/regular servers with CH/3DP and Tags on. Plus you must learn to fire 1st. Nice guys in a lawless world finish last.

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Dude, I feel your pain. But I must confess, I did laugh. I personally wouldn't have helped him, I might have given him a bandage via his pack and legged it before he was done fixing himself, but I most certainly wouldn't turn my back on someone who moments prior tried to hack me to death :facepalm:

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Typically, the only difference between regular and veteran is crosshairs are usually disabled on veteran servers. My reasoning is that crosshairs are the stuff of traditional Deathmatch FPS games, and that CH:off servers will therefore have fewer of those sorts of players.

Nice to know, Now I can see that logic.

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Just for the murder ammount, they do it as if its some kind of sport.

Dammit! That's why I hate sports, because it's not about "being healthy" anymore, it's boasting, sporting just to make sports. We need to get rid of this freaking debug monitor! People go crazy stattpadding! My very good friend, awesome survivor, told me once that he was on his way to our camp to bring some more supplies and he saw that he has 98 zombies in the stats. Just to make it 100 he changed course and got killed in zombie fight. So stupid fate.

Now you say kids like counting murders. If they don't see the number, they won't be able to boast and will get sad and may be calm down a little bit. All we need in debug monitor is blood, temperature and name may be. Supid stats make no sense, just take out immersion. If you need to count zombies, draw lines in a notebook. What? You say it's hard to count zombies you've shot when you're running scared around Elektro? Really? Then how the heck is it immersive to have such counter on your HUD? Same for murders.

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail

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