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Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

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Shark and Grant, UK198. You guys healed up my leg, gave me a blood transfusion and geared me up, all out of the kindness of your hearts. I'd like to help you guys out in return some time, or at least game together! My SteamID is dogmaster_uk.

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I'm looking for some guy who I saved from a zombie with my crossbow. This guy ran up too me and thanked me with his hatchet. Upon recieving his present I shot him with one of my bolts. He kept on hitting me and I died... All he needed to say was thank you :(

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Zeus. I am looking for a guy named Zeus. I played with you yesterday (6.8.) on lingor island.

would be nice to play with you again.

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Looking for a guy named atm...had some numbers behind it too like atm56 something something. Playing yesterday evening on a Host Altitude server. My in game name was just "Ryan".

Just wanted to say, you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Was crawling my way up into town with nothing when we ran into each other behind a building. You didnt shoot me immediately. so thanks for that. I gave you the blood transfusion and then you led me to some weapons and gear like a boss. You had to bail after a little looting.

If you see this hit me up on steam if you wanna play some more. Convicted Melon(25 to Ripe) is my ID.

Happy scavenging to all

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Hi everyone im sam from dayznovasqaud or dns for short im preasently looking for new members hopfully one i can find tonight i need somone who is willing to play on uk or lu servers with me and skype is mandatory add mrbling1999 for a hopfully fun time im presently at stary sobor and hoping to find a legit player to play with and maybe raid the airfield if you want to go to are web page go to http://dayznovasquad.forumotion.co.uk/

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Hi everyone im sam from dayznovasqaud or dns for short im preasently looking for new members hopfully one i can find tonight i need somone who is willing to play on uk or lu servers with me and skype is mandatory add mrbling1999 for a hopfully fun time im presently at stary sobor and hoping to find a legit player to play with and maybe raid the airfield if you want to go to are web page go to http://dayznovasquad.forumotion.co.uk/

I think you're in the wrong thread, mate.

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Ack, another post! For shame on me. But still. I must reach out to a guy whose in-game name was Ascension, as best I could remember. I'm Pootis Spencer. You killed me, I insulted you, you died by hacker, I apologized, we talked, and we decided to try meeting up. I failed miserably, with DayZ Commander. It didn't tell me where you were. D: If you see this, send me a message on Steam. I'm Tommy Gun, with the Fallout Guy as my picture.


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Dayz - The asylum - Private hive. We met near the Cherno supermarket and I shot some zombies for you and eventually met your friend. We then went through elektro and saw those two idiots in ghillie suits sniping into elektro. eventually you got shot and i presume died and then the server went down for a while. I reconnected to see if you were there. But were not. I spawned behind the guy and promptly chased him through the forest. I then lost him and hid next to the firestation as I thought he would hit that next.

After 5 mins a fresh spawn entered the firestation and doesnt come out, another 5 mins pass and I see the target enter. 1 shot of a winchester or lee enfield, I can't exactly remember. Then 5 or 6 M4 shots erupted, it was clear who the victor was. I was going to move in for the kill but then someone else walked through the gate, I tried to go prone, bur wasn't quick enough and he put 2 lee rounds into my face.

I never got your name, which was stupid of me, but you called your friend neyo I think? Anyways, I did my best to kill the bastard who shot you. No, really, I felt so bad for you that I went all hunter mode on his ass, listening for even the slightest noise of someone crawling through the grass just to get his location man. If you ever read this thread, add me on steam, it's LostMem0ry_ . But if not, good luck wherever you are now. This, This right here people, is why I play DayZ.


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I found your truck outside of Chernogorsk. I took it. My friend and I are joyriding it around. It's fun as hell. I have no interest in finding you...but I do want to thank you for the truck and all the shit you put in it for us.

Edited by scoopolard

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Well, as i'm not usually a bandit in any regards and simply one who values self-defense, I suppose none of you may find this interesting but i'll say it anyway. I was in the fields between Balota and Chernogorsk when I saw a landed helicopter with a few players in it, obviously waiting for something. Being a relatively new player with only an AK, I went forward saying hello. They offered a ride and I approached, only to be headshotted (or so I assume) as I got closer. I spawned on the far edge of the Western side of Cherno and decided to run back. When I got there only one player was in the helicopter and I did not see anyone else. I hopped into the driver's seat and crashed that bitch. If you're going to be an asshole, at least be honest about it, mates!

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I would like to find the two dipshit hackers that killed me In vybor and made me dance in the supermarket . My guy just started dancing and I couldn't do anything about it

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looking for some people to play with lone wolfing it is getting dull. I am in the US. send me a Message, i have steam, vent and mumble.... (a vent server i can use)

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If anyone is still in need of a friendly face let me know. : skype: ThMoxy

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To the guy on I think SE 47... the one that wouldn't stop chasing me and meowing (I started it too, to scare the guys in the store with you LOL).. Thank you for such a massive laugh XD. I was literally crying.

You sir, are legendary.

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Anyone want to team up i just want to play not alone now that i've played alone.

Add me on skype : jakesansbyx

I live in UK and please have a mic

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Hurt bad by zeds 1 hit knock-out.. on 2k of blood.

Anybody passing need Dubrovka need help.. Don't need bloodbag just point me to an animal to get raw meet to get myself to 4k of blood so I can see properly.

skype z.meshin

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US 1169/Newfoundland Server

Lando: I spotted you in the supermarket in Elektro, picking off zombies with your .45. I was on top of the school building, and I called out if you were friendly. You were. I helped pick them off, and we gave ourselves a quick introduction. We looted the rest of Elektro, and head off down the "Survivor's Highway" (Electricity Towers), while having a very nice conversation about DayZ, ourselves, and our past playing experiences. You showed me where your friends set up near a dam in the woods, which was a very awesome spot for a camp. We went around a couple towns, and even passed around GREEN MOUNTAIN unscathed. Our unfortunate end was in Zelenogorsk. I spotted a bike, and as we went to investigate, a horde of zombies cornered us in a red house off the side of the road. You were in the small room inside, and I took up refuge in the stairwell. I passed out from the amount of blood loss/damage, and was unable to help you survive. When I came to, the zombies were gone, and you were dead. I waited for you to return to loot your corpse for about 1 1/2 hours, but had to leave.

If you're reading this, Lando, I tried finding your home server, and never spotted your name. Hit me up over steam and we can plan another grand adventure.

Edited by Uklek

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I'm looking for someone to play with. I am currently in Stary Sobor. I am looking for someone to tromp around with. Add me on skype or message me. Looking for mature players with experience.

Skype is griffin.delles

Edited by GriffinD

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Hannibal @ FR16, I had a blast chasing those snipers with you, send me a PM if you wish to play again. :)

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I found a kiwi bloke you will recognise my name.

Spent 4-5 hrs from the coast to NW Airfield until a server restart split us up. I forgot your name but it was on the ANZ servers.

PM me!

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I can't remember the server since this was a couple days ago, but I think it might have been DE75.

Anyway, I was by Stary, working my way out of town to the north after looting a downed copter just to the southwest of the town. I ran through the long barn by the tents to make my way back to the hill. I hear shots and wait it out for a few seconds till I realize that they're to my right. I go left and high-tail it up the hill and prone by a bush. I take out my binoculars and immediately spot you, MrPink and your unknown partner. You weren't being as sneaky as you thought. You also weren't paying much attention outside of the immediate tent area, or you probably would have seen me working my way back to the tree line. I thought that I'd do you a service and let you know that you weren't quite as safe as you thought you were. You're lucky that I didn't have a sniper rifle, or I would have probably shot a leg out just to make a point. As it was, I took a shot just over your head with my FN FAL. I got some aggro for my efforts, but made my way back to the forest and dealt with the zeds. I go back to town to see if you got the point, only to find your buddy dead under a bush in his ghillie suit. Shame on you, MrPink. You let your partner die and just looted him and ran. Not even a thanks to me for letting you know how vulnerable you really were. After all I did for you. I sure hope you didn't turn on your pal, MrPink. That would make me sad that I didn't come closer and take you out first.

In summary, MrPink, you should be a lot more careful when shooting near busy loot spawns. Somebody might be 30m away with a rifle aimed center mass. ;)

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I am, or was Mr. Pink until a few days ago. Must be more then one tho. I rarely play on DE servers and i can guarentee you that my only friend that played until today and myself NEVER had a guillie suit. So next time, when you have a "mr.pink" in your cross hairs, please give it another look. Not all mr.pinks are created equal.

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