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Chernarus Free Zone Established[Norway 1]

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The Cernarus Free Zone is an area on the Norway 1 server that will be protected by a militia with the intent of creating a safe(As possible) zone where survivors can trade and interact socially.

Map of the Free Zone and Exclusive Territories


The Free Zone

The Free Zone is an expansive territory North of Stary Sobor where the militia will make it as safe as possible for survivors to interact with each other on any level. The territory, along with surrounding areas, will be patrolled by the militia, in groups or as individuals.

Conduct within the Free Zone

Visitors are asked to keep their weapons lowered(Double-tap Control) while in the Zone. Any storage containers(Tents) within the area are considered off limits to visitors. Try to follow rules of etiquette established throughout all servers as much as possible.

Exclusive Territories

This zone is considered Militia property and survivors entering the area can be subject to penalties. It is suggested that you do not enter it.

Militia Leaders







If you wish to identify Militia members you can communicate with these individuals in chat(Teamspeak should come later).

[More information will be added as required]

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I really, really hate to be a downer on this, but I can see bandits from all over coming to Norway 1 in hopes of ruining this.

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Nice :) Good example of player initiative to make the game different on their own :) Will definitely check it out at some point

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Hopefully cross-server spawns, and even characters, will be removed eventually as they completely destroy players' ability to create emergent gameplay like this. It's what's made the mod appealing to many, and it's what would increase it's popularity.

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Hmm.. Won't that be hard to enforce with zombies and PKers?

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Good job, I'm sure having some scouts on the hill sides keeping an eye out for the usual sniper posts will keep any bandits from trying anything.

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There are just a few zombies within the free zone and PKers are just something we'll have to deal with. Consider this a test of sorts.

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I'll be curious to see how long this lasts.

How many players can one M67 take out? It has a five meter kill radius.

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So what news from this project? Any luck? My experience so far has been that the bandit threat is somewhat exaggerated. For a start bandits are unable to work together, and also very paranoid about dying. In a properly patrolled zone individual bandits are more of a resource than a threat.

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We just established it today, Duncan, and it's the middle of the night over here so not much has happened yet. We hope to gradually get this stuff online throughout next week, but we will start our initial patrolling tomorrow.

It will be fun to see if we're invaded by bandits tomorrow :D

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While I find the idea of a free zone nice, the fact that you claim the army base as well as 2 towns as your "exclusive zone" is not a good idea in my eyes. That army base is the resource of a lot of great loot, not to mention ammo and there is no way you will be able to enforce the Exclusive zone with only 5 people, considering on Norway 1 I have seen groups of 8+ people raiding the NW Airfield together.

I fear that if you enforce the exclusive zone, it will only lead to conflict and the whole project will go down the drain as players who want to have access to that army base will eliminate you to get to it.

But good luck! Perhaps I will perhaps visit the freezone, but do not support your idea of the Exclusive zone and will not follow it. So get ready for some possible firefights when my group wants to go into the army base.

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The reason why we have an exclusive zone is because the militia will actually have to be equipped and fed in order to operate properly. Therefore we need control over certain areas. We keep an area safe, but it doesn't come for free.

And the militia does not consist solely of the people mentioned in the post, those are just founding members.

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This is wanna be crap in a game that doesn't guarantee anything. 'Militias'....LOL. You die and will respawn in noob zones.

Eventually...it'll be filled with 50 players doing the goody two shoes...boooring. Knock yourselves out fellas.

Im gonna join Norway 1 and end this charade with my buddies

If I can get on that high ping server, I just might add some bullets to the fray.

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THIS IS EXCLUSIVE ZONE....Hope you can hold down the fort. Even with a 10+man group defending you prob have the whole server gunning you down. But ill show up possible if it means i can get some SD ammo of any type.

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In exchange for exclusive access to two valuable areas you'll attempt to keep an area of crap safe for survivors?

You're nothing more then organized bandits with a friendly face.

Best of luck with that.

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The objective is not to keep a loot area safe for people, the objective is keep an area safe for people to interact. We couldn't keep a zombie spawn area safe for people...

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Tartan have you consider joining up with another group, if so G.o.C will oblige I can offer you admin to the group and more men to defend the safe zone. what yah think?

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We are very interested in that proposal tebbutt. We are in talks with other groups, as well, who will assist us with manpower if we drop our claim on Stary and Novy Sobor.

PM me with details. We can meet up on TS or something to discuss further.

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Well, good thing you posted a map!

Now I know where to find some easy kills.

Can you also please post the times you guys are most active? :)

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It's got a church that spawns some very useful loot at times, but we're in talks with several groups who would like to join if we drop our claim on Stary and Novy Sobor.

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