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Shard (DayZ)

Do you ever feel like getting awesome guns is a waste?

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Honestly I'm in Cherno now with an M14 AIM.

And i'm not having any fun at all, i'm so paranoid about losing my gun.

Give me an Enfield/Winchester any day.

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I'm not too fussed about losing my m16 m203 because I know that a winchester or enfield are just as good but not as cool looking (or with a nice grenade launcher on the end)

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AKM or AKS along with m1911 lots of ammo for all three. Maybe a shotty to start.

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Weapons make a big difference in group vs group pvp. My favorite gun is the mk48 2 shot kill and 100 rounds, its pretty accurate up to 300m with single shots and can burst down large groups of players with ease.

I was alone and stranded outside of electro after our van had to make an escape people were trying to take it. I ended up sneaking up on the group of 6 we were fighting against and killed all of them by myself ended up only using 46 rounds I pumped a good 5-6 into each just to make sure they were dead and a few more to kill zombies I had aggrod.

I think had I been using a diff gun the intimidation would have been low and they woulda just turned around and found and killed me. Since it was a hail of bullets flying at them they freaked out and lost any sense of team work and coordination and it was easy pickings.

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First time I ever acquired a gun, which was the lowly Makarov, I was quickly done in from behind by some guy with an assault rifle.

I still think starting with no weapon is bogus, however I hear you can finally lose zombies when they chase you.

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the obvious but correct answer, it depends what you want to use it for....

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Oh, hell yeah. I got a camp full of all kinds of neat weaponry (Mk48 mod. 0, L85, SVD and many more) but the only gun I ever use is the AKM. It just feels... sufficient. After all, we're in an imaginary country in the former Soviet Block, why not accept the local customs? ;)

I guess I don't pack more heat because I don't want anybody else getting my gun in case I die, not that I can not have it anymore since I don't use my stuff anyway. I will be very disappointed once my camp gets plundered. :D

Edited by Burn!

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