[email protected] 131 Posted July 25, 2012 ( v OBVIOUS SARCASM v )New proposition: you kill a player fresh off the beach without any murders, your player character model changes to a giant pink dildo with arms and legs. After all it's just a reflection of your karma.-------------------------------------------------------I'm now citing this sadist as a prime example of why this game will die after the hype if things don't balance themselves out:http://dayzmod.com/f...-far-in-cherno/Humanity is broken. If you're close enough to have your heart beat, you're already dead, it's just stupid. Really stupid.This Game is a death match with zombies at best.Players are just griefing twats who would rather shoot one person for their stuff than loot to survive, and the game encourages it with no down side at this point, while not killing someone pretty much seals your fate. So why risk letting someone live?In the last 24 hours i've been:Killed 2 times by falling into the ground, causing broken bones and massive bleedsKilled 1 time by vaulting , getting stuck in the object and the game having a seizure.Killed 1 time by a door opening inward on me.Killed 1 time by spawning on top of another player.Spawned 5 times at full health, in shock and unconscious for a 3 minute wait with a blurred screen.I've had my tents reset 7 times in the last 3 days, losing rare items up the ying-yang, including but not limited to: FALs, M14s, M4 CCO's, M24s, M9 SDs, MP5SDs, Kobras, m16 w/ 203s and ghillie suits.But even with the huge amount, it's not even the game that's the most frustrating with all the bugs; It's the people. With their sheep mentality of shooting on site with no regard for other players, because other players do it and because there is no weight to the decision. I wouldn't mind spending the time to reacquire gear if I knew it wasn't going to be striped by a bush wookie with an enfield for no reason everyspawn. Some of you think it's funny, some of you will give the obligatory "QQ moar" or "TL;DR". Some of you think it's a 'realistic' mentality to kill humans on sight when the human race is supposedly on the brink of death,To that I say: You're exactly what's wrong with the game. You're forcing an entire community to play one specific style in a sandbox game or suffer because they don't. This game will die out soon after the newness is gone and people realize zombies are almost an after thought to people playing at this point.It's just sad and It's getting worse. People. People ruin everything. Not a chance in hell I would be dumb enough to pay for a game in the future to get griefed non-stop. I shouldn't be forced to kill other players on site because they're forced to kill me with the same mentality, especially when it's completely unnecessary. Server hoppers barricading everything with tanks, wire spools, and sandbags just to annoy people. :beans: :thumbsup:If you agree and would like to group up, message me, as I have a friendly group that's more than willing to outfit you with the best gear. (numbers usually dissuade the lone bandits and griefers)Update: Rescinding the above offer because bandits think I'm dumb. 12.7mm bullets taught them otherwise. When in doubt, use a stand in.I'm not endorsing specific ideas; this is a discussion. Feel free to throw suggestions out to test the water. If you really feel it's a good idea go post it in the suggestion section. I'm not looking to sugar coat the game just add more emotion and depth to conscious player choices. Grow up and play the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyter 299 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) Grow up and play the gameGive me your location and I'll gladly put a 12.7x99mm round through your skull. That's pretty much all there is to do now, right?EDIT: crap, i guess i lied about not responding to sped students. =\ Edited July 25, 2012 by skyter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Profile_Shame 37 Posted July 25, 2012 I'm now citing this sadist as a prime example of why this game will die after the hype if things don't balance themselves out:http://dayzmod.com/f...-far-in-cherno/You're going to love me and my friends..Bandit Escapades (16 murders)Bandit Escapades (14 Murders)Unsettling Axe Murder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyter 299 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) that's my old clan mate from tactical gaming. (TGHQ.ORG) Edited July 25, 2012 by skyter 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Profile_Shame 37 Posted July 25, 2012 ahahaha hilariousi love this game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barronism 88 Posted July 25, 2012 I was in Elektro's firehouse today. Ran down the stairs and a guy shot at me and missed. I shot back and knocked him out, over direct chat I said "That is what you get for shooting first". Then killed him.Not 10mins later I saw the same guy on the beach running towards elektro. He asked if I was friendly and I said I wasn't going to shoot him.Hopefully I taught that little fella a lesson. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalafelCopter 20 Posted July 25, 2012 The fundamental problem that starts debates like in this thread is a misconception of what this is. It is not a game. It is a mod for a military simulator never meant to be hugely popular. There is no replayability, end-game, balancing, etc. . . because it was never intended to be played as a game, it was intended to be a project of a modder screwing around with Arma.Regardless of Rocket's original intentions, DayZ is going to eventually be released as a standalone title that will require payment. Thus, it is a game and needs to be judged as one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dasein808 12 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) x Edited March 28, 2019 by Dasein808 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neo2157 21 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) I generally don't post on forums because most of them are just full of D-bags acting like D-bags because of the ability to remain anonymous and not get punched in the face but I've played games like UO and Eve (eve hasn't seen any growth in like 3 years because just as many people get frustrated and leave as join) allot that also try to offer "freedom" and the issues is always the same: good game, but player base ruining it for everyone because modern gamers arn't as mature as 90's gamers. I like pvp just fine, griefing is another thing though.Make no mistake self proclaimed "pvpers" if you are shooting unarmed guys on the beach with high powered military rifles or sitting on a hill for 7 hours a day overlooking cherno with a sniper rifle and a ghillie then your a griefer and only claiming pvp because you get your jollies ruining other people's day. real pvper's are actually pretty rare, We had some guys harassing our mining ships in eve one day and we asked them why they were doing so as we didn't have any war's going on at the time, they called us carebears and that eve is always pvp so we said "fair enough" and sent out an equal strength force to pvp with them. they warped out the minute we did and didn't return that day because if a fight isn't one sided a griefer won't take part in it and i find that the biggest carebearing of all.I also get a laugh out of everyone saying "well in a real apoc its kill or be killed and ill kill everyone" no you won't, over 2000 years of sociel development will not just disappear like that and the every species is programmed by nature to survive.... AS A SPECIES because when a population drops to low for genetic diversity extinction follows. its nothing more then trying to be an internet baddass wannabe. so yea if you guys want to pvp my friends and I we are happy to but because we arn't new spawned easy kills who play on a veteran server that disables third person view and crosshairs we generally don't get much pvp fun.There are multiple ways to shift the focus more on survival, make the zombies an actual threat, why is there no infection in this game? I can easily see infection chance as a pretty good motivation to fear them, also lowering the ammo spawn rates and getting rid of some of the super powerful 50 cal weapons (why would the russian military bring such firepower to stop zombies in the first place?) would be nice, as they seem to be pretty absurd. also locking your character to a single server until death would be nice and would get rid of a good few exploits. Edited July 25, 2012 by neo2157 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerven 80 Posted July 25, 2012 Solo, your post was completely unhelpful and not constructive. I could tell you to go play Hello Kitty Online or WoW, but that isn't helpful either. Post constructive ideas on how to improve the game or just don't post at all. Telling a certain portion of tye playerbase to.leave because you hate what they do is just unrealistic and asinine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerven 80 Posted July 25, 2012 My god either post real suggestions or get out guys. I dont want your doctoral thesis on how you think people would act in a real apocalypse. Let's try to pose real, constructive ways to encourage cooperative play or just agree to disagree. What you people are saying here has already been said ad nauseam across these boards and it falls on deaf ears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 25 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) *shrug* not alot more to say other then, I agree.one of my pet peeves is watching videos from the gallery of 'snipers' shooting people (mostly in/around cherno/elektro, so fresh spawns) from high up/far away with mil grade weapons. and hell, Id be fine with that. IF they went to loot the corpses. thats all. just loot them. if you have no intention of looting them, then why kill really?I can see what he means, and tbh, if im hungry/thirsty and flashing, and I see a nooby, ill take my chances and shoot him for some beanz. but if i dont have to, I wont kill anyone.I have let multiple people survive, and it has been a much more tense situation etc then simple pvp where somebody disconnects..its a survival game, if you are killing to survive.. thats fine. but if you are killing for the sake of it, please.. just go play arma itself..the biggest pitfall this game has IS the community, it has grown exponentially, and it has attracted some great players, and some who have got the ultimate jolly. they simply server hop around barracks to get mil grade gear. then head back south.. to pick/prey on the weak. this in my eyes, should be stamped out. it wont be, but it should be.free for all pvp is fine, IF its encouraged for the right reasons. such as survival. either I killed him for food, or he had a better gun. those are valid reasons... shooting people who pose no threat. and are clearly fresh spawns is so utterly pointless.Modern gamers (and by that I mean born mid 90's and up. ) dont understand gaming, this game 10 years ago? would have been amazing, we would see huge communities by now, with fenced off safezones.. server wide efforts to clear out cherno etc etc. and any dbags who wanted to kill for no reason would have been swiftly shot, and mocked. but now, it seems the lunatics are running the asylum as the (well put btw) hopped up ritalin adhd generation are coming in and 'wtfpwning' anything that moves, despite having no tactical reasoning for doing so. this game is wasted on this generation. I play with people majoritively 25 and older, and it is a fantastic experience, we let people leave when we can etc.. its great. far more intense then a quick one sided gunbattle ./rant Edited July 25, 2012 by Faithwolf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerven 80 Posted July 25, 2012 Glad we can keep recycling these same points here without offering real solutions.Rocket already has said he wants to support the 'lunatic' playstyle, so to speak. When more people have reasons to group I honestly believe thesr individuals won't be in the majority like they are now, but their playstyle shouldn't be punished purely because it upsets you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalafelCopter 20 Posted July 25, 2012 Glad we can keep recycling these same points here without offering real solutions.Rocket already has said he wants to support the 'lunatic' playstyle, so to speak. When more people have reasons to group I honestly believe thesr individuals won't be in the majority like they are now, but their playstyle shouldn't be punished purely because it upsets you.Why do people keep saying this when there have been at least 5 actual solutions posted so far that nobody actually discussed? Are people just not reading? Here's a list of them:1. If you get killed and NOT looted within a certain timeframe, you spawn with your items. This solution is good because it takes a bit of the sting out of being killed by a random jerk with a sniper rifle who has absolutely no need for your stuff. This does NOT harm the playstyle for the snipers(!) because there is absolutely no punishment for them. This does help the survivors just a tad because they will be slightly protected from the most obnoxious subfaction of players. These players are playing the game like it's a deathmatch shooter, but in a real zombie apocalypse, NOBODY would do this. Why? Do you really have to ask why sitting around in a city full of zombies firing off high powered rifles when you already have a ton of supplies and ammo is a dumb idea? These guys would be the very VERY first people to die off. The real bandits would be holding people up at gunpoint and taking their stuff so they can continue to survive.This solution won't work by itself as currently written, however, because of combat logging. If that gets ironed out, it might be okay.2. A loneliness mechanic where you get a subtle negative effect from spending long periods of time by yourself. (Alchohol could temporarily remove the effect, just like real life!)This is good because it would make people think twice about randomly murdering an unarmed stranger on a beach "just in case". It would be a very strong step towards realism because human beings are very social creatures and we tend to become mentally ill rather quickly if we have to be by ourselves for long periods of time. (See: solitary confinement.) When dogs are added later, these could also help, too. :DI honestly can't think of a downside to this one if it were implemented well.3. Make it just a tad harder to stockpile giant piles of loot. Currently there is no disincentive for most bandits to be randomly killing people for fun because they know if they die they can just walk over to their tent and be fully equipped again immediately. This comes from problems with scripting weapons, server hopping, etc. With how easy it is to cheat and get yourself a bunch of items with no threat of death, combined with the ability to combat log if you get into even a tiny bit of trouble, a bunch of people are playing the game like they're a grizzled hardass when normally they would not be capable of doing this. There is no one solution to this problem, all the bugs that make loot easier to gather and death easier to avoid need to be ironed out one by one.Anyway, I'd prefer it if people can stop saying that no suggestions have been made in this thread, because that's most definitely not the case. There haven't been a whole lot, but there have been some. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted July 25, 2012 Glad we can keep recycling these same points here without offering real solutions.Rocket already has said he wants to support the 'lunatic' playstyle, so to speak. When more people have reasons to group I honestly believe thesr individuals won't be in the majority like they are now, but their playstyle shouldn't be punished purely because it upsets you.Rocket never said he wants to support lunatics. That's just completely taken out of context.And if you think "encouraging cooperation" will have any effect whatsoever, you are simply naive and don't understand how griefing works.That's just as ridiculous as thinking that enouraging cooperation will have an effect on hackers using kill-scripts. They both do it for the LULZ!, that's all there is to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gator (DayZ) 22 Posted July 25, 2012 Regardless of Rocket's original intentions, DayZ is going to eventually be released as a standalone title that will require payment. Thus, it is a game and needs to be judged as one.Agreed that a stand alone game is the intent. I question whether it will ever happen or happen in a way that conforms to the mass of peoples expectations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmokeytheBear 8 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) Glad we can keep recycling these same points here without offering real solutions.Rocket already has said he wants to support the 'lunatic' playstyle, so to speak. When more people have reasons to group I honestly believe thesr individuals won't be in the majority like they are now, but their playstyle shouldn't be punished purely because it upsets you.I really am not trying to pick a fight with you, but we keep restating the same points because they're being drowned in piles of qq moars and gtfos from haters, and ultimately go ignored or undiscussed. When a lot of people come in and just skim these things, it's necessary to repeat it often to get points through and maintain the discussion. I'm trying to help. Honestly. I and many others have made points that don't get +1'd or -1'd, yet reinforcement that changes just aren't possible is rampant.Rocket never said he wants to support lunatics. That's just completely taken out of context.And if you think "encouraging cooperation" will have any effect whatsoever, you are simply naive and don't understand how griefing works.That's just as ridiculous as thinking that enouraging cooperation will have an effect on hackers using kill-scripts. They both do it for the LULZ!, that's all there is to it."Encouraging cooperation" won't have any effect on trolls of course not. I agree. It will however have a massive effect on people like myself and a good portion of responders in this thread to keep them interested or alleviate concerns. Personally I haven't signed on to the game in days. Waiting for a while for some changes to take place or I simply won't play any more.In fact, I will defend your point even further than you did, and say that virtually nothing will stop the trolls. They're always going to be there regardless how much cooperation encouragement might try to sway them to a different playstyle, and regardless of how much their preferred playstyle is "punished." The fear of driving away trolls, as laughable as that sounds just in principle, is misplaced. I don't necessarily want them to go away at all and it would be great if they continued to enjoy the game as much as they do now. I just don't want them to be able to stomp on any other playstyle, namely mine, because of the way that game mechanics (not human morality/character/and whatever else people have been arguing for) have so heavily facilitated their style. Edited July 25, 2012 by SmokeytheBear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lusitanea 2 Posted July 25, 2012 So butthurt OP, I kill everyone I see, unarmed, fresh spawn, don't care, I don't even do it for self defence, it's fun for me, it's why I play.Customary: umad? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmokeytheBear 8 Posted July 26, 2012 For anybody who has not seen this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20112-the-only-realistic-way-to-prevent-deathmatching-make-dayz-a-living-hell/The first post has a compiled and easy to read list of a plethora of suggestions to make cooperation a more appealing choice. They all modify the mechanics and setting of the game so no overhaul to international education of morality is even necessary! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerven 80 Posted July 26, 2012 Rocket never said he wants to support lunatics. That's just completely taken out of context.And if you think "encouraging cooperation" will have any effect whatsoever, you are simply naive and don't understand how griefing works.That's just as ridiculous as thinking that enouraging cooperation will have an effect on hackers using kill-scripts. They both do it for the LULZ!, that's all there is to it.Actually it's not. There's a specific interview where he talks about a guy who was running around with a hatchet, piping music and axe murdering people for 'no' reason. He thought it was great because it was so incredibly messed up. I'll find the video and post it for you later.Encouraging cooperation isn't about stopping griefers - griefers are going to persist in this game in one form or another unless you make killing other players punishable by bans or something, which is unrealistic and stupid.Encouraging cooperation will stop the vast majority of senseless killing though, because trust will be much easier to come by. As the game currently stands, it's literally EASIER to just shoot on sight than it is to trust another player right now, because you have so much at stake if you trust someone, whereas murdering someone carries no weight whatsoever. If you think you're going to some how legalize the realm of 'senseless killing', you're looking at the problem in way that's ultimately going to only lead to your disappointment.Smokey - THAT thread is a step in the right direction, in my opinion. I'm all for that, and I'm much more PvP-centric than a lot of you guys are. I wouldn't consider myself a griefer, but I definitely follow a pretty strict KoS doctrine with people outside my inner circle. Not because I really want to kill everybody, but because it protects me from being hurt or taken advantage of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalafelCopter 20 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) Who ever said anything about getting rid of the trolls? Nobody wants this who wants this game to be financially successful. Trolls have money! What we want is to do is gather and retain as many players interested in a complex/social/realistic sort of experience without driving away the trolls. The thing is, it's IMPOSSIBLE to drive them away. They will go out of their way to continue what they're doing no matter what restrictions or punishments are put forward. That's good though! Not only are the trolls buying the game, they're also providing a tense experience for the survivors/pacifists. Being a pacifist has no value if there aren't people who aren't!We want to change the game so as to properly utilize the trolls as part of the game world so they become an asset and not a detriment to it's continued success.What we should do is figure out how to make the game more tolerable for the people who do not want to shoot on sight, because the game is currently FAR less friendly to that playstyle. (And, amusingly enough, making the game MORE realistic would do this, and not the other way around, like many people in this thread seem to think!) This can be done without harming bandits, and in fact would actually help them, as more players opting for a pacifistic shoot second sort of playstyle are easier prey for the bandits.This shouldn't be an us vs. them battle. Everyone here should be rooting for making this game as good as possible for release for everyone involved, if at all possible. Edited July 26, 2012 by FalafelCopter 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entaro (DayZ) 33 Posted July 26, 2012 because there is no weight to the decisionThis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rdubs 5 Posted July 26, 2012 I started to write an idea here which I think would help encourage co-op without trying to restrict any of the pvp aspect. But then I just posted it in the Suggestions section in case any dev wanted to read it. It has to do with having the game support some kind of survivor haven towns with periodic zombie horde wave attacks thrown in to put some pressure on the town.http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46828-encouraging-co-op-play-survivor-town/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xximrtwoixx 104 Posted July 26, 2012 Why do people keep saying this when there have been at least 5 actual solutions posted so far that nobody actually discussed? Are people just not reading? Here's a list of them:1. If you get killed and NOT looted within a certain timeframe, you spawn with your items.This solution is good because it takes a bit of the sting out of being killed by a random jerk with a sniper rifle who has absolutely no need for your stuff. This does NOT harm the playstyle for the snipers(!) because there is absolutely no punishment for them. This does help the survivors just a tad because they will be slightly protected from the most obnoxious subfaction of players. These players are playing the game like it's a deathmatch shooter, but in a real zombie apocalypse, NOBODY would do this. Why? Do you really have to ask why sitting around in a city full of zombies firing off high powered rifles when you already have a ton of supplies and ammo is a dumb idea? These guys would be the very VERY first people to die off. The real bandits would be holding people up at gunpoint and taking their stuff so they can continue to survive.This solution won't work by itself as currently written, however, because of combat logging. If that gets ironed out, it might be okay.This solution weakens the signifcance of perma death and that makes it horrible, death should suck, it should make you want to smash your computer and then go cry in closet for several days. This isn't about balancing playstyles, perma death is one of the things that makes the game unique. People would sit in a location and shoot anyone that enters, its called protecting that area, if that is where they get their supplies, or where they live, their friends are operating, or if they think you may be a threat even at a later time they will kill you. If anything perma death needs to be made more significant there should be skills or unique things you develop while playing a specific character that will be lost if they die.2. A loneliness mechanic where you get a subtle negative effect from spending long periods of time by yourself. (Alchohol could temporarily remove the effect, just like real life!)This is good because it would make people think twice about randomly murdering an unarmed stranger on a beach "just in case". It would be a very strong step towards realism because human beings are very social creatures and we tend to become mentally ill rather quickly if we have to be by ourselves for long periods of time. (See: solitary confinement.) When dogs are added later, these could also help, too. :DI honestly can't think of a downside to this one if it were implemented well.Let me help you think of a downside, its a game mechanic that would force you to interact with people even if thats not what gave you enjoyment from the game. People are social creatures and do want to group up, I would argue that many people do group up already they simply use meta features to do so. This same option is available for everyone so I don't see why a gamey mechanic would need to be implace to force people.3. Make it just a tad harder to stockpile giant piles of loot. Currently there is no disincentive for most bandits to be randomly killing people for fun because they know if they die they can just walk over to their tent and be fully equipped again immediately. This comes from problems with scripting weapons, server hopping, etc. With how easy it is to cheat and get yourself a bunch of items with no threat of death, combined with the ability to combat log if you get into even a tiny bit of trouble, a bunch of people are playing the game like they're a grizzled hardass when normally they would not be capable of doing this. There is no one solution to this problem, all the bugs that make loot easier to gather and death easier to avoid need to be ironed out one by one.I agree that bugs need to be ironed out but that will come with further development and should be a given. I also think loot rates could be adjusted but I'm sure that will also occur and know that they could be wild adjustments used to guage what happens when people have or don't have access to x,y, or z. I do think this slightly weakens the effect of perma death, but most gear isn't really that much better than the easy to get gear. I don't agree that stock piling should be made harder or removed, its not easy to use legit means to create a stock pile, even if you farm. You or your group are exposing yourself to a great amount of risk to gather gear, and you should be able to store/stockpile it. It is your reward for living a long time in game or being successfull in game your future lives become easier. Plus its the only thing to do late game other than hunt people down.Anyway, I'd prefer it if people can stop saying that no suggestions have been made in this thread, because that's most definitely not the case. There haven't been a whole lot, but there have been some.If all of the ideas are gimicky game mechanics that would make dayz just like all the other crappy zombie games, or crappy mmo's then people should be able to say no suggestions have been made. There have been tons of suggestions made in the suggestions forum about nerfing bandits, pvp, weapons, perma death, and all of the other features that make this game great. There are so many that ideas that actually look at improving the game are lost to oblivion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalafelCopter 20 Posted July 26, 2012 This solution weakens the signifcance of perma death and that makes it horrible, death should suck, it should make you want to smash your computer and then go cry in closet for several days. This isn't about balancing playstyles, perma death is one of the things that makes the game unique. People would sit in a location and shoot anyone that enters, its called protecting that area, if that is where they get their supplies, or where they live, their friends are operating, or if they think you may be a threat even at a later time they will kill you. If anything perma death needs to be made more significant there should be skills or unique things you develop while playing a specific character that will be lost if they die. I actually kind of like your suggestion at the end there because I think it would also help a bit. The problem right now is that permadeath sucks far less for the bandits, which is why they're just sitting there randomly sniping people running around with no weapons and a flashlight. If the bandits were actually trying to survive instead of screwing around and putting themselves into the most dangerous situations possible, the game would be a far better place for survivors.Let me help you think of a downside, its a game mechanic that would force you to interact with people even if thats not what gave you enjoyment from the game. People are social creatures and do want to group up, I would argue that many people do group up already they simply use meta features to do so. This same option is available for everyone so I don't see why a gamey mechanic would need to be implace to force people. 1. What do you think about the blood bag mechanic? That forces people to play together too, right?2. I don't understand why you think this mechanic is more gamey than the heat mechanic or the pain mechanic. Is it just because you've gotten used to the other ones?3. Nobody would be forced to do anything. I added the alcohol mechanic for a reason. (Morphine and maybe certain plants could also help with this.) Solo players have an extra resource to worry about to balance out the danger grouping up with other players represents.I agree that bugs need to be ironed out but that will come with further development and should be a given. I also think loot rates could be adjusted but I'm sure that will also occur and know that they could be wild adjustments used to guage what happens when people have or don't have access to x,y, or z. I do think this slightly weakens the effect of perma death, but most gear isn't really that much better than the easy to get gear. I don't agree that stock piling should be made harder or removed, its not easy to use legit means to create a stock pile, even if you farm. You or your group are exposing yourself to a great amount of risk to gather gear, and you should be able to store/stockpile it. It is your reward for living a long time in game or being successfull in game your future lives become easier. Plus its the only thing to do late game other than hunt people down.The problem is that the worst and most irritating bandits are the ones using non-legit means to get their stuff. Removing the ability to server hop to get tons of free loot or escape pvp will force a lot of bandits to actually start trying to survive again, with a net effect of improving the game for everyone. I know these bugs will be fixed some day, but that doesn't mean we can't brainstorm stopgap measures in the meanwhile.If all of the ideas are gimicky game mechanics that would make dayz just like all the other crappy zombie games, or crappy mmo's then people should be able to say no suggestions have been made. There have been tons of suggestions made in the suggestions forum about nerfing bandits, pvp, weapons, perma death, and all of the other features that make this game great. There are so many that ideas that actually look at improving the game are lost to oblivion.Tell me about another zombie game with a loneliness mechanic and maybe making a comment like this won't make you look stupid. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites