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DayZ, What would you do if you were trapped in the city you live in REAL LIFE!

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I'd grab a baseball cap, some shades and go down to the beach, lie by the water and take a nap. After a while I wake up and then...................

Seriously, I live in Canada, land of strict gun control. The real danger would be armed looters coming from the US. Nearest gun shop away from downtown is probably a half hour drive from here. I'd bypass that and head up north.

Edited by -Cdn-Chard

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My father owns an arsenal of weapons ranging from .22s, M77 308's, double barrels...etc. Not to mention we both know how to shoot all of them.

I know how to survive, also. I'd do pretty well.

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*Lives in Texas*

Sorry, what? I can't hear this thread over the sound of every person in the state shooting the infected!

Little bit more seriously: I'd gather up my friends and all of our guns/supplies and then try to eradicate the local zombie threat. Hopefully we'd be able to scavenge and live off the land for awhile until the zombies die/decay or other parts of the country/world restore order.

Of course I have a hard time taking any zombie apocalypse seriously, especially in the US. It would take a whole new level of stupidity to ever let it get out of hand, if that is even possible. Unless it's airborne, then I'm screwe-*Notices Israeli gas mask* Never mind.

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AR15 x2, Llama 1911 Parbellum 9mm, Rock Island Armory .45acp 1911, and several shotguns.

I would hit the local gun store with force (several friends/family assisting all with military backgrounds), followed by the local Wallmart to secure as my new home.

Directly across the street is a Home Depot which I would raid for lumber and other supplies to reinforce and barracade in the Wallmart. There are a lot of restaraunts and residentials all within a block of the wallmart / home depot / gun store as well as my house.

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I don't have much weapons wise, but I have an axe and a baseball bat, so I could hold them off. My one neighbor has a lot of guns, so if they died I could take the guns from them. i live in a suburb of Philadelphia, but i'd probably stay away from the city since there would probably be a lot of zombies. I'd hold out for awhile, but when supplies got low I'd try to find some semblance of a safe zone. If I couldn't I'd just blow my brains out.

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Go to the shed, grab my axe and machette, grab food and drinks and shit from the cupboards of my house and then drive down to the tactical army compound on the other end of town, grab whatever shit I can and then head to Christchurch park(Huuuuge park, with a huge mansion in the middle of it, was owned by some rich people and is now open to the public for tours and shit, it's haunted to fuck but ghosts > zombies), lock the 2 sets of huge double doors and just camp fuck out of that mansion.

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Well all of your replies are assuming you are not just attacked at night while you are asleep. And a lot of you who said you would just go to "store name" and take stuff/hold up there, thats just it isnt it? A lot of you have the same idea which means a lot of people would be thinking the same thing, so what is to say it has not already been cleaned out, surrounded by zombies, or taken over by some not so friendly people?

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I would grab all of the guns in my house and put them in my truck along with other neccesary items. I would then drive around town to find my friends and family members. After that I would drive to the coast, find a boat, and go to the nearest island and sit it out. Hopefully it would be the 28 days kind of infection so they would all starve out. If it was the traditional zombies they would most likely starve us out before they completely decompose.

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Well all of your replies are assuming you are not just attacked at night while you are asleep. And a lot of you who said you would just go to "store name" and take stuff/hold up there, thats just it isnt it? A lot of you have the same idea which means a lot of people would be thinking the same thing, so what is to say it has not already been cleaned out, surrounded by zombies, or taken over by some not so friendly people?

I'm a light sleeper, and my safe is in the room across from me. Plus, I always have my baseball bat in my room :D

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And these reasons are why I love having a GOOD bag (Get Out Of Dodge). And I'm out in the country, have access to a personal armament + many melee weapons. Additionallly I could likely make it to my local Walmart/Canadian Tire in time to get something else for defense. That'd be a sketchy move though.

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I live in Perth, Western Australia. The only guns around here are the ones the police/military have. Well, I do know where a few shooting ranges are too, but so do a lot of other people... So id be stuck with the sword/knife collection I have, even then most of them are only made for display.

I'd most probably die pretty early on, but if I somehow made it out of the city with decent transport and supplies I'd head to a few people I know down south in the state. The state I live in is gigantic (Around x4 times the size of Texas but with only 2 million or so population, most of which are in or around the capital) so I imagine it would be pretty safe to go anywhere else but the city, the infected would rot away before they even made it a coulpe hundred kilometers. Especially if it's summer.

Edited by Dysc

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Seeing as I live in a mostly rural area in NC, have a crossbow less than five feet from my computer desk, I feel as I would be pretty set for the first few days.

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Living in the uk im f****d Id probably sit in the corner and cry haha apart from that id probably have to grab a baseball bat get my mates n go to the pub haha just like shaun of the dead, seemed to work out alright for them

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Living in the uk im f****d Id probably sit in the corner and cry haha apart from that id probably have to grab a baseball bat get my mates n go to the pub haha just like shaun of the dead, seemed to work out alright for them

Except one of them became a zombie. Let's just hope you are in the place of shaun and not the other guy lol.

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Well I own a Saiga 12 so i would be set on that aspect. I dont live too far away from a National Guard Armory but I would stay away from there for a bit before goin there. Its also close to the local Air Port and the closest Grocery Store. I also live out in the less populated area of my county. So farmers and hunters aplenty.

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I think hobos would win in the end, they aint afraid to get dirty

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I live in the middle of nowhere with a hefty arsenal of weapons and a stockpile of canned/pickled food.

I've been preparing for this for a long time.

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I'm not prepared :o

Only weapon i have is a katana.

And Hamburg would be fkn full of zombies^^

At least i could try to make it to the EDEKA with some survivors and wait for help^^

And yes, i would try to group up with survivors and not kill them on sight.

Cause i'd feel lonely without anyone :(

And than survive would not be worth it...

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Cry and piss myself like everyone would. Though I'd like to imagine I'd use my electric guitar FL/CL style to pop zombies heads off.

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weapons wise, I would be screwed (although I do have a lengthy bit of lead pipe), I would most likely go to where I work and hold up there.

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