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[GUIDE] Amazon.com version: How to get it working

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If you haven't bought the Amazon.com version, I'd like to point out Rocket (the DayZ dev) asked us not to buy it because "they screw the developers." However, if, like me, you'd had already bought it before you read this, here's what's necessary to get it working.

If you are having issues getting the Amazon.com version to work:

1) Download and Install the Amazon.com Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead installations into the SAME directory

2) Apply the 1.60 Combinned Operations patch:


(Follow normal installation procedure)

3) Run Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA once before continuing,

4) Make a folder named "@DayZ" in your Arma 2 directory.

5) Inside "@DayZ" folder create another folder named "Addons". It should look like this: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@DayZ\Addons

6) Unpack all DayZ Mod files in the "@DayZ\Addons" folder. (download here http://armafiles.info/dayz/ )

7) Right click on arma2oa.exe and select "create shortcut"

8) Right click on the shortcut you just created and click properties

9) Add "-mod=@dayz" without the quotes to the target line. Should look like this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -mod=@DayZ

10) Run the newly created shortcut and make sure you see @DayZ on the right-hand side of the Arma 2:OA main menu

Hope this helps.

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Weird... My file location is

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

Instead of: C:\Program Files \arma 2\Bohemia Interactive\@DayZ\Addons

And after following all the steps and copy + paste into the target line all I get it is:

The name '-mod=@dayz' specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path and file name are correct.

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I installed mine on a different drive and mine looks like this.

D:\Program Files 2.0\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons

Is this correct?

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if you are still getting the error about not having the files, copy all files from the arma 2 > addons folder into the @dayz> addons folder and try again

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I found the solution!!!

Vendetta' date=' your "solution" is just a recap of steps 7-9 in this post and on the main install thread. In fact the thread you linked to, links back here and asks the OP not to spam. However, since there seems to be some confusion, I edited steps 7-9 to be as crystal clear as possible.

if you are still getting the error about not having the files, copy all files from the arma 2 > addons folder into the @dayz> addons folder and try again

mrjames5768, that is just a jury-rigged work around for the real problem and will actually break ArmA 2 if the user moves the files, and take up extra disc space if the user copies them. Still I suppose it could work if you're tired of fixing a bad install.

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The reason why I posted that is because people were having the same problem as me, "Target could not be found".

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Step 2. The link is broken and I can't patch to 1.60. Everything is in place but I am running the wrong version. Any help with that link?

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I keep getting told even though i did everything by the steps that i am missing files that are in the game already. Like CAbuildingparts for Dayz_code

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Shit when I installed my game I didn't know OA had to be in the same directory. Can I just drag the OA folder into the original Arma II folder?

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Ok, hopefully this will help some of you. As far as I can tell, the Amazon copies have issues recognising that they are Combined Operations (CO), so when you try to load up DayZ it thinks that you only own ArmA2:OA, not CO. I ran into a bit of bother with this installation and ended up needing to download ArmA2:CO twice from Amazon, hopefully someone else can learn from my mistakes.

First thing I would be doing is copying your ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA install folders onto an external HDD or flash drive, just in case it all goes tits up and you need to start from scratch. Amazon dropped both install folders directly to my desktop by default, I didn't get a choice where they went.

Second thing is, once you've put a copy on an external source, drag both install folders into the same directory. Mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive (You will probably need to start a new folder in Program Files and name it 'Bohemia Interactive'). Once they are in there, open your ArmA2 install folder and double click on the Setup icon (I don't want to tell people how to suck eggs, but I tried this install a few different ways and this specific method is the only one that worked for me). When I installed it to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2 folder it didn't work properly for some reason, so make sure that you install it to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive (or whatever directory you have chosen) directory. Once installed, a dialogue box will ask if you want to launch ArmA2, click OK and once it has booted up successfully, exit.

Third, go into the Operation Arrowhead folder, which will be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive, and double click the Setup icon. You want to install OA exactly the same as you installed the ArmA2 files. Make sure that they are in the SAME DIRECTORY (C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive). Once installed you will again be given the option of launching, click OK. ArmA2:OA will boot up and you SHOULD see and ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA icons in the bottom left corner of the OA menu screen. I'm no expert, but as far as I can tell, this indicates that the game has recognised that it is part of the CO pack, not just an individual game.

Once it has been established that you have CO, not just OA, you can proceed as normal with the mod installation. I did everything else from here on in as is described in the OP. As previously stated, I tried installing these files a couple of different ways and this is the only way that actually worked. It is ABSOLUTELY KEY that your games are in the SAME DIRECTORY. If you are in doubt as to whether or not it is recognising that you own CO, launch OA and look for the ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA icons in the bottom left corner of the OA menu.

If you are still getting errors after all of that, then I don't know what the problem is. This is the only method that worked for me, but if it doesn't work for you then unfortunately I can't help you. As a quick aside, I found both the ArmA2 launcher and Six Updater programmes to be quite useful. They're not essential, but they do make the update and launching of the mod a bit easier.

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I have the Amazon version and I'm playing with these steps:

1- Install Arma 2

2- Update Arma 2 - (ARMA2 Patch 1.11)


3 - Install Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead

4 - Update Operation Arrowhead - (ARMA 2: Combined Operations / Operation Arrowhead / Reinforcements Patch 1.60)

5 - Run both

6- Install DayZ

7- Use this .exe to play as COMBINED OPERATION


I download this exe from the original arma 2 forum and edited to launch the mod.

Really hope it works for you guys.

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If anyone else is getting issues with the Amazon version, here's what I did to fix it. Even when I followed most steps pretty close, I was getting issues with the beta patch.

- I first uninstalled OA, then ArmA2, then both BattleEye installs

- Installed ArmA2, played to the menu screen, exited

- Installed ArmA2 1.11 patch*

- Installed ArmA2 OA, played to the menu screen, exited

- Installed ArmA2 1.60 patch*

- Installed DayZ, enabled in menu

- Installed latest OA beta patch, ran just fine

* - I tried this process both with, and without the patches. For some reason if I omitted either one of them, I got the oddest of errors when trying to play the beta, and installing them afterwards didn't seem to actually do anything. This is after probably 4-5 attempts with the install.

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