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Instead of whining about the mod...

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About every 30 seconds, I see a post like this....


OK, not ALL of them are like this, and I don't see them every 30 seconds. Yet this is what sums up what most posts like this look like. So, instead of raging about how buggy and bad the mod is (no, I don't think the mod is bad, and for god's sake it is in alpha). I would like to gather commuity together for a big thanks to rocket and the whole dayz team. Just leave a reply to show how much we really love this mod. I think dayz deserves it.

Thanks rocket/dayz team!

I edited this because people don't want to give beans, it was just an option, gess.

Edited by Copper10
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whats wrong with you? you dont wanna thank the developers for all the hard work they put into this mod for me and you?

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This all seems like a clever ploy to get beans.......and I'm VERY protective of my beans. Seriously though, I agree with you. But this is the internet after all, and sometimes people write things out of anger/spite/whathaveyou. So, for what it's worth, thanks to Rocket, the entire deveopment team, and the support team ( as well as the official forum staff for putting up with our nonsense all the time) for all the hard work you guys do.

(P.S. You're still not getting my beans.....I'm watching you...)

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This all seems like a clever ploy to get beans.......and I'm VERY protective of my beans. Seriously though, I agree with you. But this is the internet after all, and sometimes people write things out of anger/spite/whathaveyou. So, for what it's worth, thanks to Rocket, the entire deveopment team, and the support team ( as well as the official forum staff for putting up with our nonsense all the time) for all the hard work you guys do.

(P.S. You're still not getting my beans.....I'm watching you...)

Lol, I love the way you put that :)

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