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make zombies slower

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not like super slow but slow enough to be able to shoot them i mean the way it is now you can barely see them move

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Yea I have to say they are a blur right now...at least give them a speed that can be tracked with iron sights.

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Zombies can be tracked with iron sights... consider not carrying a sniper rifle through close quarters. Iron sights were designed with long-range shooting accuracy in mind. This is fact.

Also, B00tsy's right. Once the Zed runs up to you, it'll stop to flail around in attempt to give you a smack... if you're smart about it, you can take advantage of this little glitch.

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I think we could better judge the zombie speeds once the latency issues are resolved. It doesn't help that there's a lengthy delay from when the game registers your hits. Also I keep having zombies run past me for about 30 feet and then magically warp right next to me to begin their buffet meal. And lets not also forget that there are a few more zombies than anticipated in this build I believe, so you have that coming into effect too.

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if they ran right at me i wouldnt have a problem but they always run off like 90 degrees then come round and i suck at shooting from the side :D

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I would like to see zombies move a bit slower or at least not do that crazy 90 degree angle trick. Yeah, if the zombie was intelligent, that's a great little tactic. It's not.

Right now if you're outside and attacked by several zombies your best bet is to run to the nearest house and fight them there. It's very difficult to pick off zombies before they reach you and start swinging.

For me it's not about making the game easier. I think it would be satisfying if I could kill more zombies without using that goofy forced-indoor-zombie-walk thing. Add more zombie spawns to keep things difficult.

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I would like to see zombies move a bit slower or at least not do that crazy 90 degree angle trick. Yeah' date=' if the zombie was intelligent, that's a great little tactic. It's not.

Right now if you're outside and attacked by several zombies your best bet is to run to the nearest house and fight them there. It's very difficult to pick off zombies before they reach you and start swinging.

For me it's not about making the game easier. I think it would be satisfying if I could kill more zombies without using that goofy forced-indoor-zombie-walk thing. Add more zombie spawns to keep things difficult.


Totally agreed.

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Crawlers, Hoppers should stay as they are, but Walkers should immediately start sprinting when they detect you. They should be "Walking" like a walker. And if they get close to attack you they should do more damage to make up for the slower walking speed, b/c if u allow them to get that close u deserve to be hurt.

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Slow them down both in terms of general mobility, but also slow down their animations. It looks like they're running in fast forward. Or like they're in some silent movie from 1910.

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So many people complaining that the game is too hard......learn how to play

There are already some zombie types that move slow and some that move fast

I think zombies are work perfectly as they are

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I'll say that I think they are a little warpy...

And yes, it's a game, L2P and so forth... But they don't seem to be moving fast. Like someone said, they seem to move at well, suspension of disbelief breaking speeds. They could just as well teleport, for how it often looks. Maybe it's server lag. My ping is always 75-120 or so.


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So many people complaining that the game is too hard......learn how to play

There are already some zombie types that move slow and some that move fast

I think zombies are work perfectly as they are

Learn how to play? Seriously?

The zombies are broken as hell right now. You have to use a few mags to kill a few of them because of their shit ass Zig-Zag.

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The AI definitely needs to be cleaned up. I dislike that they zigzag, but I can get over that. What really bothers me is how they pop through walls, teleport around the player, and sprint like Olympic athletes.

Slow them down about 25-50% and have them take much more body damage. A headshot should be what puts them down.

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The speed isn't the problem, it's their lack of acceleration from a standstill, and how they can turn on a dime that's the real issue here. If there was even a fraction of time where they had to gain full momentum it would be a lot better.

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They are far to twitchy at the moment, it's next to impossible to hit a running zombie until their right in your face. Slowing them down would make their moment a lot smoother.

I think make them slow like classic zombies, but body shots do FAR less damage than headshots (which would balance out their slowness). They would also need to give up following you eventually as well though, or they would end up walking across the entire map to chase some guy that drove by hours ago :P

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I would like to see zombies move a bit slower or at least not do that crazy 90 degree angle trick. Yeah' date=' if the zombie was intelligent, that's a great little tactic. It's not.

Right now if you're outside and attacked by several zombies your best bet is to run to the nearest house and fight them there. It's very difficult to pick off zombies before they reach you and start swinging.

For me it's not about making the game easier. I think it would be satisfying if I could kill more zombies without using that goofy forced-indoor-zombie-walk thing. Add more zombie spawns to keep things difficult.


totally agreed !

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Absolutely slow down the zombies. This has nothing to with making the game less difficult, it's easy enough as it is, but right now the zombie speed is totally immersion breaking. They just don't act like you would expect "real" zombies to behave.

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not like super slow but slow enough to be able to shoot them i mean the way it is now you can barely see them move

No. Don't pull aggro. Players that are loud and stupid deserve the horde.

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So many people complaining that the game is too hard......learn how to play

There are already some zombie types that move slow and some that move fast

I think zombies are work perfectly as they are

Rofl..You really think they work perfectly fine? Why don't we make them into torpedoes instead and make them blow anything up on impact..That fine with you too?

Seriously though, you are one easy man to please. Everyone agrees that the zeds in their current state are very broken and should be priority #1 IMO.

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So many people complaining that the game is too hard......learn how to play

There are already some zombie types that move slow and some that move fast

I think zombies are work perfectly as they are

Rofl..You really think they work perfectly fine? Why don't we make them into torpedoes instead and make them blow anything up on impact..That fine with you too?

Seriously though' date=' you are one easy man to please. Everyone agrees that the zeds in their current state are very broken and should be priority #1 IMO.


They're broken, but their speed is not the issue, it's their jittery-ness, their glitching through walls and doors, their zig-zagging and their instant acceleration that is the problem.

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This isn't Left 4 Dead. I don't think a survivor should just be able to plant himself and mow down the totally linear stream of zombies heading toward him.

Zombies are supposed to act like animals, and their act of running around and circling to the side to attack you is great. It's like predatory instinct, and in a zombie apocalypse they're supposed to be the apex predators above man.

Forcing the survivor to run is a good thing, forcing them to pick smarter places to fight, like choke points, or rely on others to help pick off zombies chasing them is a good thing. As it stands now, you can still fight off a big horde if you're smart and if you're good, but you can't just flip on full auto and mow down the neat row of zombies standing before you.

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if they were all slow then the game wouldn't be challenging at all, I think have runners and shamblers, mix it up a bit.

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The speed is fine. The real problems with the zed behaviour is the lagging/warping through walls and the massive kill-delay.

The "zig-zag" nature of their path-finding is a bit extreme sometimes, but it definitely keeps the game challenging.

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The speed is fine. The real problems with the zed behaviour is the lagging/warping through walls and the massive kill-delay.

The "zig-zag" nature of their path-finding is a bit extreme sometimes' date=' but it definitely keeps the game challenging.


I am, for the record, all for fixing magical warping/clipping through walls zombies. That shit's got to go.

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