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make zombies slower

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First of all, english is not my first language so please excuse grotesque errors.

i've registered on this forum specifically to make two suggestions that i think should be priorities.

One of those two suggestions are about moving speed. Ill try post here if i don´t get enough feedback i may create a new topic.

- Rebalance in Zoombies vs Player Speed.

run has a MASSIVE importance in survival. If stealth fails in the middle of a zed filled zone, you need to get the hell out of there.

Arma II has already (kind of) a simulation of stamina and running speed. The more equiped you are, the lesser your initial sprint will last.

Have you guys noticed that? If you are in a rest state and start to run, initially you'll get really fast on a sprint rythmn, but will quickly slow down to the jogging rythm that has the exact same speed of the zeds.

In the original arma, the more gear you have, the lesser your initial sprint would last.

I think this gear vs speed vs sprint characteristic of the game should be explored to rebalance the game.

My proposal is.

Ammount of gear affect not only the sprint time, but the jogging velocity.

Zombies are regular people, like farmers, officeworkers, fat guys, grannys and skinny weak guys, they should not only be slow on they original human ways, they should even be slower in a putrid decomposing/sick state, this mean they should in a normal condition against you run much slower.

In the other hand however, even if by nature a zoombie is supposed to be slower than a healthy adult man like our chars, there isn´t a single human that can run properly carrying over 20kg of equipment. This is the balance factor i would like to add:

a 100% healthy and rested char should run (jog, not sprint) at, lets say, a 100 speed (10km/h with a precision decimal.). A average zombie should rund as low as, idk, 80~85 speed. This would need experimentantion, i get the feeling, in pratical for a more dramatic effect, this could be increased to over 90, but i believe a healthy human should run indeed much faster, problem isn´t really when you are healthy, but when you are cold, sick and with bloody loss. in this situation your speed would drop close to the zoombie speed, or even lesser! A certain death! Extra carefull would be needed and could even change the whole experience of infiltrating cities if you are hurt. An stamina meter/system should also be interesting to help control run speed, but i understand that would be far more complex and hard to implement, so leave it for now.

THE BALANCE FACTOR: The nice dynamic point in this apart from healthy is that this 100 speed is achieved with the regular inventory filled with an empty bag. Every slot of a bag, should decrease the speed by a (again, just especulating, needs experimentation) 2 increment, so with a starter 8 slot bag, if it gets full, you run at only 84 speed, a zoobie at 9.0 km/h will eventually catch you. (but not instantly, you still have the sprint bonus a zoombie SHOULDNT have) the sprint should be around 50 or 80% extra your average speed and last for around 20 seconds with a full 8 slots bags, so you gain some space before getting tired and needed to start jogging. The sprint could (and should) also be influentieted by your tiredness and load status, and in a case of a broken bone, be removed alltogether. Personally i think a broken bone shouldn´t penalize much in the JOGING speed, but just remove the sprint hability completely.

So, to add another VERY interesting factor on this rebalance of running/walking speed, i sugest a sinple script/shortcut to be added: DROP YOUR BACKPACK WHILE RUNNING, INSTANTLY INCREASING YOUR EFFECTIVE JOGGING SPEED.

Sounds easy to you? Do you realize how hard itll be to find your bag if you are in the middle of a field and needed to run over a kilomter till gettint rid of the zoombies? We will start seeing lost bangs with some nice prizes everywhere! YAY!

I should add that all negative effects on character should drastically decrease ones ability to run. The new "flu" module, low blood and a broken bone for instance.

I believe this changes are't actually hard to script, however, lots of experimentation should be done for an actually realistic, yet balanced experience.


I like hardcore and realistic experiencies, but more to the REALISTIC side, than to extreme hardcore. "ASIAN LEVEL", where you are in extremely disavantage in a just gratuituos way, without realism, just so you can get fucked up and need to spend hours "training", isn´t my type of gameplay. I just like, BALANCED realism, wiht a good amount of challange.

Well, but that is just me.

But i would like to add that a perfect 'realism simulation' engine isn´t possible so concessions, need to be made, and making a wise decision about realism vs limitation vs advantages should be well studied.

For example, imagine if IRL you were running from a couple of zombies chasing you, in the game, currently there is no way you can actually kill then properly. You need to exploit glitches of the nature of the game engine, like climbing ladders and hill or going into water. barricades doesn't work. In real life tough, if you were in the same situation, running desperately from a couple of unrational zoombies at THE SAME SPEED OF you, if you had a handgun you could just try and shoot back, single handade, without the need to stop, and would eventually hit without so much difficulty as an irrational zoombie wouldnt try to avoid being targeted at. However, in this game, stoping, turning around, and waiting to enter iron sigth mode, will pretty much assure you a 2~3 hit by the zoombies, witch can be pretty much fatal. Zoombies running slower is a intereting and not unrealistic way to BALANCE that.

That is for my suggestion on "running and zoombie speed rebalance".

(offtopic, my other critical suggestion/critic, would be to zoombies NOT SPAWNING in the zone a player is. Don´t get me wrong, i love LOTS of zoombies, but currently spawns are just plain ridiculous, i don´t even bother wasting ammunition to kill a couple of zombies, because i know anytime more zombies could spawn right in front of me and f*** me for good. This could be balanced by increasing spawns on the peripherical zone of cities or sectores where there are players in, and script then to walk in direction of the player, but well, that is other topic).

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