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Fraggle (DayZ)

Weapon condition/degredation


47 members have voted

  1. 1. Should weapons degrade with use?

    • No, I love it how it is thanks.Stop trying to change things!
    • Hmmm, it could work but would need alot of work do do it right.
    • Wow, I can't believe it isn't already in the game! Who ever thought of this should be Rockets right-hand man!

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I did a search and didn't see anyhthing realted specifically to this so apologies if it's already done the rounds.

I see a lot of posts wanting to make military weapons rarer or civilian stuff more common and so on.

I'd like a system to be implemented where your boom-stick has a percentage value attached for it's condition. As it degrades it becomes less reliable/jams ect. It worked really well in STALKER and a few other games and I think it could add to this one. Discuss.

If a weapon degraded with use, then it may have the nice effect of making people a bit less trigger happy.

Also of course there would be ways of maintaining your weapon, maybe needing a toolbox/oil spare parts and so on...

Edited by Fraggle

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This definately needs to be added, maybe it isn't viable at the moment with the engine but maybe when it goes standalone, this would be a great addition!

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Oh god have mercy, never do this!

It always ends up like Dead-goddamn-Rising when a baseball bat will last 10 swings or a pistol will break after 20 shots.

In real life, for example an AK can last YEARS even if it's treated like absolute SHIT, in water and mud constantly etc.

I don't think it's a good idea IMO and if it was implemented realistically we wouldn't play long enough to notice :)

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for example an AK can last YEARS even if it's treated like absolute SHIT, in water and mud constantly etc.

Exactly, an AK.

Try to do the same with M4A1, that thing will blow up in your hands after a week.

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Oh god have mercy, never do this!

It always ends up like Dead-goddamn-Rising when a baseball bat will last 10 swings or a pistol will break after 20 shots.

In real life, for example an AK can last YEARS even if it's treated like absolute SHIT, in water and mud constantly etc.

I don't think it's a good idea IMO and if it was implemented realistically we wouldn't play long enough to notice :)

Maybe some guns could be more hardy than others. An AK could last you ages, a top notch sniper rifle would take some maintenance.

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I did a search and didn't see anyhthing realted specifically to this so apologies if it's already done the rounds.

I see a lot of posts wanting to make military weapons rarer or civilian stuff more common and so on.

I'd like a system to be implemented where your boom-stick has a percentage value attached for it's condition. As it degrades it becomes less reliable/jams ect. It worked really well in STALKER and a few other games and I think it could add to this one. Discuss.

If a weapon degraded with use, then it may have the nice effect of making people a bit less trigger happy.

Also of course there would be ways of maintaining your weapon, maybe needing a toolbox/oil spare parts and so on...

May i present you: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/23253-different-spin-on-weapon-maintenance/ :)

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Exactly, an AK.

Try to do the same with M4A1, that thing will blow up in your hands after a week.

Well it's nice to see that people who don't know what they're talking about make it so very obvious.

Yes, one of the most prolific combat weapons of our time will "blow up in your hands" after a week of use. Countries around the world send their combat troops out with a rifle that will last for less time than their boots. Absurd.

In truth though, I would like to see weapons found in different conditions, instead of degrading over time. In reality, no weapon in DayZ is going to be fired enough to show any sort of appreciable difference in performance. M16-family rifle barrels are good for about 5,000 rounds, AK-family rifle barrels are good for more than you could ever shoot through it (something like 25-30,000 rounds). It would be nice if weapons were spawned in with a "good, bad or ugly" condition, changing accuracy, power, maybe reliability.

Edited by Mooseocalypse

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Well it's nice to see that people who don't know what they're talking about make it so very obvious.

Yes, one of the most prolific combat weapons of our time will "blow up in your hands" after a week of use. Countries around the world send their combat troops out with a rifle that will last for less time than their boots. Absurd.

In truth though, I would like to see weapons found in different conditions, instead of degrading over time. In reality, no weapon in DayZ is going to be fired enough to show any sort of appreciable difference in performance. M16-family rifles are good for about 5,000 rounds, AK-family rifles are good for more than you could ever shoot through it (something like 25-30,000 rounds). It would be nice if weapons were spawned in with a "good, bad or ugly" condition, changing accuracy, power, maybe reliability.

Actually, I really like that idea. So if you find an AK in a crappy condition then thats just how it is. I think anything like this would really mix it up a bit.

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Plenty of threads on weapon maintenance already; I think it would be cool for sure, but I'm happy waiting for Rocket to finish up whatever he's up to before he decides to add in new features.

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Plenty of threads on weapon maintenance already; I think it would be cool for sure, but I'm happy waiting for Rocket to finish up whatever he's up to before he decides to add in new features.

Agreed, just putting it out there bro.

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Well it's nice to see that people who don't know what they're talking about make it so very obvious.

Yes, one of the most prolific combat weapons of our time will "blow up in your hands" after a week of use. Countries around the world send their combat troops out with a rifle that will last for less time than their boots. Absurd.

In truth though, I would like to see weapons found in different conditions, instead of degrading over time. In reality, no weapon in DayZ is going to be fired enough to show any sort of appreciable difference in performance. M16-family rifle barrels are good for about 5,000 rounds, AK-family rifle barrels are good for more than you could ever shoot through it (something like 25-30,000 rounds). It would be nice if weapons were spawned in with a "good, bad or ugly" condition, changing accuracy, power, maybe reliability.

The barrel may take 5000 rounds (i would imagine maybe even more) but it's the other parts that are breaking/malfunctioning way before that with M16 family.

AK's are built with less parts, and bigger parts, therefore when you put the rifle to use it's crude (compared to m16), but also has less potential to malfunction. M16 is more accurate, and when is functioning it's absolute pleasure to shoot, and works like clockwork (a lot of small parts, tightly fit, opposed to AK style of large parts having lots of space around)

I agree that it would be great to have conditions in the rifles, say if the server has rain on it, you get that rifle wet and condition is ugly, if its sun shining the rifle is good, if fog its bad. (according to your condition meter :))

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I like the idea of having to maintain your weapons. Yep. I enjoyed it in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. too.

I think if it were to be implemented it would have to be done very carefully and as simply as possible. An increase in the probability of a weapon jamming if it isn't maintained regularly perhaps?

A clean weapon is a happy weapon!

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The barrel may take 5000 rounds (i would imagine maybe even more) but it's the other parts that are breaking/malfunctioning way before that with M16 family.

AK's are built with less parts, and bigger parts, therefore when you put the rifle to use it's crude (compared to m16), but also has less potential to malfunction. M16 is more accurate, and when is functioning it's absolute pleasure to shoot, and works like clockwork (a lot of small parts, tightly fit, opposed to AK style of large parts having lots of space around)

I agree that it would be great to have conditions in the rifles, say if the server has rain on it, you get that rifle wet and condition is ugly, if its sun shining the rifle is good, if fog its bad. (according to your condition meter :))

The AR platform can go for thousands of rounds as long as you have lube in the BCG. Most people who think "M16s are crap!" have no idea of what they speak. A chomed BGC and chromed chamber/barrel will last you a long time, I do not think any survior is hitting the multi thousand rounds in a single weapon for this to be a problem.

However, the LMGs on the other hand... Them 240s are not fun.

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The AR platform can go for thousands of rounds as long as you have lube in the BCG. Most people who think "M16s are crap!" have no idea of what they speak. A chomed BGC and chromed chamber/barrel will last you a long time, I do not think any survior is hitting the multi thousand rounds in a single weapon for this to be a problem.

However, the LMGs on the other hand... Them 240s are not fun.

From personal experience, and experience of those close to me who served in US military (be it Marines or Army Rangers), M16 platform has still major drawbacks, as i mentioned above. The tightly fit small components cause issues when exposed to external elements such as small grained sand (not applicable in Chernarus, i know) and require good amount of lubing.

As a good buddy of mine called it out, i feel very appropriately "AK is your 'biker chick', and M16 is the 'prom queen'".

Yes, M16's are far from what they used to be in Vietnam era, where it was constant failure, they have been improved greatly. However, their drawback is their bonus, unsurpassed accuracy and recoil, at a price of potential jam due to tightly jammed together small components

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man i'd like to see something like the fallout new Vegas gun weapon system crossed possibly with the stalker system that my friend would kick ass

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Rocket stated this will be in the stand alone, or that he wants it there anyway

Check the Reddit IAMA for this!

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