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Worst heli crash site loot ever?

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I was doing some exploring today, and had my happiest moment ever in this game. Off in the distance, I spotted a glorious helicopter crash site. As I ran towards this amazing site, I began wondering what I would find in it. A FN FAL? A ghillie Suit? I was sorely disappointed however. Upon reaching it I was set upon by about 7 zombies, which I dealt with easily. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I ran down the hill, only to find an empty soda can, a M203 flash grenade, and an AKM mag. And then more zombies spawned and ate me. I have not had a good day. Anyone else find terrible loot in a helicopter?

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Sounds like you were beaten to it.

I had a similar experience apart from the only crash site I've ever found except that I saw a Bizon, NVG's and some other bits. The only problem was, I couldn't pick them up. Tried everything until I rage-quit.

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Also, don't shoot the bloody zombies. You can sneak through them with minimal effort.

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Lucky to actually found something. All the crash sites I chanced upon have been empty so far.

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Sounds about right. We found one last night, just when we were convinced it was completely picked clean I happened across an L85A2. Whoever took the rest of the loot missed it, sad for them.

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I found a heli crash with only ammo cans(all 7.62), and I had a cco, so it was completely useless to me.

Edited by Orthus

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The thing I find odd about crash sites is that the loot wont respawn, yet the zombies will. There should be some sort of indication that it is empty, or a new one should spawn when one is emptied.

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The thing I find odd about crash sites is that the loot wont respawn, yet the zombies will. There should be some sort of indication that it is empty, or a new one should spawn when one is emptied.

not that hard to crawl up and look though is it? i'd quite like to see crash site zombies permanently spawned (or spawn from a much greater distance) as it would make looting crash sites that little bit more sketchy!

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People get excited from finding FN-FALs?

I go, "Oh fuck me, another FN-FAL."

Seriously, I've ran into like 3 at the same helicopter site. Fucking FN FALs. GIVE ME A MACHINE GUN.

Edited by Ywain
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Heli loot can be only one gun + ammo box. We found 2 last night with a bizon sd and nvgs, Then fn fal with nvg's. Loot can also appear slightly under the heli. Me n my bud found a dmr at one. Already had a m24 so i left it. Against what my brain was telling me i went back. Found a m249 SAW tucked under the left side of the nose. Jackpot ! A good tactic is to lie down and roll around like a fool to flatten the grass. Making it easyer to spot the loot.

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I've yet to see a heli crash, so I guess that is unlucky on my part. The first one I do find I will prob be sniper bait anyhow.

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Worst loot I ever found on an heli was nothing. Either that or I couldn't find the bloody things in the grass as it was night, but I came in and out with nothing to show.

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I've yet to see a heli crash, so I guess that is unlucky on my part. The first one I do find I will prob be sniper bait anyhow.

Yea thats how I feel about crash sites too. Yet to find one, fully expecting to die when I do.

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That's funny, the other day I came across a crash site with an FN FAL, 2 FAL mags, and a medical box. An hour later I came across another crash site with an M14 and TWO FALs.

A few weeks ago I came across a crash site with an L85 AWS, M249 with 3 box mags, and an FAL.

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Sounds about right. We found one last night, just when we were convinced it was completely picked clean I happened across an L85A2. Whoever took the rest of the loot missed it, sad for them.

But L85A2's were removed several patches ago?

Edit: Wiki confirms it was a misshap. Interesting.

Edited by Haliber

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I found a crash site with 6 FALs and 12 mags.


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Two Lee Enfileds with no ammo.

Then spent 20 minutes crawling back to the tree-line as there was no way of knowing for far away, or near, whoever had go to the heli first was, so I was NOT going to risk firing at a zed.

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worst loot i ever found, raw meat a banadgae and a crossbow ... then i suddenly found a stong desire to get the hell out of there

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I found about 15 to 20 heli crash sites in my DayZ experience. Most of them had bad stuff/had already been looted, only found one set of NVGs, a couple million FN FALs, 5 bizon SDs, 3 m14s, 2 m107s, and medical supplies, none of the legendary crash site weapons like FN FAL with NV, L85, etc.

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